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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. Is it just me or do other people see a pattern year after year?  Something ALWAYS happens just before high season to deter tourists from coming.  Let's look at the last 3 high seasons.  1.  Koh Tao murders    2.  Last year bomb attack and threats  3.  This year more bomb attacks, and that is just the last 3, if we wanted to go back even further you would probably find this pattern continues.  Have you noticed that nothing major like this happens before low season?  Nearly always around this time, just before high season. It's almost like someone or some group doesn't want tourists here or wants to deter tourists from coming.

  2. The first step they need to take care of is their own people and they can't even do that.

    Someone mentioned they could make it illegal to use someone's else's sim or a sim registered in a Thai name.  How would they go if you use a sim registered to your Thai company?  How would they stop this?

    Personally, I don't believe they have the skills or competence to make this work.  Far too sophisticated for them.

  3. It's funny how people can be so judgemental when they don't know this guy or anything about him except what they read in the media. For those who are wondering.... no he is not small, not fat, does not own a bar or any other business in Thailand and is normally a pretty quiet guy who is damn loyal to friends. He made mistakes, knows he has made mistakes but let's face it, who hasn't.

  4. I don't understand why or what the confusion is. If you earn money in Thailand, you are essentially operating a business and making money. Therefore, you must pay tax and hold a work permit. This has been the rules for as long as I can remember. It is not just Thailand, but the same in other countries. If you work in Australia or UK or earn money from a business etc you would legally have to pay tax and have the correct visa etc as well. The problem is that people jump into things without doing their homework.

  5. ...on a global scale it would really be considered a minuscule amount one would think....

    ...and these are allegations are they not....

    ...especially if the man named is in Thailand.....so far away....???

    The guy isn't even wanted by Interpol. It's very easy to blame a "mate" who made it to Thailand, isn't it?

    I'm afraid that some high society clubs will have to sniff/ smoke/shoot lower quality supply from now on. And the birds keep singing..Chirp chirp...chirp chirp...facepalm.gif

    P.S. Don't get high on your own supply...how can they leave traces on their mobile phone.

    Facebook is the hit these days. Did they not learn from Thais? I know a TVF member who drinks a lot of beer.......where can I report him?laugh.png

    I think I saw that 'Mr. Big' beer drinker on Soi Buakow. Small fellow with big belly?

    No he is not small and he doesn't have a big belly.

  6. Seems that many people are unaware of the rules as we have people asking. I hope you people don't drive here in Thailand, because if you don't know the rules, obviously you haven't done your Thai driving test and you are contributing to the problem. The law states that you must stop at pedestrian crossings and must stop at red lights. The exception to this is when turning left and you may do so at any time (unless sign posted not to) if there is a clear path. The law for crossings is exactly there same as in Western countries, however the problem is that it is not enforced or followed. Mainly due to a lazy police force not doing their job properly.

  7. People need to realise road marked crossings are irrelevant in Thailand.

    They are not same as similar crossings in Western countries, where it is compulsory for vehicle to give way to pedestrians.

    The fundamental in Thailand is you cross a road at your own risk; irrespective of markings or traffic lights!

    They are exactly the same as in Western countries. The law states that they must stop, however this is not enforced or followed.

  8. Hi guys. I am interested in getting a few popular Thai songs into my list of music. There are a few (maybe 4 or 5) that really get the bones rattling and next the legs start going before I'm up with the rest of the Thai's having a ball. Wondering if we can get a list of the top 5 you would consider most popular from what each of you have seen. At a few concerts lately and like I said there are about 4 or 5 that really get the crowd pumping. Anyone have any ideas what these must be or any thoughts?

  9. I can't see the problem. Everyone adults and children should have the correct visa and leave before the visa expires. Children would normally be travelling with parents anyway, so parents would be responsible for making sure they have the correct documentation for them and the child. There should be no excuse on this overstay stuff and I can't see why so many on here complain about it. If you have a 30 day visa then you can only stay for 30 days. If you have a 60 day visa then you stay for 60 days and either extend for another 30 or leave. Are you seriously that stupid to think you can just stay longer?

    ...and if the parent doesn't have the money to pay overstay, does the kid get put in prison with Nigerian gang members awaiting deportation? Now do you see the problem?

    I can't see the problem. Everyone adults and children should have the correct visa and leave before the visa expires. Children would normally be travelling with parents anyway, so parents would be responsible for making sure they have the correct documentation for them and the child. There should be no excuse on this overstay stuff and I can't see why so many on here complain about it. If you have a 30 day visa then you can only stay for 30 days. If you have a 60 day visa then you stay for 60 days and either extend for another 30 or leave. Are you seriously that stupid to think you can just stay longer?

    The problem that most people have with it is not that they think children should not have a visa, it is that they are trying to apply adult Laws to children.

    A country is going down a very slippery path when it starts applying adult laws to children. In any case this will not happen as large laws will have to be rewritten, as children below a certain age are exempt from any criminal prosecution and no caveats for that most serious of crime of overstaying your visa.

    Civilized countries don't apply adult laws to children.

    Read what I said again.... Children would normally be travelling with parents anyway, so parents would be responsible for making sure they have the correct documentation for them and the child. The parents would need to pay the fine. As for the rest of it, people know how long they can stay so there is absolutely no excuse for overstay. Book the holiday according to the length of the visa. If you are staying and living here, then get the proper visa. If you are the parent, you are responsible for getting everything in order for the child as well if not all parties will be blacklisted. When I take my family back to my country of nationality to visit family, they have the correct visa and we leave before it expires. If not they are in the country illegally and would face deportation. And yes if you have a look at the immigration detention centres in Australia, UK and US they all have children in there as well.

  10. I can't see the problem. Everyone adults and children should have the correct visa and leave before the visa expires. Children would normally be travelling with parents anyway, so parents would be responsible for making sure they have the correct documentation for them and the child. There should be no excuse on this overstay stuff and I can't see why so many on here complain about it. If you have a 30 day visa then you can only stay for 30 days. If you have a 60 day visa then you stay for 60 days and either extend for another 30 or leave. Are you seriously that stupid to think you can just stay longer?

  11. There is an exception here to normal practice. Do not move the vehicle.

    In a sensible country one would move the vehicle to a safe and convenient location if feasible. For obvious reasons.

    Not here.

    Then do what you would consider reasonable and sensible. Check that nobody is hurt or needs emergency medical assistance.

    Move yourself to a safe place. Call insurance company, call a trusted friend. A Thai acquaintance can be helpful if the accident is serious, and the vehicle is undriveable.

    Stay calm, the BIB are not corrupt in these matters if you are not impaired by drugs or alcohol

    I had a serious accident. No injuries, two cars written off. It wasn't my fault. I had no insurance, no tax, no license. The police were cool, immediately apportioned blame on the Thai driver of the other vehicle. Had to surrender my passport to the police.

    A week after the accident had to meet at the police stn. Again the other driver was deemed at fault. Police returned my passport.

    Waited 3 months for insurance payout.

    The only difference, apart from my obvious driving offences going unpunished, don't move the vehicle.

    Be prepared and aware. It not a case of if but when you have an accident.

    Wacky Races.

    If you had no licence then you were very lucky. No licence automatically puts you at fault because you shouldn't even be on the road. I hope you never have a serious accident where you kill someone or even an accident with another expat who knows what they are doing. The first thing I would do in any accident my fault or not, is take a few photos (copy of dash cam footage front and rear as well), then ask the driver for his licence and call the police. If they do a runner it will all be recorded anyway as evidence. If they do not have a licence then they are at fault no matter what.

  12. If you had 1st class insurance you simply contact them. In case of any accident whether your fault or not, the first thing you do is ask the other party for their licence and insurance. If they don't have it is automatically their fault as they shouldn't be on the road without a licence. Never pay the police or anyone else, not even 1 baht. That is why you have insurance, they pay whether your fault or not.

  13. He said he wanted to get rid of all the scum trying to stay for more than 30 days, who didn't have a need or a reason to be in Thailand.

    Presumably this includes people on 3 month tourist visas.

    Ah.... I did not pick up on that sentiment, now your post makes a little more sense.... I figured the meaning was for illegal overstays.... Thanks for replying. ?

    I didn't make myself very clear the first time around.

    Whenever there is a crackdown on tourist visas and VOAs, there will be a huge thread in the visa forum. A large percentage of the posts are of the "good riddance" variety, and not coincidentally they are usually made by people on marriage or retirement visas who aren't affected.

    The lack of camraderie between fellow expats on this forum is something I can't explain.

    My fault, I should have been more clear. It could have been read different ways. I was referring to those doing the wrong thing here and yes, overstayers are included in that. Was definitely not a crack at young or middle age as I too fit into that category :-)

  14. This is where getting tough or completely stopping visa runs has my vote. 30 days then thats it unless you NEED or HAVE A REASON to be here. These skimmers stay here simply by skimming cards from everyday people as a means of survival here. In most cases no job, no real reason to be here other than its better than the shit they left and they don't care who the victims are. My card was skimmed last year, I contacted the bank and money was back in my account along with a new card within 48 hours. Never found out if they ever caught the person/people responsible.

    "30 days then thats it unless you NEED or HAVE A REASON to be here." - how does that stop skimmers from skimming here, during their 30 day stay?

    Skimmers could come here, use the ATM's with skimmed cards. have a holiday, and fly home with the money, or move on to the next country.

    I totally agree with you. It wouldn't stop the skimming, but it would sure as hell would get rid of all the scum trying to stay here.

  15. This is where getting tough or completely stopping visa runs has my vote. 30 days then thats it unless you NEED or HAVE A REASON to be here. These skimmers stay here simply by skimming cards from everyday people as a means of survival here. In most cases no job, no real reason to be here other than its better than the shit they left and they don't care who the victims are. My card was skimmed last year, I contacted the bank and money was back in my account along with a new card within 48 hours. Never found out if they ever caught the person/people responsible.

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