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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. There is no way he could have been eligible for private health insurance in Thailand.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And there is no way he is eligible for emergency care in Canada being gone for so long the rules are very clear - waiting period of 3 months if you've been out of the province or country more than 212 days - I jumped hurdles to ensure I got an extension which meant residing in my Province two consecutive years minimum 153 days. I highly doubt he's eligible given he only spent a few months in Canada last year and has been absent for 12.

    If he is not eligible why would the Canadian Government allow him to commit fraud ? after he's publicly admitted his intent.

  2. Yes, again, does anyone know WHERE this guy lives?

    If so, the compassionate thing would be for some people to meet him directly and verify the story, or not, which shouldn't be that hard for him to do.

    Then he can be given material help by those who would be willing if the story is verified.

    For those without any compassion, consider that the opposite of that, ragging on this guy, is really dark hearted.


    The story is running on <snip> , I don't know if that means he was interviewed and the story was verified by said reporter.

  3. Something fishy - He is from Ontario I read on another site - he simply can't get off the plane and go to the hospital. If you reside out of Ontario for more than 212 days there is a 3 month waiting period.

    There is an out of country policy in place for overseas residents ranging from 2- 5 years but he says he's lived in Thailand for 12 years and only worked a few "months" in Canada last year not meeting the 153 day residence requirement for two consecutive years.

  4. I'm reluctant to comment, however, in my professional opinion as a Pharmacist who has treated thousands of patients with STD's and other known virus's I would say patients are generally open and honest with their Pharmacist and I've heard the toilet story plenty. I've read test data and frankly the environment was fairly sterile in the first place or had a larger percent of geriatric traffic - lets face it the malls are packed with sexually active kids in this part of the world, I am not saying they are carriers so please be kind. Lest we forget how dirty hospitals and pharmacies are.......

    Do I buy it ? let's just say I don't do public washrooms at all unless it's an emergency, urinals yes often but with toilets I use toilet paper to cover the seat and use my foot to flush, I double wash my hands and use paper to open the door & the bidets no no and no. I'm not paranoid and there shouldn't be fear but how many times do we visit a washroom and see people leaving without washing their hands. The one advantage malls have here is there is generally a cleaner assigned and usually they keep them pretty clean.

    In theory an open sore on your bottom could attract many things SO Itchybum stop scratching your bottom and plan ahead.

    For a bit of humour- had a patient who swore he picked up crabs from doing his laundry in a public machine he visited the pharamcy and was almost ready to pass out because of the pain, when counselling him he confessed he slept with a girl and when he called her to say she had given him crabs she said just use Raid on them .....poor kid I really shouldn't laugh.

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  5. I love my career and I miss it daily - I can't fill 60 seconds without being bored these days. I scramble to find new hobbies that excite me. Personally under 50 was too early to settle into retirement whilst my Thai has taken to it like and duck to water.

    The good news is it's been months since I awoke and got dressed for work :)

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  6. Just recently they had a big sale on in Tesco lotus,,, ( Earl Grey)

    Down to 69baht for a box of 80 tea bags.. Needles to say I bought the lot,,,, smile.png

    I also was shocked at 69 baht and picked up 4 boxes of their fair trade tea it's okay but not as good for my taste as Marks and Sparks Extra Strong Tea at 189 baht for 80 bags.

    You can buy M and S tea bags in Thailand? Where?

    Marks and Spencer Central World main floor is my shoppe of choice and the wine isn't bad either. I'm not a coffe drinker but some of their instant I'm told is pretty good.

    I agree with other posts about loose tea and I often cut the bag when making a pot but use a bag for a single cuppa.


  7. Just recently they had a big sale on in Tesco lotus,,, ( Earl Grey)

    Down to 69baht for a box of 80 tea bags.. Needles to say I bought the lot,,,, smile.png

    I also was shocked at 69 baht and picked up 4 boxes of their fair trade tea it's okay but not as good for my taste as Marks and Sparks Extra Strong Tea at 189 baht for 80 bags.

  8. Great hotel attached to Terminal 21 the BTS and MRT. We used to stay at the citadines soi 11 for a break from the inlaws but we're sort of over soi 11 but still can be lots of fun. A couple we know just spent a week at Le Fenix and enjoyed it as well.


    As noted above I don't believe they are many that are unfriendly, rather they just avoid branding themselves as gay friendly.

  9. Is there something in the water in Africa?

    Or perhaps they're trying to compete for a prize with Putin and the right wing American homophobes?


    The president of Gambia denounced gays and lesbians at the United Nations General Assembly today, reports the Associated Press. In his U.N. address, he reportedly classified same-sex attraction as one of the three biggest threats to human existence.

    All you can expect from a pig is an oink.

    I am curious how members in the audience reacted, I would hope civilised nations left.

  10. Missed the edit to turn the picture - apologies

    I should have added my nephew in the picture was gobsmacked how comfortable Asok was with thousands passing by hourly. We actually bought a slice of pizza from Pala and just stood watching the smiles of people taking pictures, petting and offering him treats - the little celebrity loved every moment.

  11. I wouldn't worry too much about the mosquitoes, unless you are planning a trip out into the sticks. My son is 14 months old now and has never used any type of mosquito repellent. In the evenings wear suitable clothing and a fan works well to keep the mossies away. At night make sure your little one sleeps in a mosquito net. I think it's difficult to use repellent on young children because they're always putting their hands in their mouth. A bite has got to be better than a mouth full of deet.

    I agree with the net (buy at tesco here) and being covered, however some children who have never been biten by a mossie can have a severe reaction. I would be on the side of caution and perhaps baby mitts so the little one isn't eating deet if that's a concern. Mossie coils and the battery operated bug zappers are available everywhere. Even in Bangkok in the area I'm in it's a nightly occurrence to get the little buggers with it being rainy season and all the canals.

  12. Chemist here - most repellants are safe for your toddler at 11 months, the trick is to apply the lotion or repellant on your hands and then apply to the your baby. There are lotions and sprays available here are in sachet or spray, you may want to mix with a little lotion of your own - non perfumed of course.

    Daytime Mosquitos are the ones that carry dengue so it's not dawn and dusk only.

    If your baby has been bitten, I suggest a poultice - equal parts brown sugar and liquid soap - apply liberally on the bite area. The other option is bicarbonate of soda and tree tea oil but I would go with the first.

    PM me if you have any questions - enjoy your trip.

    Attached is the spray and lotion available everywhere with 12% DEET


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  13. JT I've attended a few Jewish services in my life and some Cantors can sing and move a congregation - perhaps other members would like to hear, if I knew the names I'd post them.

    I did not mean only Jews. There are many world religions that have music and also secular people enjoy music that is spiritual and inspiring in nature.

    As Nike says - Just Do It :) Let's be inspired

    I don't want to hijack the thread I'm enjoying the videos tremendously and would love to hear more ....

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