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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Hostels are located in Saphan Kwai in the small sois near Saphan Kwai BTS access, or a number of hotels are strung out on Pradipat Road (east and west sides of the intersection with Paholyothin Rd) and also there is the higher end Ari Quarter hotel on the northern end of Ari on Paholyothin Rd. Some of the hostels are still quiet from the C19. I've walked to Bangsue Station from Saphan Kwai in about 15 to 20 minutes for exercise and if you are on the western end of Pradipat Road then Bangsue is also about 15 minute walk from that direction. Taxis wouldn't be more than about 50 - 60 baht from these locations to Bangsue Station. Or you can stay at any hotel near the MRT or BTS lines which stop at Bangsue Station itself.
  2. The RTP are staring down the rabbit hole and all they can see is dodgy visa applications and darkness. The old covid extension request and can't get home due to the pandemic excuses must be nearing the end of their usable lives. Over to the stella Immigration Police now. They will be pointing the bosses smart car towards a Phuket holiday as we type, while he leads his Phuket Team to the rescue.
  3. I can guarrantee that if there is an RTP officer that is honest and hardworking then he or she would be the loneliest person in Thailand. I mean this country isn't alone in having a corrupt police force but few other narionalities blagg on about how moral and above reproach they are at the same time.
  4. That's what you get when you lick doorknobs in a foreign country.
  5. Far from ignoring the gambling the police are likely paying keen attention to the weekly gambling den balance sheet. How else would one calculate a fair cut of the gambling profits.
  6. Thailand continues to spread a narrative that fails to meet reality. But as much as I hate living in Bangkok, my wife loves it. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
  7. I copped something similar from 4 teenagers in the UK when my family moved back from Australia. Once they surrounded me I attacked first and got a jump on them and they panicked and ran, never to attack me again. Sometimes attack is the best form of defence, especially when you are out numbered. I never did like bullies or pack cowards.
  8. How many covid medicines has Thailand claimed to have developed now? Many claims, which turn out to be at best hot air. This educational hub of medicinal monsence aimed at securing university funding for university research projects that lead nowhere.
  9. How much money was slipped straight into the back pocket before the token 4.3M was disclosed.
  10. I don't think that you can really associate complaining about higher costs with the initial reason for moving here. Some people just love to complain about costs regardless of their reason for coming here. In reality total costs of living for foreigners who don't own property probably reduced during covid as rental prices slumped. This new inflation correction will test everyone on a fixed income I think, as prices continue to rise. This will be especially true for people if they had large portions of their income tied up in the SET or in crypto.
  11. The RTE has been flat out for the last two years helping people to return to Thailand amid ever changing rules and regulations. I had to contact them a few times during the last two years in regards to Thailand pass issues and visas and I will only speak for my own personal experience with a big thank you the staff of the RTE in London.
  12. I'll bet that the demand for bottled oxygen soared after 50 RTP muppets sucked the life out of the place.
  13. Grab should be forced to regulate their industry or shut down. Unroadworthy motocy's, noise pollution, riding on footpaths, riding the wrong way on roads, abusing other road users and pedestrians. Yes, these are typical Thai motoring things behaviours with some people but Grab has an opportunity to enforce standards and create positive transport etiquete by example. Instead its just another Thai cowboy outfit, just like the other delivery companies.
  14. Why is a car untenable? I have been trying to decide whether to buy a bike myself but no matter which way I spin it in my mind, riding around Bangkok seems like more trouble than its worth in regards to heat, traffic and risk. My last bike was a 650cc BMW and I absolutely love riding but I cannot imagine riding that 650cc through prime traffic here. I live in Bangkok and I own a motor vehicle and even driving is a hassle, so I am hoping and planning on move out of Bangkok in order to take up my riding passion again. I just need to sell my condo first LOL, not great timing for that.
  15. Well done Thailand, another shameful day on the roads. This isn't just an event to be blamed on this killer driver, even though he is a scumbag. The majority of Thais drive with the same disregard for other road users. When breaking road rules is an endemic problem then the entire populous must bear responsibiliy. Thailand doesn't deserve the foreign tourism that it clamours for.
  16. The real estate market might be dead but that doesn't stop some sellers from advertising their properties month in and month out at prices that obviously exceed the current market values. No one wants to lose equity but its difficult to make a big profit in Thai real estate at present. Thailand needs to market itself better to future foreign investors and retirees and make purchasing a property and living here more enticing in order to reinvigorate the market with fresh money.
  17. Well the Russian is a suspect thus far, so he can always go to a police station to clear his name if he innocent.
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