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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. My wife of over 30 years still uses her own name in Thailand, including her ID and passport. She uses my surname in Scotland and on her UK passport.

    2 years ago we registered our marriage in Chiangmai using our marriage certificate from Scotland as proof. At the time she enquired as to changing her name and title on her ID and passport and was told that it was not necessary.

    As an aside, in Scotland it is still common to see a recent gravestone bearing different names, eg. "James Maclachlan and also his spouse, Janet MacWhirter"

  2. I use an Acer laptop. I have been using Skype to keep in touch with Thai relativeseither the for approx 4 years with no problems. 2 days ago the Skype started to refuse to connec. I can select a contact (which the highlights) but the call button (neither video nor telephone) highlight as it used to and clicking on it has no effect. Similarly, I can select a telephone number vwith the keaypad but cannot initiate the call. In coming calls are working as before.

    I have tried uninstallang and reinatalling the latest version of Skyke with no effect.

    Can any computer expert advise me?

  3. The main advantage is that the technology is so low that a village blacksmith could make a creditable spare. Forbye, they have been updated with disc brakes, 12volt electrics much improved suspension and fuel injection. The paintwork is better than many of their Chinese rivals..

  4. Thank you all for your comments. I should clarify that my granddaughter is in Thailand but I am in Scotland. My granddaughter reports that she has looked at BigC, Tesco-Lotus and Macro so far and identified what she wants but it does not come with an OS installed. Having had another relative cheated by paying for a "genuine" Windows 8 Os to be installed on her laptop and finding out months later that she had a copy, I am wary of allowing sales staff to install any system, hence my son-in-law and my intention to do it ourselves.Linux Mint is the Os we are looking at, but we are still open to suggestions. I repeat, how easy is it to do your own installation?.

    I am at present using Window 7 which came pre- installed on my laptop which I bought in Scotland. It work well but is unstable and clogs up with the many updates. It is not as good as Windows XP

    Finally, I am very angered that some posters have used a request for information and advice to make vindictive personal attacks on each other.

  5. My granddaughter wants a "Notebook" for her birthday and to " help her at school". I think she means a Laptop.

    Getting the device is easy, but most come without an Operating System installed. The sales staff usually offer to install a Windows OS at a price. I am suspicious that the OS installation may be a pirated copy and I am tending to suggest that she installs a Linux system.

    She know as little about doing this as I do but it seems that the Laptop will come with a basic browser programme that will allow her to connect to the house router and download an OS.

    How easy is this to do? Which Linux system would you recommend? Thank you.

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