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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. The peaceful solution is for Prayut and his cronies to step down. Given that he is preparing his campaign strategy for another 4 years it seems that the protests are likely to ramp up in coming months. Apparently the first 4 years after he stole control wasn't counted in the mandated 8 year max political leadership, as he wasn't an elected official. Not suprising to see that he has no intention of reliquishing power anytime soon.
  2. I wouldn't rank Thai within the top ten of favourite national cuisines. I prefer Vietnamese, Indonesian or Malaysian if I had to choose an Asian country for choice. My personal first preference is mediterranean style foods with reasonable wine choices. I did live and work in an ex soviet country for a period of time and that country had a wide array of eastern european and mediterranean style choices with appriopriate wine selections and I really enjoyed the food and wine there and I would rank it highly, though the food choices were all "imported" cooking styles. The local cuisine wasn't flash. Not that I think Thai food is hideous, I do like certain dishes but generally I would rank Thai food a bit further down the food chain on a personal level.
  3. Nothing about stealing makes you bad...it's more of a low life act which makes you more of a scumbag. Add stealing to the fact that the person that you stole from was temporarily incapacitated just makes you more of a grub.
  4. How do you investigate a land grab when the Land Department stinks of corruption and its employees are guilty of doing backdoor deals for prime land. The land department investigating the land department.
  5. Body odor stink under arms etc is caused by bacteria, so a good alcohol based wash (I use 70% antibacterial) under the arms kills the actual stinky BO smell. Anti-Perspirants stop the flow of sweat by blocking the pores, so not the healthiest but they keep under your arms dryish. In this heat it is best to clean the body properly with soap and or an anti bacterial product or liquid. If you want to smell nice then choose a scent from anywhere. If you don't want sweat rings under the arms use the anti perspirant spray which will clog the pores of your skin.
  6. Nigerians doing what they do best....international scams. There must be honest Nigerians in the world I guess but I have never personally heard of one. After having worked in a number of African countries and visiting a number of other African countries as well, I can honestly say that it remains the only continent that I have ever been to and worked on that I have no desire to return to. Having said that, some people love the continent and good on them for finding it a more positive place than me.
  7. Flip.....Flop..... We won't flood, we will flood, the river won't breach, it will breach. There is nothing worse that a leadership team that constantly lies to the public and then has to reverse the rhetoric as and when the true facts emerge and make the ass covering lies and false statements stand out as starkly as dog's balls.
  8. Ask the juristic team in the complex, they will know the average cost of a bill there. If you like the place ask for a small discount on the rental price, which will offset your power bill.
  9. This would be damned stressful I imagine. Fancy finally getting your snout to the trough 9 years after everyone else and only finding crumbs.
  10. What a numpty, he should join Anutin in the Health Department, they make a perfect match.
  11. Complain to the UK Embassy in Thailand and ask the embassy why they endorsed their citizens to get Thai Vaccines when these vaccines are then not recognised by the UK Government. It is a question that I would like the UK Embassy to answer. I'm pretty confident that the locally issued vaccines are administered correctly as the medical staff are competent, so the only issue that should concern the UK Government would be the risk that "fake vaccine certificates" might be manufactured and sold here.
  12. The bridge might be 3 lanes each way but are they going to widen the approach roads in the area most of which are one or two lane roads that already carry high volumes of traffic. A new bridge makes certain sense in regards to location because in addition to thr new Parliament Building it would also shorten access to the Bang Sue Rail Link from the other side of the river. However the road networks in and out of the local municipality aren't up to increased traffic volumes without some extensive planning and redevelopment.
  13. Following his previous prediction of 1 million doses jabbed per day and 10m new vaccines per month I anticipate his latest prediction to flop. He is obviously struggling to find a decdnt fortune teller.
  14. 68 m3 of water pumped....don't think so, unless they were using buckets. If they set the dewatering pumps up then where do they discharge the flow during a major regional flood event. Dewatering only works if you can redirect the water to somewhere that has capacity to take the runoff, otherwise the BMA are just pumping water in circles. If they have to release dam water from upstream resevoirs to relieve the levels in them then the flooding down here is just going to worsen in the short term, unfortunately. Thats what happens when a city is built on a river delta.
  15. Its been quiet around there for the last couple of weeks, they must have been operating at reduced vaccination volumes. Your right, people can walk from the MRT or catch a BTS, it is pretty accessible by public transport. Good luck with jab #2
  16. Should have opened a sewerage lid and flushed him away with the turds for drinking before he rode.
  17. So whats the cosplay theme that the girl is going to use by involving the Retarded Thai Police...."meet my pimp"?
  18. I'm looking at the traffic going into Bang Sue at the moment and its at a standstill again. First time for weeks that those accesses have been rammed full of vehicles. So the arrivees can expect hordes of others who are also waiting unfortunately. Not sure why its jammed packed if things don't kick off again until tomorrow.
  19. What will the British Consular Team add to the narrative? Their previous dialogue included "the UK Government cannot assist its nationals with overseas supply or delivery of vaccine, as the NHS does not make provision for this". UK nationals here were advised by the British Consular Team to register for vaccination under the Thai system and now we find out that the Thai system isn't acknowledged by the UK Government. If the UK government found the Thai Vaccination System to be unsuitable then why was it endorsed as a providor of vaccines and vaccination by the Embassy here in Thailand? The Embassy here is supposed to have a Duty of Care to act in the best interests and on behalf of the UK Citizens that are currently in residence here in Thailand, regardless of their duration of stay.
  20. Mutually supporting disease control efforts infers an element of equality between two nations. Being given test kits and vaccines from your first world neighbour because you don't have enough is a parasitic relationship, not a mutually supporting one.
  21. Thailand have to make a line in the sandbox now, support China against the filthy anglo saxon falang hordes by buying their own submarines to protect the asian way of life or welcome falang tourism. What's it going to be Thailand?
  22. Interview number two might actually probe some of the issues facing British Nationals in Thailand that the Ambassador Designate might be going to tackle in the future. It would have been interesting to learn what agenda or goals he has in mind to promote Britain and British relations in the region and whether he will improve lines of communication with the British Nationals that reside here.
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