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Everything posted by Maybole

  1. I am expecting an new UK Passport any day soon. It is possible that it will not have a letter asking for a transfer of stamps. Chiang mai Immigration supply an application form which is to be filled in by the applicant. Will this be enough, or, will I need to get a special letter from UK Embassy in Bangkok. How do I get that letter?
  2. That's it exactly. Thank you all.
  3. Just outside my garden wall is a big tree which is shedding fruit all over the road and sometimes over the wall into my garden. It appears to be a type of citrus, the fruits having yellow rind and red flesh and a taste like a grapefruit. They range in size from big orange to grapefruit. Wife names them as Graton (กระท้อน) but I cannot find any name in English. Nor does Google Translate help. it merely gives a letter by letter transliteration. Would any more informed member give me a name. even a scientific name would help
  4. In the early 1980s. I travelled on Gulfair from London to Bahrain. Some few rows behind me a woman kept up a persistent coughing, sneezing and sniffling all through the flight. 3 days later I came down with severe cold and the next edition of Gulf News reported a severe respiratory epidemic had spread through the Island. It may have been a coincidence but with hindsight maybe a mask might have prevented it. The air inside an aircraft is recycled every few minutes and the purification systems are not designed to catch germs. Wear your mask if asked.
  5. I visited 2 banks, PEA, a BigC, a 7Eleven and a fresh market today, all insisted that I wear a mask.
  6. The regulations are there but the enforcement is not!
  7. ThailandPost registered is totally reliable. If time is not a factor consider sending slowly deteriorating goods by sea mail it is much cheaper. Ignore DHL.
  8. I thought all cars have vindscreen vipers.
  9. This is old news. I recall working in Malaysia in the 80s and being warned that some monkeys can carry malaria.
  10. My wife and her relatives do not like to walk anywhere. they will always call me to go to a shop or drive one of them a few hundred metres. I bought 14 year old granddaughter a bicycle so that she could go for her own ice cream or other goodies, She ignores it and wants me or her Pa to drive her.
  11. I have have tried all the suggestion without success. So, I dug up an old laptop with Windows 7 installed and tried again. no good, clicking verify by EMail failed to produce any response. I then tried the same laptop using Google Chrome and it all worked , no need for verification and my order has been accepted. WIHIH.
  12. I have a longstanding account with Lazada. Recently, I have been trying to log-in to place an order. The site either rejects my log-in as incorrect user name or password. I AM inputing the correct details, so I try again. It then requires an identity confirmation and announces it has sent an EMail to my address. I have received no EMail I have tried 3 different computers using Firefox on Linux Mint and Windows 10. I have also tried 2 different 3BB networks with no success. Is any other member having difficulty with Lazada? Can any member suggest a cure?
  13. This happened in 2002. I was allocated the middle seat of 3. On boarding I found both seats either side of me already occupied by 2 grotesquely fat Indian ladies and who had appropriate a part of my seat each and in order to fasten the seat belts had to use the belt from my seat. I protested and was met by a torrent of abuse in Hindi. I spoke to the purser and asked if there was a seat vacant in business class . No! she said forcefully ,the flight is full, you will have to get off. So I did, and complained to the ground staff. They went into a huddle, called a supervisor, who took me away to an office and went to investigate. In the meantime the flight departed with my baggage on board. The supervisor came back and told me that the purser was incorrect, there were spare seats in Business and that the captain was perturbed that he was flying with baggage on board but without the passenger. He apparently had known nothing about my having to get off. The airline fed me and got me on to their next flight which left 8 hours later. Unfortunately my request for an upgrade was denied, and I had to fly as self-loading cargo.
  14. Johnson will have to be dragged kicking and screaming from Downing street. We may even see armed police being needed to remove him.
  15. See my previous post about possible Covid 19 in cats. I buried 3 robust toms in 2 days.
  16. Read " the Cat that walked by itself"by Rudyard Kipling. It puts a different view.
  17. Tomatoes grow happily in large pots, approx 40cm is enough and you can move them around to take advantage of sun or shade.
  18. I got passport photos taken at the booth across from immigration. They were good enough for Thai Immigration and I scanned them onto a memory stick. However, when I tried to submit one to UK Passport Office with the intention to renew a passport, it was rejected as "not sufficient quality". It was within the required parameters. I now need to find a photographic shop in the Chiangmai area which will produce acceptable quality photos that I can use. I prefer somewhere on the south side especially Hang Dong Sanpatong area. Thank you.
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