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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. That trainee teacher should be banned from teaching and given some jail time. If these things don't happen then he will become even worse in the future.
  2. Bang Sue, one of the most modern rail stations in Asia is gearing up to receive and control some of the most decrepit rolling stock in Asia.
  3. Monitor until you turn blue in the face but if the government and industry don't make engineering changes in order to capture fine dust from industrial applications then what positive really happens.
  4. Breathing is too good for some people and those people meet the requirement for being euthanized.
  5. RIP, he was just a kid. His death should be a lesson and learning for other kids but it doesn't work like that here.
  6. Another cyclist killer scumbag. It's happens here far too often, just another activity that is far more dangerous than it should be. If the buses, trucks, utilities or cars don't get you then the motocy's will get as close as possible. In Bangkok it is an adrenaline packed exercise activity, where white knuckle riding is the norm.
  7. A well thought out robbery thwarted by luck, or so says she to her cell mates.
  8. Good for you. I was going to get one for an upcoming UK trip but it appears that I don't need one.
  9. Tik Tok pays better than I thought. I hope he gets fair treatment and recompense.
  10. RIP, I am sure there are people who will miss her.
  11. I like that beach but there are better around, I think that the bay makes it nice.
  12. Find out who says "Thor" instead of "for" and you are one step closer to the perpetrator. I have seen similar claims on line before.
  13. Probably most money raised on her go fund me has come from her friends, acquaintances and neighbour's. I hope she recovers beyond expectation.
  14. Attacking like a pack of rabid dogs, so they should be treated like rabid dogs and put down.
  15. This is just another vehicle for police corruption. I wonder how much 1 point is going to be worth. It will be like a game..."your money or your point"
  16. I've got a 2021 Mazda CX-3 with less than 6000 km that I want to swap for a late model utility. I did all of the services at Mazda based on monthly intervals due to the low km's in order to keep the service schedule. My question is...does anyone have any experience with trading the vehicle in at a dealership for a new vehicle as I want an Isuzu diesel or Mazda equivalent that I can throw a motorbike and some camping gear on the back of. The Mazda isn't suitable for my needs. I have traditionally driven Toyota utes but I wanted something different. I don't want the hassle of selling the Mazda CX privately.
  17. So the d..k head was on meth and drunk. Make no mistake, if he had been breatho'd at the road side he would have blown well over. But the filthy RTP have done whatever possible for him to walk, so they should all be released of duty and given the a s s. As I have said before, I was badly injured in the early 70's as a kid by a drunk driver that walked because the investigating cop on scene was a friend of his, so I don't have much time for drink drivers.
  18. The reality is people who don't want to wear masks here don't wear them anymore and those that do want to wear a mask are free to do so. Why people get bent out of shape when they see people still wearing masks puzzles me. Its free choice to either wear or not. I think that wearing a mask if you are sick with a respitory issue is probably a good thing.
  19. Good for her..I wonder if a fat, bald 60 year old would have gotten the same sympathetic response, I doubt it myself.
  20. Increasing prices all year but surprisingly (not) a lot of these big companies have made record profits for 2022. They are bleeding the ordinary citizens dry and blaming covid and the Ukrainian/Russian conflict in order to raise consumer prices. The government does nothing about it because the government gets a windfall tax revenue bonus from the extra sales prices and company profits.
  21. These dirty corrupt cops are just the tip of the iceberg. The RTP corruption runs deep.
  22. Ask yourself, how did Prayut who was a career military office on a relatively low salary before he stole the country become so incredibly wealthy. He has obviously been training his nephew to carry on the task of wealth creation by any means.
  23. Wow, hard to imagine how she missed seeing him at the low speed she was traveling. She must be a shocking driver and a danger to anyone on the roads. He is partially responsible for painting in the middle of the accessway and not maintaining a general awareness of vehicles that might enter. RIP to him and I hope she can forgive herself.
  24. I found marriage visas to be a pain in the proverbial a s s because of the documents and photo's needed. If you do change to a marriage visa just make sure you are fully aware of each document needed in order to make your application process smooth and seemless. I ended up changing to a retirement visa as it was easier and the process finished on the same day.
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