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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. UV and Infrared are at opposite ends of the light spectrum, which do you want?
  2. Two years ago I had one eye done in Sanpatong hospital for 23000 baht. This included 2 nights stay in hospital (unnecessary in my view) and a followup examination one month later. This compares with "approx 100000baht" in Suan Dok and 120000 in St. Peter's
  3. I use both Hang Dong and Sanpatong P.O.s regularly for registered Air Mail. I have yet to be asked for any form of I.D.
  4. My grandweans all speak excellent English but are confused by technical terms. I have to be careful to use pedantically correct English to them, no reverting to my native Ayrshire dialect although wife Who spent 25 years in Scotland understands me.
  5. In five years a vacant piece of land near me has become so overgrown with self sown trees that some are already 3 metres tall and the bushy undergrowth is do dense that it needs a brushcutter just to walk through it. Think what can happen in 15 years. Al least plant some fruit trees, their shade will stifle a lot of unwanted growth.
  6. Proper Italian.
  7. Every year between Christmas and New Year I take Grandweans out shopping and then to eat. Last year they wanted Shabu, before that, Sushi. This year they want Pizza. My preferred choice of restaurant closed during the Pandemic and has not reopened. Recommendation please for a good quality,not junk, Pizza in Muang Chiang mai or not far outside.
  8. He is skating on very thin ice. I hope his life insurance is up to date
  9. Not to forget the Arabic "Bangzib"
  10. I come from a farming district. It is normal when selling beasts at auction, to put a reserve, i.e minimum acceptable price on the item(s) for sale. If the highest bid does not meet this expected price, then no sale. I can recall many occasions over the years when livestock was returned to the farm unsold.
  11. What is a "P" trap?
  12. The floor drain in one of our bathrooms is emitting a stale smell. It is the room attached to our guest bedroom and is used infrequently so I suspect that it is caused by old water lying in it. I have put some caustic soda solution and later a lot of very hot water down it. This has improved things a lot but not completely eliminated the smell. Suggestions and/or recommendations please to eradicated the smell.
  13. Don't bother trying to grow any temperate vegetables. I tried it by getting seeds sent to me from a reputable seed merchant in the south of england. They germinated and grew well but none set seed. I suspect that the local pollinating insects could not recognise them. Stick to local vegetables.
  14. Thank you
  15. I was about to make the same comment, but you bet me to it!
  16. Thank you, I intended to point out that I am near Chiang mai
  17. Thank you. I am a long way from any Tops but Next time in the city.
  18. Where please?
  19. I have been unable to find a new bottle. No luck in any Big C, Makro, Lotus or Rimping. No even in Green's. Has any member seen it on sale anywhere?
  20. I shop a lot at local fresh markets. I cannot imagine the vendors accepting any thing other than cash. Also, I have been often been frustrated in supermarkets when the customer ahead of me tries to pay by using some application on a"smart" phone and repeatedly cannot get it to work, while the neighbouring queue uses cash and clears about 3 customers while I wait.
  21. I only want to cut 2 tiles.
  22. Recommend me a tool shop in Chiang mai where I can buy an attachment to take tile cutting wheel.
  23. Granddaughter wants to go back to university tomorrow, but all the buses to Chiangrai are fully booked. I will need to drive her
  24. Winter will be on a Tuesday this year.
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