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Posts posted by bheard

  1. He will enter himself it to the Monk-hood, all is forgiven.
    Sad that their was loss of life. Baby/Child seats, come on parents, a few hundred baht could have and would have saved your baby. Baby in the backseat safe, again, come on parents!

    In some countries, including Oz, parents don't have to fork out much money for child safety seats and capsules - they just front up at the local council and hire them.
    Thais could do that. If they thought that life was valuable.
    It's obvious that they don't think that.
  2. Gone through the process twice, first time took over two months and was rejected, second time was approved in 10 days after I did a lot of research on the internet. I was lucky enough to get hold of copy of the criteria check sheet the Embassy uses for its assessing officers, so knew exactly what they were looking for in each applicant. Don't waste your money on visa companies, they are leeches praying on your emotions. You can do it yourself for free. You have to go to VFS Global to submit your application and bio metrics with the 4000B fee. The three most important things they are looking for are
    1. She has sufficient money in the bank. Minimum 100,000B.
    2. Proof that she will return to Thailand after the visit.
    3. Proof of your relationship with photos and bank statement showing your support.
    There are other factors involved, too lengthy to discuss here.
    Don't get carried away with booking airline tickets and insurance, you might think you are submitting a perfect application, things can go horrible wrong and you end up with egg on your face.
    The best tip I can give you is to prepare your girlfriend with all the info regarding your relationship, eg, peoples names, places, family, in Australia, so that if Immigration rings she is well prepared.
    Oh, nearly forgot I submitted  STAT DEC signed and stamped by the Oz embassy guaranteeing her return.
    Visit VFS Global website and look at the Visa 600 criteria.
    Good luck

    The STAT DEC would have been a deciding factor for them. They then have you by the short'n'curleys and know that they can squeeze hard. They'd luv that!
    Is signing a Stat Dec normal?
  3. The country would be at a standstill without corruption. Just sayin'.:passifier:

    It's true. The system in Thailand is designed on purpose to be corrupt. Checks and balances are frowned upon and contestable in court. Corruption is the oil for the gearboxes, grease to ease the slipways, the essential fluid to overcome resistance.
    Machines without lubricant quickly grind to a halt.
    Oh, and along the way, some people get rich. That's the most important aspect of commercial activity, the final outcome takes second place in Thailand.
    (And most of the rest of the world for that matter) .

  4. Just looking at the picture it seems that at least one rider did not have their helmet fastened, I lost a good friend in Pattaya a few years back because of the fact that he didn't have his helmet fastened, wearing an unfastened helmet might save you a 500 baht fine but it will not save your life, if the helmet laws were to be "policed" for everyone the stats might come down a bit.

    Seems a lot of people think that wearing a helmet is like having a personal safety capsule.
    Sure it is essential to wear a helmet, but only in certain circumstances is it gonna save your life.
    The primary problem for Thais on motorcycles is not having any concept of road sense or a sense of self preservation.
    Not wearing helmets is a secondary issue.
  5. right,  I had a chuckle when I read the article. They will need a few years to figure out what she did with her assets. 
    The woman apparently is now dead poor. I wonder if she would accept 5k for LT. Just to help her get on her feet again.

    Chuckle? Larf out loud.
    "Didn't know where to start". What a joke. True Thainess. Assets just as hard to find as "Boss".
  6. Who cares ? I always thought military ran countries did not have politics only leaders  I may be wrong here but that is this simple layman's opinion. 
      My question in response would be. 
      What influence does politics have in Thailand if any.

    Politics has a huge influence in Thailand. Evidence is this current attempt to get rid of all Shin influence. Why? Because they got their hands on the levers which control the flow of money. The other side (currently in control) doesn't like that.
  7. hahahaha, I will not leave the country as I am innocent she said, goes to show how big a liar she really is. Anything that the shins have touched is rotten and needs to be removed, the ptp and reds included as they are simply an extension of them and dirty to their core. 

    It's not clear yet if she has left the country or not.
    If she turns up will you retract your hate speech above? And the rest of the hate you preach?
  8. http://www.worldwatch.org/agricultural-subsidies-remain-staple-industrial-world-0
    True and only in Thailand has a PM been charged for a subsidy policy pledged to the people. If that is so, the top 20 food producing countries which has subsidies of USD480 B in 2012 will be similarly be charged. Direct payment that decouple from production is not uniquely Thai too. Direct payment is a common form of subsidy to farmers to produce as much or as little and still receive the subsidy. 

    Of course it is the case that this prosecution is the result of the current administration working for the BKK "born to rule" crowd and using the pledging scheme along with the corrupt justice system to nail their opposition.
    Not much to do with the pledging scheme itself.
  9. This is how the rest of the world builds wavebreakers....and yes they are hard structures made of concrete and do break the waves...i mean real waves, not those tiny wrinkelings they have in Thailand.
    Have fun with the bamboo fences in sea :clap2:

    Don't be too dismissive. Mangroves are the way to go in tropical areas - cheap and effective. What he is saying makes sense. And he's given a good example to illustrate it.
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