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tubby johnson

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Everything posted by tubby johnson

  1. I've made it easy for you by quoting from your self-incriminating sources: "The arrest data from New York shines a light on a sensitive topic in the Asian American community — that attacks on Asians are often carried out by people of color. Most police departments do not publish this kind of data, but anecdotal evidence suggests the pattern seen in New York has emerged in other cities, as well." So much crime and thuggery, yet blacks account for only 12.4% of the population. Quite an overachieving minority: https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/improved-race-ethnicity-measures-reveal-united-states-population-much-more-multiracial.html Enlighten yourself Stay humble
  2. Yes, a splendid idea for you to return to your FBI statistics and enlighten yourself. Being wrong once is a bit silly, being wrong repeatedly is woefully embarrassing and self-incriminating. ????
  3. When I need wisdom do I ask a sparktrader? He's much more than just an MMA guy, you know. You snipe at him from behind your keyboard and envy him, we can see that.
  4. You backed up your claim by ....... posting credible research that refutes your claim. Priceless!
  5. That's quite an own goal you scored with those FBI statistics Is self-incrimination an offence? No, merely brainless. Now please read them and enlighten yourself on the percentage of blacks in the US and their disproportionate contribution towards violent crime, thuggery, robbery, etc.
  6. "trustworthy sources" Those "pesky facts" ..... Yeah, such as FBI crime statistics.
  7. A biased and selective choice. Not unexpected. Those pesky FBI crime statistics prove you wrong again.
  8. Putin knows Biden is too frail to respond in a manly way. As for Kamala, ..... (hyena laughter) Biden was appointed by the Democrats with one task: get rid of Trump by any means necessary. Mission accomplished and mentally tardy Biden can be shunted off to the side. Let the Pentagon and the Woke Saints run things from now on. USA is itching for a scrap with unwoke and disobedient Russia. How it will affect us in Thailand? Higher gasoline prices, mainly. I hope Thailand isn't bullied by the USA into taking sides.
  9. But you were magically able to determine the buggy driver's guilt from that short clip. Please stick to the day job, don't apply to become a driving instructor.
  10. Wrong: Foreigners are not allowed to pose as driving instructors in Thailand. "The moto rider was in a position to see that there was nobody on or near the pedestrian crossing. ........ the moto rider who was traveling in a constant direction." --- From such a short clip, it is impossible to judge. Please don't jump to conclusions based on a snapshot. Motorcycle overtaking at a pedestrian crossing? Not allowed Motorcycle speeding inside a housing estate? Also not allowed "Thai road laws are very similar to those in the west." --- Don't make assumptions or pontificate on topics you know nothing about.
  11. ..... but accurate. A homeless person tramping the streets. Methinks you're just virtue signaling and trying to boost your social credit points.
  12. Too skinny and too much plastic surgery. Give me an authentic, well-mannered, intelligent and cheerful Thai girl any day: .....
  13. I've done lots of things without a work permit, never bothered with it. No repercussions, completely hassle free.
  14. I asked my wife for an explanation, but she finds the carpet munchers abhorrent and knows nothing of their slang.
  15. One meal a day is just about enough to stay alive and feel grateful to our generous government and continue voting for them and propping up the economy.
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