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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. That's a chunky two year old! At first sight I thought it was the samaritan.
  2. You mean your avatar isn't really a picture of you? I'm disappointed, mine is 555.
  3. By whom? I never heard of him. Last one I heard of was Barry Kenyon, who was always high profile and generally a good helpful bloke.
  4. wielding an illegal high power water gun...
  5. behooves? behoove bĭ-hoo͞v′ intransitive verb To be necessary or proper for. To be necessary or proper. To be necessary, fit, or suitable; to befit; to belong as due. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
  6. I think you got your wires a bit crossed. HK police, not RTP; in HK not Thailand; perps are indigenous, not foreign tourists
  7. Grusa

    Tony's Gym

    Not exactly a biography, and no real evidence that the guy shown is anything other than a front man or paid actor.
  8. Jesus got to where he is by getting nailed to a cross. A winning strategy for Trump, maybe?
  9. Grusa

    Tony's Gym

    Is/was there a real Tony? A bio might be interesting.
  10. Quelle surprise! Next you will tell me it's not good to drink either. Yet the fish seem to like it.
  11. Sod that! Spend! Spend! Spend! Or give it to me...... at least I will spend it wisely, your extended family won't.
  12. Almost any builders merchant. The grubbier the cheaper......sometimes!
  13. The wifes' godfather had a Thai lawyer write up a new Will. Said lawyer provided a copy in Thai and a translation in English. We insisted on getting an independent translation of the Thai version:- It was quite different from the lawyers', he had written himself in for 60% of the estate plus a hefty fee! He stood to make over GB£1,000,000. Pedantry pays!
  14. There is a big difference between marriage to a Thai and marriage to a Farang. My wife and I do our own extensions, no agent, she leads with retirement, I follow as Spouse. She has the 800,000 in the bank, I have nothing. Only once a problem 2 years ago, we had the apostile nonsense to go through with our marriage certificate: the same one they accepted the previous ten years! No maps, no visits, no photos, no hassles.
  15. Thailand has in recent, and not so recent, years been, and still is, run entirely by AIs. Maybe Machine Intelligence would be an improvement, better still, Educated Human Intelligence.
  16. I wonder if Donald is clever enough to avoid being done for contempt of court during the proceedings.....
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