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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. How much does the buffet cost per person?
  2. What a long post and he expect people to read everything. I think he has too much time on his hands.
  3. @Steps No, they don't buy at market rate unless it's Thai gold bars. If it's jewellery, they will give you much lower rates especially if it's foreign gold. I did sell my foreign gold jewellery in Bangkok's Chinatown last year. Many shops won't even want to buy it, I finally found a gold shop that accepted it after 'torching' it to see whether it's pure gold.
  4. Sooner of later, Thailand is going to require a booster shot like some other countries to fight against this new variant.
  5. I wonder whether non-Thai can buy Thai lottery? If they could, has any farang won any Thai lottery before?
  6. Your hotel should have provided the taxi service which is included in the total hotel charge. Why did you need to book a private taxi?
  7. I thought we can do transactions at every branch and not just the bank that we opened our account? What about closing our account in the future?
  8. I actually wanted to travel outside of Thailand then back in but the expensive health insurance and 1 day quarantine is a deterrent. Seems that Thailand won't get many tourists for the rest of the year, better luck next year.
  9. Just in the calf region , the size of a small ping pong ball. Diagnosed by a doctor before
  10. Bangkok Bank staff sometimes work like robots with no critical thinking. Many times I show my driving licence but they won't accept it. Then I showed a photocopy of my passport but they still want the original passport for a withdrawal of 2000 baht. Wouldn't an official driving licence from Thai government be a better document than a foreign passport which can be forged?
  11. It's the same with retirement renewal, the amount of insane paperwork - passport, 12 months bank statements, 90 days report, TM30, bank books, bank letters etc. I even gave them the original copy of 90 days but they only want a photocopy which is crazy.
  12. So this elite visa is not really 'elite'. Why pay so much when we have to exit from Thailand every 12 months? It's ridiculous.
  13. Can anyone recommend a doctor or skin dermatologist in Chiang Mai that is inexpensive before the small cyst removal?
  14. Thailand should do the following to attract more people. 1. Remove the expensive covid test on arrival and one day quarantine. Change to the cheaper antigen test. 2. Remove the expensive health insurance or reduce to a more reasonable figure.
  15. The hordes of Chinese come for the cheap seafood and exotic places that they can't find in China.
  16. It should be 14 days after your second shot. You can try to apply for Thailand pass 14 days before your departure date to coincide with the required days after the second shot
  17. This health insurance thing dissuade more tourists from coming to Thailand. How much did you pay for it anyway?
  18. I guess this is to discourage single retirees whereas those people who are married to Thai people are more welcomed.
  19. There are two categories of people, one richer and one poorer. For the richer ones, putting 800k isn't a problem but for the poorer ones, having a marriage visa is more suitable.
  20. I would like to get that 10% without any risk. Stock markets doesn't guarantee profit.
  21. That is not possible if we live in a condo where the cars are parked in a public space.
  22. Was that the main reason Big Joke got taken down? Where did you get this info from?
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