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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Good idea to improve swimming. Bad idea for parents to encourage any swimming in the filthy klongs.
  2. Dumb and Dumber, what a choice. Although if not one of them then it might be the arch racist Anutin.
  3. Sounded like a total BS fake story about an expat in order to generate a discussion.
  4. Nobody should sign any contractual agreement without reading and understanding each clause. This has nothing to do with supposed "fine print" but has everything to do with the customer performing due diligence and understanding what T & C's that he or she is agreeing to.
  5. Soon to be re-designated as a semi submersible unless the do routine inspections and maintenance.
  6. Was it simply subsidence or did the crane topple over because thr boom was over extended and over its SWL. If the ground was soft then the crane operator should have identified that safety issue before the lift and then should have advised the construction team to make him a hard stand to lift of off, so operator error. BUT without a proper investigation by someone trained to investigate crane failures the true root cause will never be identified. They might as well have blamed it on brake failure.
  7. Another RTP "bungled" investigation. These cops will need to start go fund me pages in order to make up for their lost income.
  8. I hope the guy gets some help, suicide is no joke.
  9. I live on the 26th floor...they fly in, quite often "assisted" by prevailing winds but they come both when it is windy or calm.
  10. Anutin keeps making Samonella sandwiches for Prayut in the hopes that he might get hungry enough to bite into one.
  11. I drive a vehicle here but I rarely just jump in it for a weekend drive, it isn't a pleasant experience in Bangkok. I just find most drivers here to be ignorant, though there are some exceptions where a courteous driver surprises me. Thais are generally nice until they jump in or on their vehicles and want to get to B from A, then they lose all sense of decency. Still driving here is easy enough with GPS navigation, just don't drive with any expectation that Thais will drive like westerners. I have worked and drove in places with worse driving skills though. I found that Indonesians in the boondocks drive like maniacs, flat knacker and totally fatalistic about what might happen and Vietnam was pretty crazy in built up areas as well.
  12. You too...Happy New Year, may it be prosperous and safe for you.
  13. If my wife cooked street food then she would be restricted to making pancakes based on her breast size.
  14. Kaching, kaching...the RTP looking to get their cut of the assets. Like vultures picking over the carcass of the drug lord. To bad the dirty money and assets don't get assigned by the courts to be distributed amongst deprived people who actually need financial support.
  15. I go to bed at 11:30 pm but sleep eludes me most nights until dawn or later. 4 hours of broken sleep for me is a miracle. I normally survive on less than 4 but not out of choice. Sleep is one area of my life that is a frustration.
  16. There goes the civilized buffet again.
  17. I was looking at small SUV's and ended up buying a Mazda CX3 because it had a 2 litre engine and was cheapish (850K baht) in that soft small SUV segment. I am so sure how the CX3 even managed to be classed as a soft SUV. This vehicle suffers from loss of luggage capacity, important if you have 2 x children and want to travel. We live in Bangkok so rarely ended up using it as the public transport is good, so we have done less that 6 000km in our vehicle since 2021. If outside of Bangkok I would use it more. Having children makes a vehicle more appealing though, doesn't it. I recommend that if you want cheaper options that you look at a couple of the second hand vehicle websites as there are some reasonably priced second hand vehicles. I have seen a few second hand Nissan Xtrails cheap which are pretty reasonable 4 x 4 small SUV's. Look at Kaidee for example to compare new versus second hand pricing.
  18. There should be a minimum mandatory jail sentence for "brake failure".
  19. RIP fella...nothing worse than feeling desperate and thinking that there isn't a way out. A friend of mine committed suicide and I still wish I could have done whatever it was that would have prevented it. Such a waste of life when generally these people do have friends and family that love them but they can't see it when the black dog has got its grip on them.
  20. RIP. Hope the Russian wasn't on his second bottle of Vodka for the day.
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