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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. Just another aspect of BKK that I adore. The air wasn't too flash driving up to Korat either but it seemed visually pretty clear once we arrived.
  2. A good quality slug of rum would have warmed the poor man up. My father passed out at night in the snow in Scotland after a big night of partying with copious amounts of scotch and they didn't find him for hours. His survival was attributed to the amount that he had imbibed. Maybe it was a tall tale!
  3. I'd be impressed if they threw themselves off of the top floor of Baiyoke in BKK.
  4. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, well done.
  5. RIP to all. Like everyone else I am not surprised.
  6. Who measured the distances in order to get them right this time.
  7. High speed rail coming...final speed dependent on the donated engine and the dodgy rail construction. High speed rail here would be murderous unless the rail is completed blocked off from any road access points, as boom gates or road gate barriers prove to be totally useless here due to the number of people that play beat the train.
  8. I got a Pfizer booster (no charge) at the local public clinic in Saphan Kwai a couple of days ago. There are 8 public hospitals and clinics in Bangkok (that my wife could find) currently doing the boosters. Ours was a walk in first come first serve clinic, whilst some hospitals required a booking and a small fee for foreigners. Ring a public hospital to see which ones are offering the boosters. None were offering Moderna, all were giving Pfizer. Unlike some posters here I did not get any adverse symptoms at all from the booster, unlike earlier shots, so I assume that my immunity must have increased from previous boosters and covid (x2).
  9. No wonder the RTP uniform is "Dirty" brown.
  10. She deserves whatever she gets if she was aware of what she was carrying.
  11. Good, once they formalize the new formal levy can the rip off National Park Entry Fee be terminated, or is double dipping going to be encouraged. Maybe they can disclose these fees to potential visitors before the visitors ever get on a plane.
  12. The RTP arrested them for taking RTP kick backs.
  13. He will be out and on the run in no time flat.....money is the only thing that talks here.
  14. And with each lash Prayut looked at her and purred......meow.
  15. Part of the problem is that many of these companies that struggle to find staff put age restrictions on their recruitment. My wife has got a hospitality management degree from Udon Thai University, speaks and writes very good english and worked for 10 years as a senior PA in a law firm in Bangkok as the Managing Directors PA. She recently decided to return to work but as a 42 year old she sees many roles that she could fill that have age restrictions that preclude her from applying. So there are probably many other educated "middle aged" people with prior positive work experience that want to return to work but struggle to reintergrate into the workforce due to age prejudice.
  16. Sounds more like the work of those nefarious RTP rascals to me.
  17. The Thai excuse for any poor driving decision...micro sleep or brake failure.
  18. To remove sand you would need something like a cuno filter which can handle coarser grained material than a normal filter that typically traps fine sediments. If you choose to pump sand then remember that it is abrasive as well so you would also need to consider higher than normal wear rates on the pump casing and impellor and also an increase in discharge head pressure if you installed a cuno filter, which means buying a pump with a higher duty pressure rating. You can't put the filter in the suction side, only on the discharge side as you already have too much negative suction head pressure from pulling water out of the bore well. Other than a coarse filter, sand is typically only removed mechanically using a cyclone or cloth screen, both of which would be rediculously expensive. Some companies specialize in cleaning out wells that have partially collapsed or have filled with sand. You need to either clean the existing well out and stabilize the well by installing a new or replacement side wall sheath or drill a new bore well and internal piping fit out.
  19. There are plenty of functional people that can be classified as alcoholics by others but not see the symptoms themselves, I was one of them. Because my job entailed working remotely I sometimes had jobs in "wet" camps and sometimes in "dry" camps. It was only that fact that these dry camps forced me to undergo sustained abstinence that I didn't end up a full blown alcoholic. The wet camp jobs were just endless nights getting smashed and R&R's were always an alcohol binge. Now I rarely have a drink, I think the last drink I even had was in 2021. I lost the urge and the taste for alcohol a long time ago. It took me a long time to be comfortable with the non alcoholic lifestyle but I am grateful now that I was able to push alcohol aside. The decision to drink or not is still my choice but I currently prefer the not. I do sometimes miss a good red but there aren't too many good reds here, though wine connection always had a few good ones if one was willing to pay the price.
  20. That dog looked like a mixed breed with some blue heeler behind the fence, definitely not the offending dogs if they were pitbulls. Having been attacked by a pack of dogs when I was young I can attest that the experience is scary, painful and mentally damaging. Luckily I stayed on my feet so it was only my legs that got chewed up.
  21. Thanking his chinese "friends" as he empties out his desk.
  22. Nice one...8 years of other men using him as a pretty. His a s s will be toast and he will have lips like a clown by the time he gets out and even that will never bring the poor girl back, but at least he will have time to reflect.
  23. Nice rug, he will be able to sleep on that if he doesn't have a mattress.
  24. If possible order your lenses in the UK and get them sent to someone there that can re-package them and send them to you. I couldn't find any online UK lense distributors that would post to Thailand. I pick more up whenever I go back. I also couldn't find a B&L supplier here that sells multi focal.
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