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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Well I went on a fast so that I could get my bloods tested etc this morning. I'm looking for the whole battery of tests to be done in that regard including obviously diabetes, heart, sexual health, BP etc

    I was expecting the Doctor at 10.00am, got kicked out of my room so they could clean it at 10.20, sat in the cafe, had a sip of water then was told that my tests couldn't go ahead. I didn't know that a glass of water would throw the tests out?

    Anyway reschedule for tomorrow morning at 9.30.

    Yes :) NPO - Nils Per Os - Nothing my mouth is important. If they are doing an ultrasound of your liver or other tests it could change the results. Surgery is open for debate but that's too much information.

    Good luck tomorrow

  2. I seldom wear shorts in public, of course on the beach or yard work but I've never been a fan of them and I see all sorts at all times wearing them here. I wouldn't be caught dead in them in the evening in public here or home.

    Now the follow up thread can be do you wear flip flops with your trousers here - I'll admit I sometimes do as those pesky anklet socks are a pain and most of my shoes are heavy.

    • Like 1
  3. You can blame the food industry, but Ronald Mac does not hand feed you, nor drive you to his many fine establishments.

    The King, the clown and the colonel have changed the entire food chain. Huge demand and processing the lowest quality food with genetically modified, chemically enhanced meat is in the mainstream food supply. Again it's more complex than blaming the person for what they consume - 99% of people on the weight loss path would never dream of eating at these places.

    I believe it more complex, for some people it requires a lot more willpower as for others. I sometimes get cravings that i can't control and then I go for a peanut butter sandwich. (ok not the worst you can do). But still other people never have cravings I saw a nice documentary about that that some people get them more as others.

    Anyway there is something called sibutramine that did work in my case.. but the side effects (not sleeping good) plus it did not stay effective for real long made me stop it.

    Agreed its more complex and any encouragement we can give to people who face this disease should be paramount.

    FYI - sibutramine is no longer available in Canada, USA, Thailand, Australia, EU and the UK it was pulled over safety concerns a few years back - I'm glad it helped you without some of the known issues.

  4. You can blame the food industry, but Ronald Mac does not hand feed you, nor drive you to his many fine establishments.

    The King, the clown and the colonel have changed the entire food chain. Huge demand and processing the lowest quality food with genetically modified, chemically enhanced meat is in the mainstream food supply. Again it's more complex than blaming the person for what they consume - 99% of people on the weight loss path would never dream of eating at these places.

  5. @ blether.

    Despite your awareness about your problem, you still keep jumping the fence at its lowest point!sad.png

    To train Muya Thai to loose weight? Give us a break, it might be "sexy" and give you the attention you seem to crave, but a tool for weightloss?? Especially if you follow it up with a good dinner and a few drinks, which according to your posts here is high on your list of priorities.rolleyes.gif

    Going to a temple for meditation, yeah sure ! Nice easy way to "adress the problem". IMO that is avoiding the real issue. You can tell yourself, that you are doing something about it, without really doing anything.

    Same goes for the test you are going to have. Without being a doctor, I can tell you your PB is too high, your bloodsugarlevel is to high, your cholesterollevel to high. Again doing something without really doing anything. You have to realise, there is no intellectual solution to your problem! Only hard work with a lot of suffering along the way. And you are on your own.

    As for blaming the foodindustry, typical for any addict to blame someone else. You have access to excactly the same (healthy) food as I have. (180 cm, 73 kg)

    Several posters here have mentioned, the problem with keeping weight off after loosing it. So I checked how the winners of "The Biggest Loser" had managed after the program. 13 of 15 had managed to keep their new low weight several years after "their" season. So instead of going to Thailand next time, maybe a bootcamp in the US would solve your problems?thumbsup.gif

    I hope you read my post in the right spirit, an atempt to help.

    Even if I have no experience with overweight, I used to be addicted to alcohol until 7 years ago, where I finally managed to quit. A long and very bumpy road to get there!

    Wish you the best of luck![/quot

    It shouldn't never be about blaming the person - never ever. I've written scripts for people with anerexia nervosa for BP. I admit there are serious health factors to be considered but let's move on..... it's so much more than telling people to get off their arse or being inspired by a silly television show.

    IMHO with 8 years of pharmacy education including a Doctorate - I do blame the food industry for a lot of this disease.

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  6. The only field I'd would guess I'm an expert in - I don't post or read the threads ever (health) worked in the field for years and tired of my old life.

    As for the rest TV can be a lot of fun and very informative and yes I love being here most of the time. Just ignore the negativity and enjoy your adventure.

    • Like 2
  7. Good point again JT.

    There must be a link between obesity and the rise in artificially manufactured foodstuffs. Caffeine is added to too many things to cause addiction for example.

    To me governments should be enforcing strict maximum fat and calorie contents on manufactured foods and prosecuting companies that add addictive substances. The civil libertarian argument that people should be allowed to eat what they want needs to set against teams of scientists testing and creating ever more addictive Frankenstein foods.

    I agree - it's what's in our food and their should be a better rating system. I'm 48 and when I look at school pictures when I was in the UK or then Canada there was very little obesity, now I look at the same age group and it's 30% and more is some regions.

    I also blame our cooking habits - I love salmon but I'll admit I only know how to prepare it a couple of ways yet the older generation could make it last a couple of meals using it many different recipes and were all home cooked meals without the additives in todays food. We've become anti leftovers because we demand variety and have become lazy to learn - i still remember shepherds pie for lunch on Wednesdsys, which started out as Sundays roast supper.

    I think the concept of policing additives is good for people with weight concerns but also the general public - the caloric labels work but need to go deeper.

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  8. Obesity is a very complex problem and it's a problem that is growing rapidly internationally. People who think it's only a simple matter of "will power" are simply totally WRONG. I think will power is but ONE factor among many.

    You have to burn more calories than you take in. What could be simpler? Anything else if psycho-babble.

    Sorry it's not as simple as that - these folks suffer a lot more than we do and deserve a little respect for trying. in some cases it's an addiction and yes we're sympathetic to alcholics and gamblers, for others it's their genetic metoblism and for some it's the crap fast food and for many it's medical and meds - whatever the case I'd like my fat friends to be around as long as my skinny friends so let's try to help instead of criticize.

    Sorry, but I don't see it that way. I sympathize with those with afflictions, whether it be drugs, alcohol, food or some other dependency. That fact remains that aside from psychological dependency, these folks have the power to change their lives. No one else is going to do it for them. Sorry if that offends you, but I would rather have someone be honest with me as apposed to blowing smoke up my skirt. Sometimes people need a rude awakening to set them on the right path as apposed to be coddled and told it's not their fault. We all control our own destiny.

    Fair enough, point taken and I'm not offended. Everyone knows if they are considered short, tall, handsome, obese, funny or a social gadfly - in most cases they don't need telling.

    Next time you see someone who is rather corpulent walk up to them and ask them if they know they have the power to change their lives .....


  9. Obesity is a very complex problem and it's a problem that is growing rapidly internationally. People who think it's only a simple matter of "will power" are simply totally WRONG. I think will power is but ONE factor among many.

    You have to burn more calories than you take in. What could be simpler? Anything else if psycho-babble.

    Sorry it's not as simple as that - these folks suffer a lot more than we do and deserve a little respect for trying. in some cases it's an addiction and yes we're sympathetic to alcholics and gamblers, for others it's their genetic metoblism and for some it's the crap fast food and for many it's medical and meds - whatever the case I'd like my fat friends to be around as long as my skinny friends so let's try to help instead of criticize.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes I agree the medical profession needs to do more for obese people and I expect they eventually will. Now we are in the dark ages as far as treatment options. I think the gut bacteria therapy might be the big thing coming.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    At the risk of slamming the profession I'll only say most are stuck in the diabetes "I told you so stage" and haven't the foggiest how to relate to patient concerns or needs. Also many patients suffer from the white lab coat syndrome and don't share their problems with their Doctor but come into the Pharmacy and unload - fair enough its my job and I wouldnt do it if I didn't care. When they realise a Pharmacist can often write a script they tend to open up. Some in the profession are like me though counsel patients to quit smoking today, right now or you're going to get cancer, would you allow a person to have this much control over you ??? etc whilst I sneak out back for a quickie (smoke) :)

    I've read some data on gut bacteria and from a purely pharmacology point of view I'm almost there in agreement. But you know as I, unless pharma can make money it will take ages to get the proper funding. I'm trying to be positive about it as it could help many.

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  11. Bizarre you mention badminton, I was gazing wistfully at guys playing badminton on Friday night, it was a sport I loved in my teenage years. I should have taken up a sport after the long recovery from my back injury. That was a mistake on my part.

    I'm going to start to play - the racquets are cheap as chips here and I just like saying shuttlecock.

    I believe it's a good cardio and not hard on the knees and ankles as other sports - could be wrong though. Watching the guys here zip around the court like they do is certainly impressive.

    A friend wore one of those calorie burner gizmos and claimed he burnt 800 calories.

  12. When in Rome. Forget about trying to replicate nasty greasy British food in Thailand. Buy fresh fish at the market and make Pla Rat Prik or some other Thai dish.

    Proper cod is neither nasty, greasy or British it's a wonderful fish - sadly what we're able to buy frozen doesn't do the species justice.

    Agreed try other fish and either go native or improvise new recipes.

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