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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. You can't take it with you, so just enjoy it while you can.
  2. It is likely that the law requires an autopsy in cases where the death in not attributed to an ongoing medical issue.
  3. Pattaya: World class family resort.
  4. Possibly you just encountered today's little Crowdstrike outage blip?
  5. Lol. That made me recall a (non-PC) joke from my schooldays, set in the school playground just after the Christmas break when the children of varying religions were asked what they did on Christmas day. Most of the children recounted tales of the presents that they had received etc., but when the Jewish child was asked and he responded "Well, as you know, we don't believe in Santa Claus, and we don't get any presents, but my Father has a toyshop, and every Christmas morning the whole family visits the toyshop. We spend a few minutes looking at all the empty shelves, then we all sing one chorus of "What a friend we have in Jesus" and then we go home!"
  6. Because there are always other people who will pay their medical bills - GoFundMe etc..
  7. My Maternal Grandmother's (B 1897, D 2004) claim to fame (or perhaps infamy!) was that when she was working at a hospital in Washington State, most likely in the 1920's or early 1930's, she was introduced to Al Capone. She said that he was nothing like the way he was portrayed in movies. Her words were that "He was beautifully dressed and had beautiful manners".
  8. Ask your employer for help. I expect that they don't want to lose an employee over paperwork issues. Palm-greasing is a likely requirement.
  9. I do feel sorry for those guys in the west who know nothing better than western wimmin.
  10. Spot on. You gotta wonder about this guy's level of intelligence - planning I doubt that anyone in a Santa suit would be allowed anywhere near children at Jewish schools!
  11. The Brits will get (at least) 5 years of what they voted for. I doubt that they, or indeed the rest of the civilised world, will enjoy that.
  12. Bolt cutter - takes seconds - hacksaw or grinder will produce small filings which are best kept away from the brake so I wouldn't use either. Then surveillance. It might have been kids playing tricks, but you need to find out who is involved and why so that you can deal with it as otherwise it is likely to recur or escalate which could become expensive, dangerous or both.
  13. ...do you think Thai girls can tell if you can't be fooled anymore? Act like a newbie & you'll find out.
  14. As the Father named on the child's UK Birth certificate, your permission is required for the child to be issued with a Thai passport. In your place I'd insist on the house being transferred into the child's name as a pre-condition of agreeing to the issue of the Thai passport. You will need a Thai lawyer to ensure that this is done correctly.
  15. Irrespective of whatever led to this terrible tragedy, RIP all.
  16. You are the new arrival. Maybe best not to make waves. Let one of your neighbors deal with the hassle, and if they don't then there may be an excellent for their inaction. Earplugs until then.
  17. Careful with that chopper!
  18. It'll never get off the ground.
  19. Proof that the "treatment" worked? 🤣🤣🤣
  20. 30,0000!!!! That is a truly shocking number. Gonna need to build more prisons....
  21. Thai justice? Be careful what you wish for.
  22. Outstanding questions remain about new visa rules for Thailand So surprising!
  23. "Size doesn't matter" - one of the biggest lies in the World.
  24. Perhaps the "open door policies" will be extended to all trains and buses to make it easier to eject rude passengers?
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