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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Molnupiravir lowers the risk by 30%, Paxlovid by 90% Go Thailand!!!!
  2. Its starting to get hot mate, air conditioned police boxes are far more enticing.....
  3. Been a local's hangout for years.
  4. Did they ever leave? At least as a restaurant they will have their clothes on.
  5. Thats the point, there is nothing to read!
  6. TV doing its best to add to the hysteria.
  7. Lazada is my go to for anything I cant find in the first couple of shops I visit, saves on leg work. Putting in different searches is better than visiting multiple shops. 150 baht for a replacement remote for my Samsung TV has been a recent one, foam pads from China to refurbish headphones, good as new for 38 baht including the postage.
  8. I can see you are the sensitive type, I'll leave you alone now.
  9. Why anyone who lives here would need to resort to that.......each to their own I guess. ????
  10. Temporary, I'm back to banging like a sh!t house door in the wind.
  11. Such a shame 94% of low income countries [residents] are unvaccinated. You mentioned on another thread that you were making an unnecessary trip to Africa soon, The most unvaccinated continent in the world. Kind of hypocritical dont you think?
  12. The problem is old people who think they are young, how many commenting on here had a bike license in their own country? The problem here is old fogies who never had to do a decent test, suddenly reinvent themselves with lax Thai testing standards, Similar to the blue diamond effect. Old people should get tested yearly, they are a danger to the rest of us.
  13. The Catholic church protects peados, nuff said................. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-44209971
  14. May be a new angle here, a tourist tests positive, they get shipped off to an all inclusive covid resort where they can mix with other tourists who have a runny nose!
  15. Are you going to post that year old article again? Omicron is a different beast.
  16. You still banging that drum, massive vaccination rates in UK, massive infection rates. Vaccines stop severe illness.........
  17. I feel the pain, I've received tickets for crossing solid white lines where not doing so would have resulted in an encroaching vehicle hitting me!
  18. Ridiculous, the kid could have held the phone, allowing the rider to free up an arm.
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