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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. A superb dram, but where can I buy it in Chiang mai?
  2. Just confirm your PS. My wife has her Thai Passport in her Thai name, but her UK one in mine.
  3. A few small roaches have appeared in the kitchen. Wife and Sister-in-law being Buddhist refuse to let me kill them, they must be caught and dumped outside. I have tried to deter them by washing floors and the like with dilute Dettol, then vinegar and finally bleach. All have failed. Recommend a non-lethal chemical which will keep them away.
  4. Maybole


    Panic over. Jo's Bakery has resumed normal production. Alles in ordnung ist.
  5. I had that happen to me many years ago on a train to Butterworth, en route to Singapore. I had just finished a meal in the restaurant carriage, and a man with an American accent sat down opposite me and started a conversation. He drank three large beers in quick succession and as we drew into Had Yai station excused himself to urinate. As the train pulled out again I saw him on the platform waving to me.
  6. Two suggestions for out of town visits:- Wat Umong and Sankampaeng Hot Spring.
  7. Making a vice illegal only drives it underground. This results in further abuses. Legalizing and strict enforcement of laws reduces crime considerably. As an aside, every Friday night in a room behind our village shop a card school convenes and is ignored by all.
  8. Please explain what a @moving blanket@ is. Is is an exclusively American term?
  9. Go to Google maps, centre it on the village and from the "nearby" button select "Hotels"
  10. Its not the chicken(s) that bother me, its a damned Koel that starts calling at 4am!
  11. Maybole


    Mystery solved. Fakmoo "ฝักหมู" is a Chiang mai dialect word for ฟักเขียว which translates as "Green Squash"
  12. Getting rid of the evidence?
  13. It has always puzzled me why a bus company cannot set up a battery exchange at each end of a route. the batteries could be on trolleys and slid under the bus and exchanged for the depleted one which could then be recharged.
  14. Maybole


    I have tried, using flour and yeast from Rimping, but cannot get it to rise properly.
  15. Maybole


    I cannot find a precise thread for this. I am posting in Chiang mai because I want local knowledge only. My regular source of Wholemeal bread has had to stop production, hopefully temporarily, and I am finding it difficult to get proper European style wholemeal bread. Makro and Big C only sell Thai bread which is far too sweet for my taste, Nana and Rimping are usually sold out before I can get there. Recommendations please for a European style bakery, preferably to the south side of Chiang mai.
  16. So do a lot of English who still think they have an empire.
  17. Maybole


    It is a hard smooth skinned spherical fruit like a very big Granny Smith.
  18. Maybole


    Name in English please. Sister-in-law was cooking this vegetable today but could not tell me what it is. In Thai it is "ฝักหมู" which Google tells me means "pork pod". This makes no sense. Does an English language name exist? Caution! It may not be Thai but a Lanna dialect name.
  19. On Highway 108 just south of Big C 2 and on the west side of the road (copied from Google Maps) 18 .666642288714826, 98.91147365336523 ) this place has ready-made doors which may be adjusted to fit.
  20. Back in Scotland I had a Discovery apple tree. It took 15 years of growth before it suddenly started to produce a large crop. The fruits were delicious and I sent half a dozen to my grandchildren in Chiang mai. I was immediately ordered to send more and I eventually sent 6 Kg in 2 batches. Sadly I no longer have access to them and my attempt to grow trees in Thailand have failed miserably. PS. Discovery apples do not keep well.
  21. This is not carelessness. Police all over the word have a mindset that they they are always right and that all of the public are criminals.
  22. The days are gone when a woman needed a man to survive. An intelligent woman has no need of a man. If an intelligent woman wants a baby she can go to a sperm bank, study the profiles and make her choice. In 50 years men will be redundant.
  23. And I believe that the Loch Ness Monster is real!
  24. Nobody in my village wears a mask ,however the local 7eleven (2km away) still requires it and at the bank today the "security guard" would not let me in without one.
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