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Posts posted by bheard

  1. You are talking out of your buttocks on this subject. Thailand  has a full employment economy to the extent that millions of people from  Cambodia and Myanmar must be allowed in to Thailand to do unskilled labor.
    Thailand has an under employment and inefficient use of labor characteristic, but this is very different from unemployment. You forget that a  major part of the economy is given over to agriculture. The hospitality sector is hobbled because of a lack of workers.The manufacturing sector is in a precarious state because the number of males in the age 21 to 35 age segment  has not kept pace with manpower needs. Obviously you are unaware that  birth rates have decreased over the past 25 years, while  mortality due to "accident" and disease has hit this age group hard.

    It would seem that you have never grasped the concept of "tongue in cheek"
  2. I don't agree. I'm convinced it's coming big time in the U.S. The optimists say 5 years. So more like 10 years. The U.S. has an orderly road system, a people who love high tech, driving is largely being stuck in traffic so not much "fun" anyway, and an aging population. Perfect for this.

    You are correct. Driverless is the future.
    However there would have to be a special "f/kwit" app for Thailand. The normal software cold not possibly cut it here.
    And I'm still puzzled as to why a Toyota Camry made in Thailand cost 30% less
    in Australia including shipping, import duties and better equipment that
    what it cost here where the car was made 100km from my home......

    It is interesting indeed. Maybe 30% is a little exaggerated, however my gf's Corolla made in Thailand was slightly more expensive in Thailand than an equivalent model made in Australia, and had less equipment.
    She also had a Honda Civic which is the exact model sold in Aus from the same factory in Thailand which cost slightly more than in Aus. Also the Thailand car had less equipment - safety equipment, split rear seat, dipping RV mirror etc.
    So I assume taxes are higher?
    As another reader said, no more manufacturing in Aus.
  4. If you work in Australia for ten years you get a pension? Really? 

    Not true.
    The govt old age pension is paid overseas only if you have paid tax in Australia for a minimum of 33 years.
    And it is diminished as well by around 20% ('allowances' removed).
    So this guy's wife won't get it she moves back to Thailand.
    Also, the old age pension is the only Aus govt pension that is paid overseas.
  5. It's no big deal. Get used to it. In Japan I stood urinating into a wall mounted unit while two units along a woman was on her knees cleaning it. In one hand she held a mirror on a stick, while scrubbing under the unit with the other hand. Incredible but true.
    She was nicely dressed and made up, and the whole place was totally clean.
    The Japs are way ahead of anywhere else in Asia (and most of the rest of the world for that matter).

  6. He's in Singapore if they want to know...
    From the BBC site today
    'The Associated Press news agency said Singapore airport authorities had confirmed with them that Mr Vorayuth's private plane was in the country as of Tuesday' Note :- that's last Tuesday...

    You hit the nail on the head.
    The fact is that no Thai with a uniform on wants to be the guy that actually nails this rat.
    That'd be like ensuring you go to purgatory.
    So, no, nobody wants to know. They'll just keep shifting the matter on as soon as it hits their desk, like a hot potato.
  7. It makes me wonder if anyone checks what they write these days before they publish...
    "crashing into a tree stump in a ditch in the middle of the road."
    A very sad waste of life. 

    Pretty weird yes, but it is possible the writer may have checked.
    We have seen many strange things pictured in roads built here, electricity poles for one.
    And what about pics we have seen of roads no longer existing where they once were, without barriers or signage.
    Pity no photo to back up his statement!
  8. On-line shopping will end the malls within 10 years, you cannot stop Ecommerce, if you think you can, look at the worlds biggest on-line shopping nation where the high streets are dying fast. Mind you here they could start banning the shopping websites, like they do with some others

    Online shopping won't kill malls in countries like Thailand.
    Thai people go to malls for entertainment and to get cool!
  9. Lets hope they don't start eyeing pension reductions. The happy decades are long gone. By past standards we are considered the new old walking rich kids. With the working standards and now wage standards world wide very few workers would side with us the old gold glory guys. 

    Pension reductions are aleady happening in Aus. Also being eyed is the refusal to pay the age pension to eligible Aussies if living out of Aus. This will happen one day.
    What a load of crap. Telstra is a company ,owned by shareholders and the obligation of the directors and the CEO is maximise shareholder profits. In fact, if they dont, they are breaching their director obligations and would face proscution under the Corporations Act.
    The NBN company of which currently the Aus Govt is the owner has an obligation to the Aust people to obtain the best value for money for taxpayers. If an Indian company can supply a product cheaper than a local company and equal in quality, the local product to too expensive. That is how supply and demand works. Labour protection for overpaid and lazy workers is now over.

    However much you defend it, it's clear that the Aus govt has the 'level playing field' mindset. This means exporting jobs. The level playing field they aspire to is Asia - where Aus is currently heading.
    You want this?
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