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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. I am not sure if this is the correct forum, if not please re-direct to the correct one,

    I used to recieve a newsletter every day. Recently , I have not recieved any newsletter on Tues., Wed, and Thursday. this has happened this week, last week and the week before. .

    I tried to report to Thai visa support but only recieved a reply directing me to another site.This site has not replied.I have checked my blocked list and my junk mail list with no result .My attempt to re-register for tne newsletter was met with  " your Email address is already registered for our newsletter".

    I still want to recieve a daily newsletter. Somebody please direct me to the correct procedure.

  2.  I get the message " Program cannot start because VCOMP100.Dll is missing" every time I start my computer. If I click on th OK button the panel, the message  disappears and the browser etc will start and function normally. A trawl through Google finds a number of sites offering a download to fix the problem for a fee.

    I feel that there must be a simpler solution, would an expert please advise me

  3. I have not recieved my daily newsletter since Wednesday. I tried to re- register and was informed that my Email address "is already registered".  Checks on Junk mail and Blocked sites have proved negative. Please check and if necessary re-instate me.

  4. I got to this workshop just after 9am and was attended to immediately, 25mins and 400ThB later my system was recharged to its great improvement. I am very satisfied.

    It was slightly difficult to find being on the oposite side of the road from that which I expexted. It is on the left side (East side) about 7 trees after the traffic lights at the Pollce Station when heading south on Hwy 106

    Many thanks to all who replied.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I am posting this in the Chiangmai forum rather than motoring because I need local knowledge rather than technical advice.

    My 8 year old car's Aircon is failing to cool adequately. Given its age it may just be low on gas. I want to try that first. My sister-in-law was ripped off by the main dealer who completely renewed the entire system for the same problem.

    I need a reliable Aircon specialist in the Nong Hoy area or near Pakhoi Tai on the outer ring road.

    Advice please

  6. New Requirements:  I have just been to Immigration in Promenada to get a Certificate of Residence in order to buy a car.

    A new clerkess at the desk (she actually sat it the desk instead od disappearing for a long time) now required me to obtain the original TM30 form and a copy. It of course is in the bowels of the Immigration system Even the reciept in stapled into my passport was insufficient. She now needs to get my wife's ID, House Book and our Thai Marriage Certificate, All with copies. I have not on two previous ocassions needed these.

    In addition, the hours for aceptance of application is now 9.00am to 11.00am

    • Like 1
  7. I am buying a secondhand car from a family member. I know that to transfer ownership, I wll need a proof of address for the Provinial Land Transport Office in Hang Dong. I recall a post some time ago, (about two years) informing that the PLTO acepted a Driving Licence as such proof. I cannot find this post now. bearing in mind that it may be out of date information, has any body recently used a DL in this way ? If so How recently ? I am reluctant to go to the Immigration, the last Certificate of Address I got took five weeks to process.

  8. 11 hours ago, sanemax said:

    CM airport can handle 24 flight per hour, rather than 24 flights per week 

    I worked at an airport where we regularly handled 24 flights per hour. In spite of a curfew between midnight and 6am when we were reduced to 12 per hour, we regularly exceeded 300 per day

  9. How is your mains water pressure ? In Nonghoy it can be difficult to take a shower when a large number of people are home at the weekend or at some times during the week and all using a lot of water at the same time. An expensive solution would be to put a 500l water tank above the ceiling, keep it full by pump and thus have a permanent head of water.

  10. My neice has an HP Pavillion g series laptop. It has been upgraded successfully from W7 to W10 and has been operating well for more than one year. It stopped working and I found that the battery was absolutely flat. An overnight charge has cured that, but the WiFi will not come on. Toggling F12 has no effect although the light stays on. Going via Network and Sharing Centre I found that the WiFi was switched OFF and turned it back ON. However I must have missed a save button somewhere because, after a shut down and later start, the WiFi is  "not found" and I cannot find this ON/OFF button again. Request directions.

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