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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. How about investigating each site for potential safety breaches or short comings and then reengineering out all existing safety issues, of which fire risk is only one of the potential outcomes of poor construction and design. if the root cause of accidents isn't resolved then lives remain at risk.
  2. Cleaning up 1. Destroy the CCTV footage 2. Burn the fake reciepts for fines 3. Hide the confiscated drugs 4. Melt down the gold chains 5. Diseminate the cash 6. Tidy up the false confessions
  3. Shock horror when the hapless committee finds out that the pervert is a committee member, one of their own.
  4. More panic from supposed community leaders that the sky is falling. How about teaching Thais to think objectively instead of covering everything in a blanket statement. Firstly Thais are returning home from overseas as well as foreigners. Secondly this is mainly (not exclusivelly though ) a sex risk that gays and bi men are exposed to. Thirdly not all foreigners in Thailand have been overseas recently.
  5. Thailand is an abysmal place to drive, regardless of how poor the survey quality is. However I have worked in a number of asian countries and their driving strategies weren't any better than Thailand, with similar road outcomes. So a number of countries could be sitting in equal second.
  6. People will always toss rubbish, especially when there are a lack of bins. Educating people should be accompanied with valid BMA installed methods to control waste disposal. The BMA need to reduce risks by re-engineering the storm water systems to include more trash screen stations and more regular cleaning (umplugging) of underground sections of the storm water systems. Maybe the BMA should build a better relationship with Singapore and learn from Singapore's waste control management. I'm not suggesting that Singapore is the best example regionally but they do have some similar lifestyle/ wsste generation habits.
  7. This sounds like an aweful ending, RIP to them. Even if they were or weren't involved in crime an execution style ending must be terrible. I hope the mushroom pickers stay on the case, at least they finish what they start.
  8. Something wrong with the application. My online check ins are always approved within hours at the latest. Last one was done a week ago.
  9. If you are a tourist and if you paid for your flights with a credit card then check your credit card providers T&C's because accidental injury insurance is sometimes automatically inclusive when flights have been purchased.
  10. Put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig. Organisations get respect through action and leading the community by positive example. Thai people don't trust the RTP because the RTP do very little to engender trust and/or respect.
  11. I cannot even believe that an excuse like this would exist. It paints a very damning picture about Thai life and society if the normal Thai citizens don't rally for justice. This MP is one very mentally sick individual of he really believes that catching a flight was more important than stopping to potentially save an injured person. And who in Thai society will be a voice of reason to condemn this disgusting act.
  12. There's the narrative for the near future...."dust". Not particulates from burning, not chemical residue from diesels and chemical processing, just that dastardly dust that blows in. Buy some dust supression spray, available at all good 7/11's.
  13. You mean that there are some anti virals left over after Anutin helped himself to them? How generous of him.
  14. Let's divert the public's attention to construction pollution so that we can conveniently look the other way in regards to the thousands of belching BMTA buses that blight the Bangkok air 24/7. Do it right Chatchart, clean up the BMA's own pollution mess and therefore lead by example and not by exception.
  15. Nothing substantial will happen to the drunk drivet. He will pay compensation, throw a few bucks to the RTP's drinking fund and then he will be behind the wheel again doing what he does best. Thailand isn't unique in asia with this problem.
  16. That guy was hiding out on overstay and Monkeypox spread while he was already in Thailand, so where is the hunt for monkey pox patient zero, who is obviously the giver. Give them the 40 year old vaccine that is still effective.
  17. More scared of a potential "plastic bag interrogation" than bullets.
  18. If that's what drinking does to that guy then he should seriously consider changing his habits. You can enjoy Thailand without the alcohol.
  19. I'm sure this stolen chain scam forms part of the holiday package. Indias version of gofundme holiday is the gold chain insurance scam. 30k baht claims for a 3 star experience versus 100k baht claims for a 5 star extravaganza.
  20. RIP to him and condolences to family. Special thanks go to the rescuers who put their lives on the line trying to recover the body.
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