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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. I met my now wife online 11 years ago when I was working in a close by country and then a few weeks later I met her for breakfast near her work in Bangkok as she had to go to work afterwards. After breakfast I went to her workplace with her to drop her off and I met her later for lunch and the rest is history. By taking her to work I confirmed that she was genuinely working where she had told me she was and I wasn't being set up for a scam, as I was still a bit wary that meeting people online could be potentially risky. Luckily for me she was just a normal girl looking for genuine partner.
  2. Expats fighting or protecting themselves. A thorough and unbiased investigation wouldn't go astray.
  3. A man too cowardly to admit he was drunk. I hope the victims kick up a stink to keep this in the media headlights, maybe they will get better restitution.
  4. Turn green with mould when China decides to impose some silly import section to teach Thailand some sort of lesson more likely, as China is good at doing.
  5. What are the TAT going to do to make all year high season, harness the power of climate change? TAT is always chattering their teeth without any substance. They might as well blindfold themselves and throw darts at a dartboard. Unless they have got an all seeing amulet for tourism predictions.
  6. Their biggest risk is losing their cash whilst here when gambling in one of the Chinese owned illegal gambling dens. Their second biggest risk is choking on a chicken foot whilst craving food down their necks at a Chinese Tourism approved restaurant or buffet.
  7. Amazing how 4 & 4 is touted. How many shots has Anutin taken for himself now? It was 6 shots about 2 years ago.
  8. Well done volunteer rescue. I really do hope that the young man has travel or accident insurance.
  9. Deciding what to do with the case....decisions, decisions, decisions. And old mate deciding to pay for everyone's damage. So he either wasn't insured or he knew that any insurance claim would fail, I wonder why. In a place where the scales of justice are used to weigh the contents of the brown envelopes, which thereafter determine the extent of ones guilt and whether the case should be pursued.
  10. Just wait for the heat to dissipate and then sign the contract. The bribe has probably already been disbursed and spent.
  11. What a joke. I could stand in front of my condo after breakfast and spot more than 540 violations by the end of the day. Non compliance to road rules here is the norm. Just another layer of RTP BS to watch being abused by the brown shirts for their personal gain.
  12. RIP kids, more innocent souls lost to Thwilwnds road toll. The PM of the country is prancing around trying to score brownie points by proclaiming more "Smart Cities" whilst ignoring Thailands appalling road accident record. The sheer number of injured and maimed people weighing down the health system must be astronomical in scale and the politicians don't want to be seen near this elephant in the room. As for the public, they reap what they sow on the roads on a daily basis because of the selfish driving seen here.
  13. Chuwit is the new head of Thailands biggest criminal gang a.k.a. The RTP.
  14. Give them 2 years hard labour in a Burmese Work Camp so that they gain a better appreciation for the privileged life that they have.
  15. Once again the RTP blatantly leave themselves open to speculation about "endemic corruption"and "brown paper envelope" because they (the RTP) make every effort to facilitate a late breathalyzer test for the Bently scumbag so that he gets an alcohol score as low as possible by delaying testing. Too bad that nobody cares enough about the yearly road toll deaths and/or maimed road users to hold these scumbag drink drivers accountable.
  16. Probably towed too fast and swamped.
  17. The only redemption in this story is that the killer handed himself in. Rot in hell when you eventually die. If karma is correct then you will come back as a dung beetle, living in a Kwai's s h i t e.
  18. Weird...anchor ropes on small pleasure craft aren't usually that long. Maybe he got caught up in an underwater current.
  19. Damn Bently, not made like they used to be. DUI...shoot him.
  20. He should spend his next holiday in Odessa, I am sure the locals will welcome him.
  21. Hopefully sanity will prevail and the Brit will cough up some money for damages and apologize to the owner of the art piece.
  22. If he was drunk and drugged up they might have just put him in a cell until he was coherent. Anyway glad that he is out and can mend over time.
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