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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. When I came to CM many years back , I prefer Kad Suan Kaew to the other modern shopping malls which you can find in western countries anyway. KSK was unique in that it had that Lanna Thai feel, everything felt so different to western countries.
  2. I went there just to try out the special Chinese food... sorry but the food is just bland and very expensive. The decor is fantastic though. It's more suitable for weddings. I might as well eat Thai food which is more delicious and much cheaper. I wonder whether there are any authentic Hong Kong Dimsum in Chiang Mai. The Dimsum I have tried in CM is not as good.
  3. My guess is that the 30-day wait in the past is to entice people to pay 500 baht to 'some people inside' to speed things up. It absolutely doesn't make sense to take so long just to type in some info on the residence cert which can just take 5-10 minutes. Waiting just 10 days for the delivery is a big improvement.
  4. I thought Thailand just opened the country to Thailand by scrapping the inane PCR tests 2 months ago and soon scrap the Covid insurance as well? So why is KSK closing when the country is just reopening? It doesn't make sense, they should have closed early last year and reopen now instead. Promenada is also closing? I just bought a computer from there a few months back!
  5. Even if the ladyboy was a prostitute, there shouldn't be any valid reasons to kill her. Imagine the pain her family must be going through right now.
  6. How do you know he's Lithuanian? As far as I know, not many Lithuanians come to Thailand but there are quite a number of Russian tourists coming to Thailand.
  7. Exactly, that's why so many sex tourists come to Thailand for.
  8. Do you know that some people are allergic to cigar smoke? That means it cause these symptoms below (I can't link the website because I am not sure whether it is allowed) The irritating chemicals in cigarettes and cigarette smoke cause symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis like coughing, congestion, wheezing, runny nose and headaches
  9. They should let smokers smoke but just not near crowded places. Smoking where there are very few people is fine. I have seen many people smoking near the entrance of shopping malls, entrance to the banks, busy pedestrian walks, parking lots or markets which is a no-no because non-smokers can still smell the cigar smoke when they pass by.
  10. Which airline is it that you took from Cambodia? I might want to avoid that airline.
  11. The other flipside is that it will attract those backpackers/visa runners with hardly any money to stay longer in Thailand. It's good to extend the visa exemption but make sure that they distinguish true tourists from those visa-runners who want to stay long-term in Thailand on a shoestring budget. Why not reintroduce the minimum amount of cash requirement?
  12. I guess the high room price is to pay for the huge salaries of the counter staff who can speak English well and the foreign manager who gets to listen to customers complaints. In other hotels, there will be communication problems just like the cook who didn't really understand what you meant by 'scrambled eggs'.
  13. Does your gf need to show her ID card to prove she's Thai national to the ticket seller?
  14. Going to Malaysia is not a good option due to the PCR test, RTK test and insurance that you must pay before going. Then when you come back to Thailand one week later, you will have to go pay for another PCR test and insurance just to come back to Thailand. Unless your homeland is in Malaysia, I would try other countries that don't need PCR test or insurance. I thought Cambodia has less requirements than Malaysia. Only those from Singapore travelling to Malaysia, do not need the PCR test before flight or after arrival, and don't need any insurance.
  15. It's not advisable to open a foreign currency account in Thailand. Almost every transaction that you do comes with an exorbitant cost. I cannot remember all the detailed charges but I think there is also a monthly maintenance charge even if there is no transaction during that month. I gave up on that many years ago, just convert to Thai baht and open up a Thai bank account
  16. @tezzaaa From 1 April, it is not required to have pre-flight PCR test, but you are still required to get one on arrival at the airport.
  17. This is not an ordinary temple. This is a world class huge temple complex and a UNESCO heritage site. How much would it cost for you build such a temple in a western country? $30 is considered cheap.
  18. Yes, I think Cambodia is ahead of time whereas countries like Thailand and Malaysia still want PCR test and Covid insurance even when more than 90% (Malaysia) and 70% (Thailand) are fully vaccinated.
  19. I have some silver bracelets/necklace but I can't seem to be able to sell it in Thailand. Why is that so if silver is more saleable than gold?
  20. They should have thought of this when they changed the face of the king. Now we have so many confusing versions ....
  21. Thai airways and Air Asia are bankrupt? So which airlines are not bankrupt in Asia?
  22. Revoke the Thailand Pass on 1 April and not 1 June. June is too far away. Just do a quick ATK on arrival. If positive, you have to pay the hospital expenses yourself. Covid insurance is a ripoff because most are tested negative.
  23. @Socheng Can you tell us which Covid insurance company did you buy from and what is the cost?
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