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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Don't worry my wife is the same, spray at every opportunity and even mop the floors evertime we go out and come home, as well as shower and change clothes. She also asked me not to go to gym or mingle in public, including no restaurant visits until she has had her second vaccine because she is scared. So I have reluctantly been a recluse, but I haven't complained to her personally because she has a legitimate fear even if I don't. But it is a hard way to live an enjoyable life when you are essentially in self imposed home detention. We have to just get through it until the vaccines are handed out I guess but I do wish she was more chilled over this.
  2. What a waste of life at 16, RIP. Its hard to blame anyone in particular when Thai drivers grow up thinking that their selfish driving decisions are the norm. The Thais need to rethink driver education and appropriate policing of laws if they ever decide to change their number one or two position for yearly death and injury status.
  3. I went on Tuesday, number 107. Didn't get done until 3:45, so then couldn't get my multiple entry permit because apparently they can't accept payment after a certain point. On a positive note the Pad Thai in the foodcourt I went into was tasty. Will have to do the multiple entry at the airport when I leave next I guess.
  4. The government apathetic to motorcycle/scooter carnage, not that the vehical driving is much of a step up in regards to safety. Not that they are alone, Vietnam and Indonesia aren't much better in regards to road chaos. I've driven in them all and each has its perilous side.
  5. Apply as early as possible, as they state process times are "long" due to the number of people requesting the vaccine passport.
  6. I'm surprised that they didn't include a mandatory minimum daily spend figure for tourists that could be garnished from the tourists at the airport upon leaving if they fell short on overall spending.
  7. Nil effects from the jabs except slight tenderness at the injection site the following day, which resolved within 24 hours.
  8. Third dose of "us and them", formulated especially for politicians.
  9. Why not speak to the Juristic Team and ask them to check the water delivery pressure to the top floor. Chances are that they have wound back the delivery pump system pressure relief valve or a delivery pump pressure cutout point either through ignorance or accident. Their maintenance team might be able to rectify the system pressure issue without you needing to retrofit any additional infrastructure. You have nothing to lose by asking them to investigate.
  10. Tourists have to register or be registered at every place they reside during a holiday in Thailand, so Anutin just needs to properly enter and track the data already submitted to immigration on behalf of each and every tourist.
  11. Let's hope that the good old human antibodies will dominate soon and lead to natural resistance to this pox ridden virus.
  12. I'm glad that the device didn't activate while the bin was being emptied, the poor old rubbish collectors jobs aren't the nicest jobs as it is. Let's hope this isn't the start of a bombing campaign after the last 18 months of covid induced misery.
  13. RTP - Do your job properly and crackdown on dangerous driving everywhere that it occurs. Bad road behaviour won't change until consistent application of the laws is enforced.
  14. I guess he won the carbon neutral award last year as well because of his horticultural passion.
  15. 300mm of rain in 24 hours? That is a deluge of biblical proportions, best wishes to the poor buggers living in the district.
  16. I can't stand their babbling and giggling myself, I told my wife to watch them on a device far, far away from me.
  17. The national park authorities could build a small layby in order for tourists to take photos without getting smashed by other vehicles if there is sufficient space that gives a good viewing platform. After all they are charging entry to the national park, so some expenditure on park safety upgrades might increase future tourist volumes when these beauty spots are uploaded to social media for the general populous to view and admire.
  18. I will be heading over to Dorset for a visit next month now, have just been waiting for the quarantine rules to change. I'll come back to Bangkok once I can return directly to my condo without having to ASQ again. Hopefully people will start to accept that vaccination and getting on with life is the best its going to get from now on. Covid is here to stay and we have to move on and put some more money into the health system in each country in order to increase medical support and increase staff numbers. These doctors and nurses have been stella, but they can't go on indefinitely without some further support mechanisms.
  19. I hope that the Swiss Embassy gets involved in this to make sure that the Swiss guy doesn't get railroaded for defending himself and his property because this sounds potentially unjust to me. Fair enough that they need to make sure this hasn't been a murder of passion over the wife's affair. I can see that this isn't a simple case of robber jumps the fence. Assume innocent unless proven guilty would be appreciated by the Swiss guy I'm sure.
  20. To name three countries. Firstly lets put Tasmania back where it belongs, as an Australian State, not a country. I lived there for 4 years and it was ok, not a retirement spot for me though. I can omly sift through countries that I have been to in order to pick 3 countries, otherwise its a blind guess. I would choose 1. Turkey 2. Peru 3. Spain Preferrably an area where I can get a real summer for a holiday feel and then a real long winter for comfort, including occassional snow. I don't mind the heat but I prefer winter weather conditions.
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