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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Political lawsuits almost on a daily basis must be good news for the lawyers. However, it does get boring after a while as it is difficult to keep track of who is suing who, and what for.

    I take my hat off to those TVF members who appear to know and understand all the different paragraphs of the various Constitution, Charters et.

    But I feel they need to get out more as it does get pretty anal on here at times

    I have often wondered what those constitution wizards are leaving out. It is obvious there are other parts in the constitution that negate the parts they choose to quote.

    Just further proof that the constitution needs to have more clarifications in it as well as stiff penalties. Like him or hate him you have to admit Suthep is right the government needs reforming.

    Interesting to see his open forums on change allow more time for experts to speak than they do for PDRC members.

    Defiantly not a Thaksin way of doing business.


    PDRC holds first forum on reform

    Pravit Rojanaphruk

    The Nation

    Discussion focuses on six issues, with poverty, social disparity the top two

    BANGKOK: -- The anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) launched its first forum on national reform yesterday, relying on input from key public figures and a reform panel set up under the previous government.

    Poldej Pinprateep, a member of the reform panel that was formerly led by social critic Prawase Wasi and a member of the Cabinet member under the military-appointed administration, chaired the meeting yesterday.

    "When an army defeats [its opponents], it doesn't invite the conquered [to take part in rebuilding]. When we win, we won't involve those who have lost, other than youngsters, whom we can train.

    So he's proposing yet another "winner take all" situation. We won, so we get to do what we want and to hell with the rest of you.

    Oh, yeah, that has all the earmarks of reform and reconciliation.

    Well the fact that you had to cherry pick statements from two different posts indicates that you are not really interested in reform.

    You like so many other posters like to refer an honest attempt at change as "fascists". Not a one of you has an idea to benefit Thailand. Just continually put down efforts to improve it. the funny part about it is probably half of you are two faced about it and will whine about your inability to own property and the immigration system.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif In short you people are becoming a joke nothing but negativity and no hope to offer.clap2.gif

    This whole thing has been put down by people who like you have no interest in change the current corruption system serves your proposes fine.

    Well it does not serve mine fine I have no financial gain in it the way it is or what reform would give me. But it does offer a better future for my Thai family whom I care about they are not an inconvenient item to me. They are people I care about.

    On second thought yes reform could mean money in my pocket. Less money I would have to spend on their education.

    Fire away losers I can take it.

    You are almost humorous. You base your opinion of me on one comment I made, and have probably never seen the numerous other comments I've made that clearly show I am neither Red nor Yellow. THAT is "cherry picking" as you put it.

    I am a strong proponent of serious and much needed change in Thailand, for the good of ALL Thai, not just the "winners" who feel they can do what they want, which my highlighted section clearly points out. I've been coming to Thailand off and on for about 40 years, and retired here permanently 6 years ago, so I've see my share, and then some, of the political b.s. that has gone on by ALL parties and politicians.

    I just don't see Suthep, who is as crooked and corrupt as any of them, including Thaksin, as the man to bring those changes about. That's like the fox telling the farmer what kind of locks and security are needed for the hen houses.

    But you tell me, does the comment of Khun Pinpreteep sound like those of a man dedicated to "reform", or the words of a "winner take all".

    You may as you say be no particular color shirt . But the fact you had to cherry pick to come up with a what to you is reality shows me some thing. Can't say as I have read many of your articles supporting change in any way. Might be wrong but you sem to find fault with the idea.

    As for Khun Pinpreteep That was 9 years ago are you still under the same belief system you were 9 years ago. Are you saying that Thaksin should have been allowed to illegally occupy the PM office. Are you saying that Thaksin should have been allowed to carry on with his plundering of the countries money? What about the murder rampage he turned the police department loose with. Also note that Khun Pinpreteep worked towards stopping that and returning the government back to the people with an improved constitution that apparently is still in need of work on. Did he do an unacceptable job of chairing the session to you? If so complain.

    for my self the very fact they had the session and it was open to the public is a huge step forward.

    Or do you prefer orders from Dubai being delivered on Facebook. I for one do not and am willing to let some one try to improve the lot of the common Thai.

  3. It is up to each person. Thais have no problem with it and many farongs have no problem with it.

    There are of course those who need the space for outside interests. Or are running some kind of business from it.

    Also there are those who are claustrophobic. People who are afraid of other people. If you fall into those categories you are best off in a large house in a remote area. Also the down side to a Condo of any size is your neighbor may play the drums.

    To each there own and it is up to them to find what suits themselves. I have done the urban house thing with the picket fence upkeep flower garden lawn thing for 64 years I choose not to anymore. If you want to entertain of course you are going to need a larger place.

    give it a try and make your own decision.

    The very fact that there are so many of them out there tells you it is possible. Quite often I will browse through travel sites and 20 sq. meters seems to be an acceptable size in nice hotels or resorts. If you go for the larger ones be prepared for a lot of cleaning time as maids are not that easy to find here in Chiang Mai.

    Remember what ever choice you make you can always change your mind if it doesn't work out for you. Don't try to be like the Jones unless that is what you really want.

  4. Farmers might decide to do the airport scenario again, as it worked so well last time.

    All kidding aside, my Swampy flight leaves next week. Actually I would not be very disappointed if I missed it, but it is the last day of my VOA. I stand to lose only 5000 baht, and the recent Air tragedy has me a bit shook up. Never did actually enjoy flying, although I have flown uncounted flights.

    Question...if I am prevented from getting to the airport, will the airlines let me reschedule. I am not giving the name of the Airline Company, but I do believe there is a large fee for rescheduling. I just don't know if they will consider waiving that fee if the fault lies with a possible scenario between the farmers and the airport.

    OK..I expect many people will post that I have nothing to worry about...that all will be well. This is just an idea floating around. How did airlines manage when Swampy Closed down flights years ago?

    I don't know for sure but I suspect that the airport authority is responsible for ensuring that passengers can transit through them to their flights. If they fail (the airport authority) so as to cause flights to go empty then they will have to pay. Same thing if planes need to be diverted. I do believe that is a government department.

    If I remember correctly they had no intention of creating a problem they were going to be peaceful.

  5. So.. this is a thing then for the elderly.. porridge?

    Expat life.. Exciting. wink.png

    If this gets boring we can do a Hamburger or pizza thread. I see we have a Sunday Brunch one.

    How about a hot dog one. Can't say as I remember one of those. I know dukes has them on the menu.

    Or how about the best street cart to buy orange juice from. Or Kebob's.

    The list is endless I can see some high times coming for Chiang Mai Thai Visa.wink.png

    It gets exciting when you slice some banana on top and a swirl of condensed milk.

    Or a rotie with banana and chocolate on it.

    Oh happy days are here again.

  6. 24 sm is more than most hotel rooms. I had one in PP that was 12 sm, and it was pretty tight. Seen quite a few at 16 sm. Condos in BKK start at 22 sm. Clearly, not good for hoarders, but enough to sleep and shower in.

    www.agoda.com is pretty decent. They have a good reward program, where you get 1 or 2 free nights per month. They also give the room size in the description. That option will spare you the 2 months deposit that has a tendency to disappear. Check RCN Court. Once it's low season, every fourth night is free (booking online). Everything for close too 10 usd per night. No deposit. Good wi-fi/and a/c, and you get a frig in your room, and can use the kitchen and washer on the lobby level.

    $10 US a night works out to ball park 9,000 baht a month. Does that include the utilities?

  7. A good place is the Loft Residence. You walk out the back door and there is Tops Supermarket. Laundry, 7-11 close, good fruit stand Tanin market close by has everything good salad bar. If you sign a 3 month lease I believe that gives you 50 sq. metres for 7500 bahts 4500 for 28 square metres. In house internet 300 bahts water 200 bahts but electric is higher at 8 bahts a unit maybe 9. They have card security. Free cable. You can Google the name

    I was going to wait on this but the 8 baht a unit for electricity is high could be higher have heard of one place at 10.

    At any rate my electricity is 6 baht a unit and I did run it one month pretty much solid. The cost was around 8,000 baht for the month. I had my meter checked and it was working correctly. The air con is an older one and not as efficient as the newer ones. I had it serviced before I used it and kept the screens clean. Not sure you will find the newer air cons in a place in your price range. then on the other hand 24 sq. meters will be cheaper to cool down.

    I do have other units that are running a lot in addition so 2,000 with fans is my usual. I have two units that run all night plus the wife never has the TV off and is constantly on her sewing machine.

  8. This

    Sent from my LG-P715 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A scam - likely not

    Illegal - yes, given that funds most likely have not been lodged in passport holders bank account for the appropriate time.

    In saying that I know many foreigners who have used similar services and seem quite happy with their one year extension.

    I know foreigners who have done it with no help what so ever. They just go into their conciliate or Embassy and say I am making this much money every month. Some have the false papers to prove it and some like the Americans don't even need them just say I am receiving the equivalent of 65,000 baht a month.

    I wonder how close the papers are examined from the countries that require the proof.

    I don't know but are those just scams schemes where they deposit the required amount of money in the bank for you at a high rate of interest and you wait the required two months I believe it is.

    "...and some like the Americans don't even need them just say I am receiving the equivalent of 65,000 baht a month."

    Actually we're swearing that the information written on the affidavit is true. I realize that isn't an insurmountable hurdle for many of the fine people who contribute to these threads, but many of us do write the amount we legitimately receive and have properly documented proof of it. Some of us hand in that documented proof with our extension of stay application.

    Clearly some people find it unfair that the American government considers its citizens, rightly or wrongly, to be adults who are assumed to be honest until proven otherwise. Quite often these posters are driven to writing petulant messages on Thai Visa that border on childish sulks over this disparity in the way they are treated compared to "some like the Americans." On the other hand, if your embassy views you with suspicion and automatically assumes that you're going to lie through your teeth given half a chance, it might be better if you were to target your hissy-fit at them.


    Good one. I always take my documentation of proof with me and have yet to be asked for it. Once I tried to show it to the Thai immigration and they were not even interested. Never the less I always take it with me.

    I have a little bit of a different take on the American not requiring proof. I wonder why the immigration knows this and don't ask for the proof them selves. I have no way of proving it but I believe most of us are honest that is why I said some.

    On the other hand it didn't take me long to know don't question them just go with the flow and be prepared if they ask for the proof.

  9. So.. this is a thing then for the elderly.. porridge?

    Expat life.. Exciting. wink.png

    If this gets boring we can do a Hamburger or pizza thread. I see we have a Sunday Brunch one.

    How about a hot dog one. Can't say as I remember one of those. I know dukes has them on the menu.

    Or how about the best street cart to buy orange juice from. Or Kebob's.

    The list is endless I can see some high times coming for Chiang Mai Thai Visa.wink.png

    • Like 1
  10. " But the people in Thailand aren't up to my standard. "

    " ... the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics. "

    One has the feeling that only Thaksin could come up with the first quote. But the second is disarmingly honest coming from him ( and perhaps the reason why he felt compelled to bestow a doctorate on Chalerm between drinks ). Indeed, when the opposition have quality people and Pheu Thai doesn't, that's a tremendous problem. Especially when the brains of Pheu Thai doesn't have much to boast of in that department himself. Only Khaosod could get close to a story like this - because they have a direct pipeline into Thaksin Fantasy Land. But the funny thing is that this " confidential " meeting reveals nothing people didn't already know. They already knew Thaksin was running the show. And they already knew that his bank balance was eclipsed only by the size of his ego. But the brush with Thaksin was apparently enough to send his coterie of adoring minions to go back to doing absolutely nothing.

    But this time - with feeling.

    Also a good supply of ear medicine Chinese stock.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "Nature's Wrath" take 2.

    At least The Nation etc. can save money by using the old library-pictures of the tractors driving to Bangkok and then driving home again, instead of actually going there to photograph more of the same.

    Apart from that minor detail, this whole story is totally sorrowful. I don't know how immune to shame you would have to be to take products from poor hardworking farmers in a developing country, and not pay them for the products in almost a whole year. How do these politicians and middlemen look themselves in the mirror without weeping.

    "How do these politicians and middlemen look themselves in the mirror without weeping"

    Easily it is second nature to them

    Might be about time the farmers got a bit serious instead of pouncing around like big-girls-blouses. They have been lied to and conned over and over by the fugitive and his mouth pieces - time for a change. Fight the corrupt (now) care-taker government and don't back down until either everyone is paid or the care-taker government is no more - gone- finished - kaput, at least they will be no worse-off and stand a chance that any future government or interim parliament come organise at least some money or interest free loans to tide them over for the coming year or so.

    In all honesty they should have all the interest they have had to pay on any loans refunded to them.

    Why are they returning? The government promised them on more than a few occasions that they would be paid "next week". So someone is lying.

    Can fab4, moonao, bluenose codger or any of the Red loving politicos please enter this discussion and explain?


    • Like 1
  12. Last time they turned back because they believed that the government will pay them.

    How long and how many lies will it take to open their eyes?

    Last time was a phony. No body drives a tractor for three days to just turn around. It cost money that they supposedly don't have.

    There plan was if Yingluck would not leave her Facebook life they were going to set up a peaceful protest at the airport. Take over no buildings or block business just protest peacefully.

    Instead they had a Yingluck flunky come out and say the government is going to pay you so they just turned around and went home.

    Who paid for all that fuel? I notice there was no red shirt attempt to block them. Could the money have come through them from Dubai?

    • Like 1
  13. This thread has gotten confused with 3 separate incidents where people have been beaten or shot by the protest thugs over the last couple of weeks.

    1. The security Gaurd for an auto parts company who was held and tortured by the PDRC thugs for several days. He was carrying a UDD card from 2010. This was the man who was tied up and throw from a bridge and was rescued and taken to hospital. One of the PDRC leader is wanted for his attempted murder.

    2. The taxi who took a passenger to Wireless Road to pick up a prostitute. The PDRC guards shouted at the passenger to leave, there was an exchange of abuse and then the PDRC guards opened fire. The taxi driver was injured by a bullet fragment and the punter ran away, never to be seen again. This was the incident where the Guards claimed to have been fired upon from the taxi and claimed to have found explosives in the abandoned Taxi.

    3. The incident that is in the OP. A driver tried to move some cones that were blocking Chang Wattana Road. He was beaten and shot in the leg by the PCAD Guards.

    These are three isolated incidents.

    Unfortunate, and not suppose to happen, and I am sure Suthep didn't want these to happen.

    In each and every cases, it was only speculated that it was the work of Suthep's guard.

    Please don't jump to conclusion, innocent until proven guilty please.

    Besides, it could be the work of fake guards (i.e. Red shirts working for Suthep now).

    And will you also not jump to conclusions that it is the Red shirts who are firing M79 grenades all over Bangkok then?

    First two sentences are poignant , I'm sure Suthep is less than happy, but here's an idea, you want these "alleged" incidents to stop as well as the grenade attacks... end the protest, the forums that he's instigated can still take place, all in relative safety I might add. wink.png

    There's nothing stopping him form gatheing his "peoples council" and holding meeting after the protests have stood down either .

    I agree, their usefulness, although it has bore 'great' fruit, has run its course now and the courts can proceed from here to do the right thing!!!

    That statement might be a little premature.

    It will be interesting to see what the 6 meetings set up over the next two weeks turn up.

    They may flop or they may bring a breath of fresh air to people to actually see people openly talking about it sharing ideas not accusations.

    I note that the experts were to be given 5 minutes to speak where as the PDRC only 3 minutes.

    • Like 1
  14. These attacks on innocent civilians are now occurring on a daily basis and yet there are still those who come out and support these cruel thugs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Your proof please that they are innocent civilians.

    No nonsense drivel needed. There are plenty of other posters supplying enough of that.

  15. re

    buffets in Chiangmai

    has anyone tried the new 120 baht every day buffet at

    fueng fah next to the dungtawan hotel on loi kroh road ?

    i think its aimed at chinese japanese korean customers

    more than roast chicken with three veg eaters but might be

    worth a try at 120 baht smile.png


    Ate there about a month ago. Evening not lunch not sure they have a lunch one.

    Will not bother going in for it if they do. found the evening one less than desirable. Enjoyed the music.

  16. Well perhaps the good doctor and his hospital should concentrate on what they do best - health care. I really don't see politicking as one of the core compentencies required in the health care profession. Certain doctors like this one and the one who volunteered to carry out vaginal surgery on Yingluck seem to differ,

    Oh and this one too

    Doctor denies a red shirt’s mother treatment
    Sun, 16/08/2009 - 14:17 | by prachatai

    On Aug 15, about 200 local people and red shirts in Lampang gathered at Ngao District Hospital to protest against a doctor who had refused to treat an old woman whose daughter wore a ‘Truth Today’ red shirt.


    I can't help but notice you glossed over their hypercritical views on democracy and instead refer to something that happened 5 years ago. Are you serious? You just find something on google that happened 5 years ago and bring it into this topic? 5 years???

    Well I could (but won't) find something on google that happened 20 years ago to back my agreement, but then this tit for tat between us would become a "It takes one to know one" argument that children use in playgrounds.

    Now back to the point and to the present. Any comment on this democracy thing that the UDD can't seem to grasp?

    I seem to recall hundreds of posts recalling events of 4 years ago used as a basis for viewponts posted on this page. Why should my post be less serious than you and others take theirs? The point you fail to grasp is that doctors have been known not to treat patients because of their political beliefs despite your assurance this was not the case.

    Now back to the other point and the present day. Why do you feel it is acceptable for a permanent Secretary of Health to involve himself in politics to the extent of ordering hospitals to put up political banners?

    It has got nothing to do with democracy and basic human rights - they're not being denied. He made himself a "target" for criticism as soon as he did that. If he wants to get up on stage and denounce the government, go ahead, but as a private citizen, in his own time, and not metaphorically waving his Health credentials around.

    He took part in drafting of the Public Health Community (PHC) statement supporting the PDRC's call for reform before Election. He also, asked the PHC to pass that message on to it's members. He is a Civil Servant not a politician, or is supposed to be.

    So don't try and turn the story on it's head and say the UDD are against corruption or democracy, because they demonstrated against this doctor.

    And why is anybody who doesn't agree with your blatant political agenda, stupid?

    Well fab4 You have asked a very good question I for one would like to hear your answer.

    Your question was

    "Why should my post be less serious than you and others take theirs?"

    I try to stick with 2014. You might try to do the same and I am sure you would see things in a different light.

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