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Everything posted by bbi1

  1. Book the hotel in your gf's name and she checks in. No need to show your passport or anything of yours.
  2. Just get a volunteering visa and become one of those travelling bible boys who travel around in groups of two trying to convert Thais to become Christian or the other group of volunteers trying to save hookers from selling their bodies.
  3. It's too bad most folks on this forum are old geezers on retirement visas/extensions. They won't be able to take advantage of this great initiative.
  4. All the garderners & cleaning staff at my condo are all Burmese. The condo management are in charge of employing them. But surely they must be on some work permit?
  5. They just need to go through the books of the agents to see who their clients are. Check which ones used agents for retirement extensions then boom, kick those dodgy lawbreakers out of the country and ban them for 10 years.
  6. Time for them to crack down on the agents and the dodgy retirement visa bribers. Watch out you lot who use agents to bribe your way through agents and stay on retirement visas using the dodgy dodgy. Time for you lot to be gone out of Thailand.
  7. Yep, all those dodgy folks using agents who don't follow the retirement visa law should all get locked up and deported. All those bribing agents and IOs.
  8. Just ban any Swiss, New Zealanders & Russians from entering for the next few months. Those were the 3 nationalities in the past few weeks that were causing problems who made the news. 😂😂
  9. Um, I didn't say the above so why have you quoted me as saying that???? It was "superal" that said that.
  10. Lots of old ugly farts in Pattaya with young women. We know that these women despise these old farts. If they were not poor as f&ck they would never be with the old fart. They'd prefer a handsome young Korean, Chinese, Japanese or farang similar age to them. We all see how they go crazy for these types.
  11. What are you on about? Do you even know what Area 39 is? It's the name of a Thai bar. Would there be a liquor store in a Thai pub/bar? I've drove past Area 39 thousands of times and there's no liquor store inside that Thai pub/bar or anywhere around that area. There is a KFC and two buffet restaurants and many other bars, that's about it.
  12. The laws are exactly the same as their home country. What are you on about???? You need a motorbike licence to ride a motorbike in your home country, or in your home country it's not the law but only in Thailand it's the law?
  13. They tried to bribe the cop for the traffic offence, the officer said "no thanks, I don't take bribes", then the two Kiwi bros decided to do a runner from the cop, the cop chases them down then they get into a fist & gun fight. Something doesn't sound quite right with that story.
  14. Where's that forum dude with his Thai wife working at the Sydney consulate? Any comments from him, as he has his wife with the insider info as to what's going on here.
  15. What's VIP about a 9 seater? That's the standard packed like a sardine van.
  16. Why is the lady in the video yelling "You stop. She has gun, she has gun". Is the cop a ladyboy? To me he looks like a man.
  17. outside a liquor store in Area 39? I've never seen a liquor store outside Area 39. Area 39 is a very popular Thai pub. Are you sure it wasn't just outside Area 39 pub, after the patrons came out of it? Looks like it from the security footage.
  18. Rightly so. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
  19. Didn't the Philippines allow anyone to get a retirement visa at 35 years old? As far as you have the money, who cares what age you retire at.
  20. Considering that Jomtien Immgration only allows everybody to extend their tourist visa or visa exempt only one (1) business day prior to stamp expiry, that means anyone with a stamp expiring on the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th will be going in to extend on the 11th and won't get their passports back until the 17th, as it's a 2 day process. That's a very long time to be without your passport and hoping that they don't lose it in the meantime. I'd be guessing there will be an absolutely insanely massive queue on the 11th next month. Hope they will put on extra staff to work the days in the lead-up to the extra long holidays.
  21. And in comes the stupid farang a few years later who marries the single mother bargirl and becomes the step-in father.
  22. I should've been more specific. I meant without having to work illegally in Thailand, because they've already worked in their home country and saved enough to live on in Thailand, but can't get a retirement visa due to age discrimination.
  23. I guess that's what you had to do when you can't afford the 1k for a private car to the airport and 1k for a journey back.
  24. No, never had any experience with this. Just another reason to add to the list as to why to never own any property in Thailand. As I've always said, only idiots own property here, if you are a foreigner. Own property in your own country or other stable countries.
  25. Looking at their age, in 30 years time it's 99.9999% guaranteed they won't be alive anymore, so it really doesn't matter.
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