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Posts posted by bheard

  1. Ah, the plot thickens. Possible scenario - real owner gives wife/gik (use of) BMW, sneakily arranges sale w/out telling said wife/gik (for whatever reason but one can guess a few), ignorant wife/gik up in arms, innocent manageress tells police "yeah, we sold the car (as instructed)", "yeah, we have the (real owner's) money"; real owner gets grief from wife/gik and obfuscates.

    Nowhere near complicated enough!
  2. Even Thai girls who drive a car drink far too much and drive home.
    In Places like Tawan Daeng they have beerdrinking contests on stage for girls. the one who can drink a huge glass of beer the fastest wins something. It's fun to watch but real ladies don't do such thing.

    "It's fun to watch but real ladies don't do such thing".
    I know which type I'd rather spend time with. And it wouldn't be the type I'd take home to meet Mum.
  3. The foreigner didn't get the memo, thai's never fight fair so just walk away if you can.

    There's a lot of rubbish here about fighting fair or not etc. Thai culture is not the same as farang culture. You want to live here then accept that "fair" in farang is not "fair" in Thai. It's different!
    And talking of "fair". What will those people talking "fair" be saying the about the US (pop 325m) in relation to a fight with N.Korea (pop 24m)? (Not that I support that idiot, he should be exterminated).
  4. This is a very good move and a constructive commencement from the current Thai government.
    Wonder nevertheless, how and if, the law will be enforced?
    And for the cops currently involved in such business ventures,  what steps will be taken?

    Ah yes, enforcement. We'll get the police to enforce it. That should work.
  5. Can't tell a lot from the pic but it doesn't appear to be a high speed impact. Lucky he had his amulet because engineering, crash testing etc obviously didn't play a part. Remember this rubbish is drilled into them from day one. The truly brainwashed will swear that black is white and visa versa.

    Hard to say if the vehicle had air bags fitted, or if he/they were wearing seat belts (unlikely I know) but yes, as you say, plenty of engineering and testing went into that vehicle, just to keep idiots like him safe.
  6. Thailand cannot afford all these expensive road bases, and rebar
    I guess you haven't been in Thailand long enough to know the reality, but to say Thailand cannot afford is ludicrous. Thailand is very rich, but for reasons those of us that have been here for a bit longer than you know they won't spend it on infrastructure.

    Quite so. Thailand is not poor. Just keep your eyes open while walking around to see wealth.
    It's a matter of Thai priorities as to where and how money is spent. Different thinking to a farang.
    Also it's the 'big man' system. Money allocated to infrastructure is handled in such a way to as ensure all the hands it passes through on the way get a share and by the time it gets to actually build the road there is not enough left to do a good job.
    Get out in the sticks and you see even major through roads built this way - red dirt, pack it down a bit, then bitumen straight on top. Within 2 weeks it's got holes. I've seen this many times.
  7. This would be an epic mistake.
    While I understand from a Thai point of view the desire to keep things in the family (That's how Thais do things), I cannot imagine a scenario whereby the military and the Powers That Be would allow another Shinawatra to attain power.
    It would be great for Thailand if a non Shinawtra were to lead the party, then perhaps things might quiet politically.

    If/when the military does get around to allowing a free vote, their new rules and constitution will prevent anyone having power to govern independantly.
    They'll be smart enough not to try to stop this family member from obtaining office - that could potentially cause the filthy masses to actually rise up.
    They are busy going after the family cash currently - eg. trying to squeeze Yingluck for 35 billion, as well as nibbling away at anyone seen to be supporters of the Shins.
    We'll all be watching with baited breath . . .
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