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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Now wifey's uncle is a copper.... This gets better and better

    Well it didn't just happen last night. He's been in the police for over 25 years, but I was only joking when I said I will bring him over.... lol

    To be totally honest. I don't think I really care what happened to Tony. If he got himself scammed, then more fool him. If he got worse than that, there is little I can do about it now.

    I started this thread with tongue in cheek, mostly to see what the TV member reactions and responses would be, and I was pretty correct in my assumptions. Although everything said ha been the truth. It's up to you lot to discuss the possibilities. I ain't going to investigate it. I have other much more important things to focus on.

    I am happy to add a few pictures in case anyone from Korat reads and knows Tony.

    That's about it really.

    No don't give up I'm loving it - I keep waiting for the real Tony to log into TV and said it's me.

  2. I believe it will be a quick, cut-and-dried psychological profiling based on this sure-test: whistling.gif


    "Is he gay? is probably one of the first questions for girls when they see a nice looking guy out on the street. The population of gays seem to increase incredibly nowadays. You can probably see gay guys in every corner of big cities....."



    Thank you for the link - I actually laughed out loud.

    • Like 1
  3. Do you have no consideration at all for his wife or her feelings?

    I don't really know her, so it is hard to say how she would feel about his man possibly liking both men and women. But generally happy husband is a good thing, if he is happy and content, then she would also be happier.

    Imagine the guy craving for something that he isn't allowed, day after day. Imagine the stress that brings. And if one of the spouses is miserable, it can't be good for family.

    If she doesn't like that her husband may be bi, and has sex with men, she will probably divorce him. Now, maybe after divorcing her man she will find next guy that she will fall in love with, but maybe she will never find another love in her life. She will be lonely and miserable for the rest of her life, of course she take comfort how high her morals are.

    All so simple according to you everything will work out just fine, meanwhile back on the ranch the OP is having issues/desires and his wife could have one hell of a shock coming.

    As to your other post asking where the notion of monogamy comes from - why not ask your parents assuming they are still with us and report back.

  4. Last week I picked up a bag as well - I thought they were awful, I'm surprised Lays allowed them to deviate from the recipe, local flavouring I understand but even when I offered them to my Thai clan they looked disgusted.

    The good news is I found walkers salt and vinegar crisps for my muchie attacks.

  5. A few years back I was an volunteer invigilator at Chula - great experience for a week and I met lots of students and professors, had a job offer by the end of day 3 (which I declined). Some of the other volunteers were clearly looking for employment and felt it was a good opportunity to build their network, it also looks good on your CV when applying for local jobs showing you're connected.

  6. If you are married, you shouldn't pursue other people, male or female.

    To the contrary, if you have desire to meet other people, male or female, go for it! If we think of marriage as a prison, a life long prison, that is not a recipe for happy life, and happy marriage. Most marriages would last longer and be happier if rules were more relaxed.

    It is only natural and healthy to have desire for sex with people that you find attractive, even if you live together with another person. It seems very unnatural to be in life long contract with only one person to the rest of life.

    Unfortunately I can't help with meeting people in Isaan, I wish I could.

    What a load of complete rubbish. Some of us take our relationship very seriously and my relationship happens to be my greatest accomplishment.

    Your concept of natural - become a player

    Your concept of unnatural - being in a long term "contract" as you call it

    I guess I'm a freak of nature then, and I'm very proud of it.

    Scott made an excellent comment that I'd not considered, I hope the OP can find happiness.

  7. I swear they have tapeworm - my inlaws can eat for 10 and haven't gained any weight in the 20 odd years I've been around.

    Just last night, decent supper and I'm stuffed and all of a sudden the MIL says she wants me to make banana foster - butter, brown sugar, bananas poured over vanilla ice cream, she damn near licked the bowl.

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  8. Gone - before you spend 50,000 baht on your corticosteroid injection please consider the efficacy of use long term, perhaps a post in the medical forum so some of us can suggest pain management for the short term. Also usage of this drug is not as prevelant back home as here and you may find difficulty finding a Doctor or Pharmacist willing to prescribe it.


  9. Bradmans on Soi 23 Aussie owner great great guy and the food is fab it's more of a bistro than a pub but lots of fun.

    The Queen Vic Soi 23 as well but the staff are still miserable - the breaky is really good.

    The Queen Vic could be a great pub with better management and staff. You're right about the food...its decent.

    If Thomas from Bradmans took over the Queen Vic I'd live at the pub.

    Where is Bradmans

    Soi 23


  10. Bradmans on Soi 23 Aussie owner great great guy and the food is fab it's more of a bistro than a pub but lots of fun.

    The Queen Vic Soi 23 as well but the staff are still miserable - the breaky is really good.

    The Queen Vic could be a great pub with better management and staff. You're right about the food...its decent.

    If Thomas from Bradmans took over the Queen Vic I'd live at the pub.

    • Like 2
  11. If and when he returns to Canada - all Canadians listen please there is a 3 month waiting period - he has gone on "record" with the Embassy and here and Youtube saying he's lived abroad for 12 years and has only worked a few months last year in Canada.

    He does NOT meet the residency requirement and must wait 3 months - he can purchase online "Visitors to Canada" insurance RBC (Royal Bank Of Canada) and the basics will be covered.

    I hope everything works out but simply getting on a plane and walking into emerg won't work in this situation.

  12. Hate to be a cynic ... but do you think that letter is actually 'real'?

    What proof is there?

    Yes, I understand that's it's a great catalyst for a discussion point.

    "Hate to be a cynic ... but do you think that letter is actually 'real'?"

    I'm sure you enjoy being cynical.

    Since someone named Chad sent it in and got a free tee-shirt, yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus ... I mean a real letter. Did someone named "grandpa" really write it? Does it matter?


    "What proof is there?"

    What proof is there that any parent would disown his/her kid for being gay? What proof is there that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? Maybe those pictures were taken in a studio in Atlanta and maybe every kid who's gay really has loving, understanding, supportive parents.

    Would it matter if Chad got kicked out of his house and went to stay with his grandfather and he made up the letter?

    Did someone's grandpa take on his daughter somewhere in the world because she was a bigoted bi_tch? Why would that be so hard to believe?

    It wasn't meant as a catalyst for discussion. What needs to be discussed? Some parents are homophonic turds. Some grandparents are probably as bad and some others are able to see beyond superficialities. That needs to be discussed??

    In 2009 the Prado Museum in Madrid said that The Colossus, a work that had long been attributed to Francisco de Goya, was not painted by the Spanish genius.

    So it turned out the painting wasn't by Goya. Everyone who looked at it and oohed and aahed was mistaken because they just looked at it and enjoyed the experience??

    I think it's a fair question, the world needs people to question authenticity. I enjoy reading comments from David48 he seems like a nice guy so let's give him a break.

    I also questioned the letter but went went with the feel good moment that it's real, you're not born a racist, it's taught so this mother picked up her hatred somewhere. The good news is Chad has a loving environment now, I can only imagine the hurt prior to this from that woman.


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  13. No ..... but I'd consider it for a couple of days if they could guarantee air conditioning at night - I need my sleep. If the enemy was part of the Commonwealth also a big No.

    Oh and I'd also like a decent rank, no need to worry about medals I know a spot on Khao San.

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