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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. For over a year now, I have been systematically blocking any junk mail (including the many duplicates, triplicates or even quadruplicates). Recently my Block facility has stopped working. I select the mails I want to block, select "not spam", scroll down and click on "block". The usual "are you sure you want to block" " and a list of the addresses I have selected appears to which I click OK. Nothing happens.

    I am still using Windows 7. Suggestions Please.

  2. 4 hours ago, alan grice said:

    Samitivej Hospital Group. 5 years ago , but i see in their magazine it much the same price.Cant tell if 1 nights private rooms still include , Thai languages

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Why does it need a stay in hospital ? My mum had both eyes done a month apart in Ayr. I took her to the out-patients departmentet at 0830 am and collected her again at 1200 on each occasion.

  3. Even a small variation in temperature has a significant effect on aircraft climb performance. It may be that aircraft are taking longer to reach their safe turn altitude and going an extra mile or two before turning  thus taking them over Mae Jo, whereas before, they turned inside the outer ring road.

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  4. My Acer Aspire series laptop is nearly 8 years and has developed an annoying fault. The battery is 18 months old and previous batteries have lasted 3 years.

    on installing the battery I was careful to charge and discharge the battery fully several times and continued to do this every 2 months or so.

    About 2 months ago, while on battery power the laptop shut down unexpectedly after only 20 minutes, with alll the symptoms of a flat battery. On restarting with mains power, the battery indicator showed 82%. This has continued. I have had the battery checked and at 82% it still shows 11+ volts. Therefore the indicator is correct. IS there a programme that needs or can be reset ?

  5. 6 hours ago, Presnock said:

    At C/M immigration, when I moved back into my (wife's) house I submitted a TM30 for my wife as the

    owner and a TM 28 for myself.  The officer gave the TM 28 back to me saying they were no longer required.  Since I never trust them, I asked that she throw it away instead of me tossing a govt document.  She smiled and tossed it saying as long as a TM30 is provided that is sufficient notification.  Hopefully that doesn't change like the Tm30 which was originally issued I blv in 1979 but wasn't enforced until a couple of years ago.  But now with the changes of senior management and gvtm, who really knows!



    6 hours ago, Presnock said:

    At C/M immigration, when I moved back into my (wife's) house I submitted a TM30 for my wife as the

    owner and a TM 28 for myself.  The officer gave the TM 28 back to me saying they were no longer required.  Since I never trust them, I asked that she throw it away instead of me tossing a govt document.  She smiled and tossed it saying as long as a TM30 is provided that is sufficient notification.  Hopefully that doesn't change like the Tm30 which was originally issued I blv in 1979 but wasn't enforced until a couple of years ago.  But now with the changes of senior management and gvtm, who really knows!


    I had an almost identical occurence in Promenada a year ago. Nobody would accept my TM28

  6. On my first visit to Chiangmai in 1979, I asked for tea and was given a mug of hot water, a teaspoon and a jar of Nestea. Instant tea with milk and sugar. It was foul.

    I found it diffiult to find proper loose leaf tea in Chiangmai until I found a couple of stalls on the ground floor of Ton Lam Yai market selling Royal Project items, Their Oolong tea is very nice but needs a long infusion time. It is also available at the Royal Project shop in 89 Plaza, Nong Hoy.

     Many UK tea manufacturers used to claim that they blended their tea to suit the local water ie. hard or soft. I could not tell the difference and suspect that it was a marketing ploy.

    My late friend who lived in Chiangmai for 20 years always insisted that anybody coming to Chiangmai on a visit bring at least a pound of Sainsbury;s Red Label teea. He would drink no other.

    I agree that teabags do not taste as good as properly infused loose leaf tea. It justtakes patience

    It may be totally irrelevant but, British Airways was known in the Gulf as Teabag Airlins, eg, "Teabag33 is 5 minutes late, estimating Dubai at 47"


  7. Here you are.

    N18.785939 E99.009055 is the entrance to San Pakhoi market. Go through the fruit and vegetable stalls to the raised part at the back, on the left is a halal butcher who can provide good beef but cannot do exotic cuts . She speaks good english.

    • Thanks 1
  8. We planted a lot of papaya trees, (and some even self seeded). Now many of them are fruiting very well (20+ per tree).

    In Scotland I had apple trees and they produced a lot of flower, and then a a lot of tiny fruits. Recieved wisdom was to pick off 50% to encourage the growth of the rest. This resulted in much larger apples from the buds left on .

    Should I reduce the number of papaya fruits to achieve the same result, and if so, by what percentage?

  9. Trying to sell extra tyres on a spurious reason is common. I recall an incident in Glasgow in the 1980s where a well known tyre retailer outlet was caught using the false claim that it was illegal to have differently worn tyres on the same axle. (Women were being specifically targeted) A newspaper investigated, and found that the staff were selling the part worn tyres on the second hand market and pocketing the cash. A week later the newspaper published a letter from the owner of the company stating that "heads had rolled"

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  10. I had the same  problem back in February with a newspaper site which I had been using for 2 years. At the suggestion of other TV members I switched to a browser with a built in VPN and it all worked. I reported the matter to the newspaper who initially poo-pooed the idea, accusing me of careless typing. A week later their IT specialist EMailed to say that an unsuccessfull hacking attempt had disabled their site in SE Asia.

  11. I have just renewed my extension for marriage. The immigration officer asked me where I got the money for my deposit (I have kept Thb 400000 in my account for 2 years+). She informed me that I may have to prove that it came from outside Thailand. 

    I suspect that she was making up an additional rule of her own. I have come across civil servants in various countries, including UK, doing this. The British Embassy in Bangkok tried this on with me away back in 1986 when my wife applied for a marriage visa.

  12. My house has fairly thick walls snd the windows are inset. There is plenty of room to set security bars inside the window cavity without disturbing tne window itself. I cannot find any suitable ready made grilles, they are all designed to be fitted on the outside of the wall, covering the whole window cavity. This makes them comparitively easy to pry off. Plus, They are decorated unnecessarily.

    I am looking for a metal working shop which can make simple grilles ( one horizontal bar and two vertical.) The window apperture is 1m 20 wide by 1m wide. I am in Chiangmai province between Hang Dong and San Pa Tong. Has anybody any recomendations?

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