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Everything posted by sungod

  1. MrJ2U seems to think so, at least that's what he told me in black and white.
  2. I tend to agree with you, they may help explain to me why I engage with losers on this forum.
  3. You cant even hold down an argument you told me to get a booster as it would stop me getting infected, your words, not mine. I'd prefer it if you didn't lie.
  4. Do the medical professionals say its stops infection or did you just make that little gem up on your own?
  5. If there are no rights in Thailand, it will be interesting to see what they do if bars start streaming it live from other sources.
  6. Maybe they should have gone and got boosted, according to Mr J2U it stops you from getting it again.
  7. Ha, another one who thinks the vaccine stops people from catching it, you should keep up with the news. Besides, double vaxxed the first time round, at the peak of protection and still got it. Cant hide behind the sofa for ever.....
  8. Just had it again, much more mild the 2nd time around,main thing was sore throat and cough for 2 days. Double vaccinated with AZ over a year ago and no booster. Stop the hysteria!
  9. Is that the stuff that kicks in after a previous infection?
  10. I breeze through once or twice a month on average, normal immigration officers on the desk I use. I think you guys are imagining things to be honest.......
  11. 3.5 billion people across the entire world seem to disagree with you. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-are-the-most-popular-sports-in-the-world.html
  12. Just had a sore throat for a couple of days, I think I'll survive thanks.
  13. Had it for the 2nd time 2 weeks ago, had 2 shots over a year ago, didn't bother with a booster. Had a sore throat and cough for 2 days. It was extremely mild, had worse colds.
  14. I'd prefer this to an Issan Granny with a Thai ex husband in the next village.
  15. Quite a few from the LGBT community took part too........
  16. Most of these guys have never been to Pattaya, at least not for a long time. They just copy what others post. It's boring living in a village on your own in the north east you know .....
  17. Well done, good for you, nice post to read to start the day in a happy way!
  18. Twisting words again, cant remember saying it was racial. If you dont want to argue then best not reply! I too get the local price on occasion, but dual pricing is very much a reality here, so much there is a website devoted to it! Keep living in your dream world......
  19. Absolute rubbish..........top tip for arguing, dont make it up. How would I have a chip on my shoulder for being a foreigner? You are what you are. Or Is it because I dont desire to be a 'pretend Thai' such as you do?
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