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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. Update from The Herald:-


    Our technical support team do now believe it is a problem with our sites and are working to resolve this as soon as possible for you and other customers accessing www.heraldscotland.com from certain regions.

    It is very much appreciated this feedback as helped flag up as general issue with our sites and not a user issue.


    Kindest Regards,



    Stuart Shannon

    Circulation Administrator


    Herald & Times Group, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, G2 3QB  T: 0141 302 7309 E:mail

    [email protected]


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  2. I have been subscribing to this reputable newspaper for about 2 years, Since Sunday I have not been able to access it, "the server is not responding in time" and "the request is timed out" is what I get. Repeated tries over two days have produced the same result. There is a telephone number which only goes to an answering service. Other newspaper sites in UK have responded normally.

    I ask that a few TV member try the link below and report their results. This will confirm if the site is at fault on if my computer or Internet service is not working properly. Thanks in advance. 



  3. On all previous occasions (in Promenada) I have been given two certificates without asking for them. I do not always need two, but I assumed that it was standard pratice and I was surprised to recieve only one. I do not need a second so I did not query it.

  4. I tried to collect my certificate of address today ( the correct appointed day) at approx 1330. After a desultery search through a sheaf of about 100 uncollected certificates (one of at least five sheaves ) the boy at the desk announced "not ready, come at 3pm."

    I came back just after 3pm. and was told to sit down and wait. I sat down and waited and waited until 10 mins to 5 when I approached the counter again. Again I was told to sit down. At 5pm a girl called my name and handed me the certificate, only one. On previous occasions I have been given two.

     During my wait I saw no more than 10 certificates being given out and I estimate that there were about about 500 unclaimed when I left. Does that indicate than many people give up?

    Also, I get the impression that Immigration staff would rather not have to do this job.

    I think also that a certificate of address could be better handled by a local police station.


  5. I too am looking for suet in chiangmai, but the latest replies to this topic appear to be about 10 years old has any body seen it recently?

    Incidently, the thai phrase is Nam Man Phaen. Staff in Big C, BakerMart and Rimping had never heard of it.

  6. I too did a 90 day report today. I waited 3 mins at the info desk for a Q no. and got no 43 at 0943. As I sat down, I heard no 46 being called (the Info screens were not working). I got to the desk to find nos 46 and 52 in front of me. My appliation was checked by a girl in mufti and the uniformed officer beside her issued my reciept at 0948. Well done immigration!!

    • Like 1
  7. I am posting in the Chiangmai forum to obtain local knowledge as opposed to gardening advice.

    I have a small patch of grass (60m2 ) to cut. Is there an appliance shop in the Hang Dong/SanPaTong area which will hire me a small electic mower?

  8. I have to do a 90day report at Chiangmai office within a few days. I cannot find the last reciept and thus cannot make a copy. I last recall seeing it while I had it photcopied at the office opposite the Immigration building for another matter but do not recall getting the original back.

    What is the procedure for making the rport without it and the fine if any?

  9. Go to the big plant market behind TescoLotus at KhamThiam, on the road in, pass the office on your right hand side, carry on for about 100m and there is a tool store again on your right, run by an elderly chinese who speaks good english. I bought a robust fork (japanese made) for about Thb400 and a good spade there.

    • Like 1
  10. My thanks to all who replied.

    To tell a further story, my wife, for her first 25 years drank untreated water from the well at her father's house. Then they had a concrete tower with a sand and gravel filter and an aerating spray built. The family used that for a further 20 years. About 10 years ago the municipality installed mains water in the village and in spite of assurances that it was safe, sales personnel conviced them  that all sorts of diseases would result unless they used this VERY expensive filter. The entire village was conned into buying filters on hire purchase at a  grossly inflated price I calculate that most villagers paid Thb500 per month for 4 years for a device which retails for less than Thb9000.

  11. We have an Ionizing Water Filter although I think the mains supply is perfectly drinkable. Madam  refills the large water bottles which we originnally bought full in various supermarkets. I would like to sterilise them occasionally but need guidance on how to do it. Heat is not possible. I am contemplating using a weak solution of bleach.

    Has any member any opinion on this or a better suggestion?

    • Haha 1
  12. Over the past 18 months I have only received mail from the UK if it has been registered. No letter from the Pensions Authority, No P60 from any of my ex-employers. The only thing I can produce is a download from the Income Tax account giving the projected income and tax for the following year. Also available is an income and tax statement from previous years.

    Would that satisfy Thai Immigration ? would it need to betranslated into Thai ?

  13. 3 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    Chiang Mai Immigration offers a 'List of documents to attch in case of Thai wife'. No 3; marriage certificate (Kor Sor 3) and registration of marriage (Kor Sor 2). This reg of marriage is to be obtained from the town hall, Chiang Mai, out on the Mae Rim road after the golf course. I got what I thought was this registration 2 years ago and it has been acceptable until today. Today I left my home at 8am, got my bank letter and update of account at Mae Ai bank by 9am and arrived at the airport immigration at 1pm. I was told to queue at the outside desk, wasted 20 mins, and was then told 'not here' go to counter 9. The instant response was 'come back tomorrow', but wife pleaded that coming 200kms this was the best we could do and it looked like they would manage it (no other marrieds waiting). But our marriage registration was no good. "You need the Kor Sor 2". So we went out to the town hall, wife showed the immigration's list, explained what we needed. After 1 hour they supplied a document, the exact same the one we had. So we went back in and wife explained all over again. This time we got something different but who knows if its right because we were too late to go back to immigration. I dont understand how the only office in C Mai that can issue this document can not know whats required by immigration but thats what happened . Beware. Wife phoned the imm official and now we go back tomorrow at 3pm. Thats 2 nights in C Mai to get a 1 year extension. We hope.


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