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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Went there the other day and found the place and the food pretty good. As a long time reader here of this site I finally have to put in my 2 cents about this place and in general what makes me kind of ticked off and I will make it short and right to the point thank you.

    As a resident and small business partner with my better half tell me why I should not make a phone call to the appropriate authorities about this guy working behind the counter. I have understood since day one that without a work order any type of work I do at my partners business is considered against the law and puts me at risk of being shut down, finned or even being deported if they really wanted to. So the bottom line is that I do not cook, clean or do the dishes or whatever. Please tell my why I should have to compete with all these new guys showing up here and just doing whatever at there "wives" business. Please tell me why I should not pick up the phone tomorrow and start making phone calls.


    Id be really interested to know how you know how their business is set up and who has what work permits and who doesn't. I'm guessing you don't know any of that and are just talking out of your ass.

    I believe in order for a foreigner to get a work permit there must be the owner and four other Thai employees. Possibly in these small business there is not that many people.

    I am not sure if this is correct or not but my accountant said 4 employees if you are not married to a thai national and only 2 if you are married to a thai national.

    Thanks for an intelligent answer.

    Most of the others seem to know who the fellow is and nothing about work permit requirements. Makes me wonder about them and their sudden defense of every other business in Chiang Mai that has a Farong owner in his wife's name.

    Perhaps they feel threatened by some truth in his statement. Or the fact that he is obeying the law bothers them.

  2. Now why was it that judges here are sometimes intimidated?

    Maybe a good look into the mirror is in order??

    My entire live I have never heard of a judge being threatened or intimidated in the country where I come from! That is because people respect the law - and nobody is above the law!

    If a court thinks that it is responsible to people who are "above the law" who tell them which way certain judgments have to go - then they don't need protection but they need to be fired and replaced!

    Until the country has a truly independent judiciary with judges who have the guts to stand up and have the people who try to interfere with their work arrested and thrown in jail - no matter who they are nothing will change!

    Why would anybody respect somebody who tries to claim high moral ground but is just as corrupt as anybody else in this country?

    Family courts deal with issues including parental disputes over the upbringing of children and some aspects of domestic violence.

    Judges dealing with sensitive issues – including child custody – in the family courts have had hate mail sent to their homes, been physically attacked and been victims of attempted assaults in court buildings, according to information obtained by the Guardian.

    Just for your information CNX that's in the UK.

    Interesting how often people compare the UK to Thailand and not in a good way.

  3. Judges should be stuck with police "protection" like everyone else. Then maybe they can do something to make that organization more effective and professional. Frankly, another indepdendent organization is the last thing Thailand needs. But maybe the judges can hire Suthep's armed guards, even the military doesn't bother them.

    Do you think judges are as stupid as the UDD?

    Police are useless, some can hardly hold or fire a gun, not to mention easily bribed or bought.

    If judges are seriously worried about their safety, perhaps best choice would be to bring pro bodyguards from overseas or rent Swiss guard at least until everything settles and law and order is restored

    That will happen when the last red shirt dies

  4. Went there the other day and found the place and the food pretty good. As a long time reader here of this site I finally have to put in my 2 cents about this place and in general what makes me kind of ticked off and I will make it short and right to the point thank you.

    As a resident and small business partner with my better half tell me why I should not make a phone call to the appropriate authorities about this guy working behind the counter. I have understood since day one that without a work order any type of work I do at my partners business is considered against the law and puts me at risk of being shut down, finned or even being deported if they really wanted to. So the bottom line is that I do not cook, clean or do the dishes or whatever. Please tell my why I should have to compete with all these new guys showing up here and just doing whatever at there "wives" business. Please tell me why I should not pick up the phone tomorrow and start making phone calls.


    Id be really interested to know how you know how their business is set up and who has what work permits and who doesn't. I'm guessing you don't know any of that and are just talking out of your ass.

    I believe in order for a foreigner to get a work permit there must be the owner and four other Thai employees. Possibly in these small business there is not that many people.

  5. They need them because Thai politics is a joke. They are running the country now. I said it in 2006, judicial politics will dominate Thailand for 20 plus years to keep the elite in money.

    It is the same system used in the States and Canada.

    When they appoint a judge to the Supreme Court it is a life time position so the one doing the appointing is in affect still having there version of the way things should go followed long after they are gone.

    Don't worry about it. You will be kept safe unless you are in the way of a red shirt then the courts mean nothing.sad.png

  6. A long time coming, this request should be urgently adhered to in order to safeguard the rule of law.

    So when will Suthep be jailed? Or is it just a public service he is enacting? Don't worry about answering.

    Don't let it bother you no problem at all answering a very good question.thumbsup.gif

    It is a public service letting him expose the crooks.wai.gif

    Your welcome.wai2.gif

  7. A long time coming, this request should be urgently adhered to in order to safeguard the rule of law.

    "safeguard the rule of law"

    What a novel idea I wonder why the PTP couldn't think of some thing like that.

    It does not bode well for the government with all the charges being brought up against them and the judges have to ask for protection. We know it is not Suthep who is going to attack them.

    It should tell the PTP some thing when the Judges say they want to appoint the guards. Absulutly no trust in Yingluck and her band of merry ear medicine swigging band.

    I don't blame them one bit.

    • Like 2
  8. Okay, let's see.... are we any closer to a resolution of our problems here in Thailand than 6 months ago?


    Therefore, neither Suthep, nor the Shinawatras are our solution.

    Can we all agree on that? If so, let's dump them both!


    Until we have a reasonable answer, we are just jerking ourselves off and wasting time criticizing everyone but ourselves! laugh.pngclap2.gif

    That is the question and it should be left up to the voters after the government has been reformed.

    To not reform it first would be a vote for on going corruption. That of course is fully backed by the PTP and the red shirts. It seems that there is a huge class of people who have been sitting back silently accepting it and all of a sudden decided they had enough.

    these 6 sharing sessions open to the public could show us a whole new world. I am reserving judgment until after they are over and I hope the media reports it as it is not as one side or the other would like it to be.

    I hope I am rite and they fire up the spirit of the peace loving honest citizens. That coupled with the unmasking of the Governments corruption will defiantly put the last nail in the coffin of all Thaksin Shinawatra supporters.

    One of two things are liable to happen.

    1 The corruption continues on but at a much reduced rate until they figure the people have gone back to sleep or

    2 There is an exodus to Dubai.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Maybe if you hadn't screwed up the rice scheme the CC might have seen the merit in what you're trying to do. Pity that, 30% of 2 trillion would have ironed out all your woes and bought everyone off, you might've been in power for decades.

    The Constitutional Court would have been derelict in their duty if they had allowed the bill no matter what else the PTP had done.

    It was very sketchy with no research done on it to see if the projects were really needed.

    Perhaps Yingluck can save her regret for how she has governed.

    She is just campaigning now, she knows she's finished. She will be in our village on Friday, some of the roads closed already, tents erected etc. I told my wife I was going to get a whistle and ask Yingluck where the money is, wife said I should go to town and stay there until YS is gone.

    My wife is wrong every now and then also.

    You would be doing Yingluck a great service as she has been in Facebook and behind lines of red shirts she thinks every one loves her so you would be showing her she is wrong.

    Of course she would use red shirt democracy on you and pull your visa after you got out of the hospital but she would know that at least one doesn't back her.

    Come to think of it do they even sell the whistles in the North? My wife hates the Shinawatra's but even in the house she doesn't want me to talk about it the neighbors might over hear me.

  10. "Excellent and very inexpensive" . .... Is that not enough indication about prices or do you want the actual price of each item? Your obsession about prices is quite normal for a Farang living in Chiang Mai. Stay here long enough and you won't be as paranoid. Time heals.

    "I had a burger there, it was only 500bht" Vs " I had an excellent and inexpensive burger there"

    Do you see the difference.

    By the way, I consider the KFC zinger burger (up-sized) meal at festival mall good value at 104bht (large fries, large Pepsi).

    (The same meal at KFC inside Tesco opposite MeeChok Plaza is much smaller and to be avoided)

    I also consider the burger meal at Sausage King (with fries) at 99bht good value for money (no drink).

    I also enjoyed the lamb burger meal at Gekko for 105bht (plenty of fries, no drink).

    I'm not afraid to quote the price I paid, why are they?

    If you want to plug a place, why not give specific information?

    What do you call someone who doesn't think about the price of anything?

    I would say very rich or a fool.

    Where does the 500b burger quote come from?

    If you needed to know to the baht how much everything is, up to you, but for the majority of people " inexpensive" is enough, and whether a good burger is 99 baht or 104 baht is not important.

    What do you call someone who is obsessive about the price of everything (to within a baht)?

    Speaking only for myself I believe the price is important. I can get a very good Burger at Gecko for around 119 baht. I can also get a very good one at Dukes for around 225 baht. To me it indicates what comes with the burger. The Gecko one is very good but it comes with nothing on it. There is lettuce, tomatoes and pickles with it and you may fix it exactly like you want it. You also put the mustard, mayo and Ketchup also on it so it is exactly like you want it.

    At Dukes the Joes famous comes with every thing on it plus it is larger burger and special sauce bacon also blue cheese..

    Both are excellent burgers and I enjoy them both. Just depends on the type of burger I am feeling like and the price defiantly is a good clue.

    I recommend both of them.

  11. How many final pushes is this we've heard from him?

    I'm all for getting rid of corruption and ALL of those involved currently or have been privy to it in the past..but surely you guys who seem to hang on his everyword you all gave a groan at the headline and thought "not again" ??

    The final push would be better pushing him away from the PDRCLeadership and put one of the new faces from his eleted peoples council, and for him to step down, I neither like nor dislike the man, and he's definately got some charisma, but he's making me cringe everytime I read about the final push.. from an outside viewpoint it looks more like desperation rather than victory..

    Do the followers of Suthep here on TVF not feel embarrased at the number of times he's mentioned the words "Final push" ??

    Not really. A little tired of it but then I stop reading Thai Visa and look at the position he has pushed the Government into I say well why not. If it will kill maggots it has to be good.wai.gif

    Not that sure that I would call him the savor of Thailand but he certainly has some of the qualities. Not many willing to stand toe to toe with the Shinawatra clan. I guess if it was the Chinese it would be a Tong Thailand calls it a mafia. Kind of like back home in the states in their hay day the Mafia was divided up into families. Here we have the Shinawatra family.wai.gif

  12. The farmers had a low income,, now they have zero income and are borrowing money to survive from less then desirable sources.

    The damage to the rice export market has been catastrophic resulting in Thailand losing it's long held global number 1 export position.

    The stockpile of rice has to be sold, this will impact future sales of current rice crops resulting in even less money for the farmers.

    The farmers have not been paid for the rice they have submitted.

    The Agriculture bank is at risk as it is owed huge sums of money from the rice pledging scheme. This will hit the whole of Thai society as the money will have to be found and that will end up being taxes as it is the primary source of income.

    The PM is being investigated for corruption along with other key members of the party.

    In short, someone has got rich, the money had to go somewhere but it is certainly not the farmers who have benefitted. It's a stupid thing for her to say. What she needs to be saying to CNN is what the plan is to get out of this terrible mess not simply saying we meant well.. It's like the issues don't even exist to her. Good news is that people are not that stupid and they can see how weak and ridiculous her answers really are.

    I feel for the poor farmers of Thailand,, totally let down by the government they were (allegedly) paid to vote in.

    We meant well

    I am sure that was one of Hitler's last thoughts.

    Meaning well means nothing when you destroy lives.

  13. And the idea of a multi billion loan for some upcoming silly high speed rail, that is going to benefit the general public too, as the rice sham benefited the farmers?

    What clear examples of a few liege lords hoarding wealth and using graft as power on the backs of those destitute.

    Shame on you Poo, you're a disgrace.

    I noticed on the proposed budget they put forth for it there was not one single baht to improve education for the people who would be paying for it for the next two to three generations. Real caring people those PTP are.

    Dump a huge bill on them and do nothing to help them help them selves.bah.gifsad.png

  14. Keep repeating the mantra! Poor reporting from CNN of course! They should have asked about the alleged corruption, non payment to farmers and the current price problems within Thailand! The rice farmers got sucker punched and she keeps telling porkies!

    In all fairness to CNN they were only allowed to ask certain questions that had the answers printed uop on a card for her to read.

    Any other questions and they would not have had an interview.

    I liked this part

    When asked about the case that she was being charged by the National 
    Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in relation to the rice mortgage program, Miss 
    Yingluck said she had yet to be found guilty as the investigation was still 

    In other words they are still investigating the depth of her involvement so they can get all the charges before they make the first one.

    To bad Bing Crosby and Bob Hope are not around. They could make a movie with her entitled On the road to Dubai.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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  15. All quiet on the pro-Thai rouge front. Guess they're brainstorming possible set ups, or the usual 'officials paid off in advance for the ruling' haha

    . Its too obvious, on the world stage now, that PTP are massively inept and corrupt; so this ruling is appropriate, following floods, rice schemes.....

    Give the PTPsome time ok. Thaksin has not come online yet to tell them all how to reply to this. By tonight YL and the PTP will have a list with names of which Dem is to blame and which judge is to blame. .

    They have a lot to talk about especially now they may have more people protesting for not getting their first time car buyer rebate. She should have quit before all this corruption came to light. Now she may get lucky if she can escape thailand fast enough to join big brother

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    I ran out of likes

    Not been a good day for the Fabr4 clan

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  16. How much land has been bought and how much development has gone on to date on inside information and speculation along these rail routs? I would imagine more than a few asses are puckered up today.

    Oh I really like that.

    Thaksin and some of his buddies have just taken a sh_t kicking in their pocket books.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Good call by the court. Now let's hope the decision is respected by all sides. thumbsup.gif

    Sadly not a chance I think. The appeal will be slapped in by the end of the day if not within hours. Yingluck will want lawyers to check the 'legality' of the ruling.

    I am grateful to the court for saving my great grandchildren from paying off this monstrous unnecessary loan designed to secure the Shinclan dynasty.

    Let them slap an appeal on it. They have been busing the courts with so much nonsense in their bid to take the spot light off their malfeasance that they will be long gone before it comes up.

  18. The anointed experts should have the biggest say as the PDRC are primarily there to set everything in motion and get the ball rolling - then let the experts (independent people who know and understand what they are talking about) take it from there. Do not shut the PTP out, but tell them to justify their ideas and if good (with no hidden agenda behind them) then by all means incorporate them into the reforms and make them feel part of it.

    Also, the plight of the poor MUST be addressed (seriously) - of which I understand is to be done, as there will be problems into perpetuity if this does not happen and progress will not be made!!!!

    I totally agree with you.

    Make the PTP feel welcome as long as they don't have to discard their principals for them.

    As you can see I do not think much of them in the morals department. I do how ever believe that there are members who if allowed to speak their mind with out fear of repercussions from Thaksin would make a good contribution to the effort. That thought goes for all parties including the Democrats if allowed to speak their mind there would be people who would and could add meaningful discussion to the topic at hand.

    I am not saying a party head is incapable of adding to the discussion but I am saying they should not be allowed in it. This includes Suthep. As there position would not allow them to speak open mindedly here.

    This is a place for answers found only through open dialogue with people who honestly care for the Country.

    On a side note I do not know the in's and out's of the law but I do know the difference between right and wrong. On that basis I can say I could add to it.

    Now that I think of it. That should be the starting point on any discussion. If it is wrong discard it. Just because it is legal does not make it right.wai.gif

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  19. Imagine a government by people's committee with these mindless, vilolent thugs in charge of security. Low life, brown shirt street criminals...not whistling grannies

    Imagine a world with posters like you…...

    Cheers, I'm having some ear drops with Chalerm….

    Direct him to an ear clinic. There are many of them. They say come 28 days you no need ear medicine.

  20. Big mistake if the military decides to help. It will look like the military is siding with the PDRC.

    The military needs to stay out of this and let this run it's course.

    Do try to keep up with what is happening. The army has 'bunkers' all around the Lumpini Park protest site already. UDD head Thida has been complaining about them. The police have made themselves scarce for months, except when Pol. Capt. Chalerm gives orders for a crackdown and clearing of stages. Had the police been doing their job of protecting legally gathered protesters, the army's involvement would be unnecessary.

    Not to mention that Yingluck had already told there police that protecting every one was their job.

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