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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. I have used my non-O visa. I am now applying for an extension of stay due to marriage to a Thai citizen

    We went to the Ampeu in Chiangmai last week to obtain a KR2 or KR3 or both to support the application.

    Because the marriage took place outside Thailand, the official would only issue a KR22 which is a confirmation that we have registered a foreign marriage with the Ampeu, She assured us that this KR22 was sufficient for Immigration purposes.

    I am slightly sceptical. Can any expert on Immigration matters reassure me?


  2. I sold a hoose in Scotland and by the time the money was creditted to my account, I had moved to Chiangmai. The Clydesdale Bank would only accept a postal application via their own downladed form and the postal service took 18 days to deliver a registered letter to my bank. The bank manager telephoned me in Chiangmai to check that I had actually sent it. The money was in Kasikorni Bank HQ in Bangkok within 48 hours. I spoke to the branch manager who telephoned Bangkok and arranged for me to be sent a Foreign Exchange Form by Email. I completed the form, Emailed it back and for good measure took a hard copy to my branch of Kbank. The amount minus a small fee was in my account the next day.

    Well done Clydesdale and Kasikorn Banks but Nul Pointes to Thai Postal Service.

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  3. I have been living in a moban in Nonghoy, Chiangmai for 3 months. During that time only 2 pieces of mail,both addressed to my wife, from UK have been delivered. Email enquires have elicited that my bank has sent me 4 items, my pension administration 3, my brother 11 redirects. Not one has reached me. Conversations with other falang have produced the opinion that Nonghoy Delivery office will only deliver mail addressed in Thai. I want to complain but I cannot find out how. Nonghoy Post Office staff just blanked me

  4. I was bitten trying to pull a neighbouring dog off our family pet. One week later that animal is still healthy. I went to Lanna Hosp. where I was quoted Thb 22000 for a course After protesting I was informed that a cheaper serum made from horses was available at Thb 7500 a course. I opted for that and an attempt to dissuade was made because "most people are allergic to it". I insisted and had to pay an extra Thb 1000 for an allergy test, which of course proved negative. I go for my 3rd shot on Friday.

  5. That's it exactly.. Wikipedia suggests that is caribean in origin but naturalized in Vietnam.It has now reached Chiangmai. According to Madamme is was plentiful 50 years ago, but in 35 years of visits I only met it yesterday.Thank you.

  6. My wife has given me a fruit which she calls "Chiangmai Apple". It is about the same size as a european apple but much darker being a purplish colour almost overall ,shading to pale green near the stalk.

    Inside it is pale cream shading to purple near the centre where many black seeds are arranged in a star pattern aroundt the vertical. The flesh is pulpy and has to be scooped out tp eat. It is sweet. . What is the correct name, thai ,latin or any other. Sorry I cannot post a picture, it has been eaten.


  7. I have been to several photo shops . All will make copies of existing photos but not one will  help me to make my own. 

    Can any Chiangmai resident point me at  an outlet that will sell me glossy Photographic paper.

    Thank you


    Skype is pinned to my startup menu but will not start even when I click on the icon or the program name itself and select open. I get the following message popping up.

    "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-o-dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem."

    I am not sure what it means but reinstalliing Skype did not work. I am using Windows 7 on an Acer laptop.

    Can any expert enlighten me?



  9. I would discourage the use of any headset on a motorbike. A full face helmet already blocks off a lot of sound and reduces the sensory perception of what is going on arround you. I can redall many instances when I heard another traffic before it came into my field of view.

  10. As I remember, Thailand has few coal resources and even they are of a high bitumous type making the coal unsuitable for poerd station use. Thailand will have to import fuel for this project. Which general holds the monopoly on coal imports and stands to make a profit when the plant is up and running?

  11. I posted this in the photo and arts section without success. I try again.

    I used to use a shop on Moon Muang road near Thapae Gate to develope my films but it is no longer there. I cannot find another. Can any lang term resident (or other) tell me if there is any photo shop in Chiangmai which will process colour negative film?

    Thank you

  12. I investigated this about 2 years ago with a sinmilar car. With the car in my wifes name and owed for more than 1 year it was legally possible but my son-in-law advised against it, because it was a prestige make and customs are so corrupt that it was probable that it would be conficated for the use of a customsemployee. I andonned the idea.

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