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Everything posted by Muhendis

  1. If this AI thing is not a joke then it would be good to remember that any computer program is only as good as the people that program it.
  2. Sorry. No can do. Stainless is non-magnetisable. There is austenite in stainless and the austenite renders the steel non magnetic.
  3. Then things get really complicated because the magnet will drop off and its relocation reders it much weaker if measured from its original location. By the way. Magnets, in particular the neodymium ones, are very prone to rusting also and when they rust they loose their magnetic capabilities.
  4. The AI answer is correct .......... sort of. The magnetic field is not amplified but rather the lines of flux are better concentrated by using the ferromagnetic capabilities of the fixing screw. The steel screw does not do any amplifying since the power of the magnetic field is set by the flux density of the magnet.
  5. Happened to a couple of date related comments from me too
  6. Yeah. I said something like that but more direct and got deleted.........
  7. Every announcement is suspect today. Check the date!
  8. As above APRIL FOOL.............. Ha Ha Ha.
  9. That looks extreme. When will you be back solarising? and is the revision due to poor workmanship and due for a refund?
  10. The OTP system already works just fine for me but then I use my pc for such transactions and my 'phone for the OTP. Many others do their banking transactions including OTP using their mobile 'phones which seems like a security risk to me. Besides this. Banks are like insurance companies and will say and do anything to avoid paying out.
  11. Floor fans are far more effective but ceiling fans look ........... cool.
  12. Totally Wrong . The list is a Thai government list of required documents. If you don't believe it then check other on-line lists before you mislead other readers. They are all the same.
  13. Clarification for you and the OP. The list of documents is universal so it is the same in Pats (Pattaya) as all other offices including Samut Prakan.
  14. You might like to look at this web site for extension based on marriage. http://www.samutprakanimmigration.go.th/list-of-documents-for-support-thai-wife/
  15. My water meter cost 1,935 Baht and the nice government workers connected to my house pipe for me. My wife tells me to keep the receipt for the meter because we can claim it back when the permanent supply is done at some future date.
  16. Coming together very nicely. I hope they remember to true up them pillars...........
  17. That kind of money is in the hands of the Thais who own the land upon which such luxury homes and villas are built. Also even the street food vendors are much better off in Phuket due to the higher prices they can charge.
  18. Yes I agree with most of this and would add that, for hot water, the PPR pipe has very poor thermal conductivity meaning that the water in the pipe stays hot for longer. The UV resistant comment is only true for specialised PPR pipe which has been treated. Unless you are absolutely certain that your PPR is UV resistant you had better keep it away from sunlight. I had some left-over PPR which I used for aerial cable support rings because I thought it was UV resistant. During the 5-6 years of daily exposure the rings have almost completely disintegrated whereas other PVC blue pipe similarly exposed is merely discoloured and probably brittle.
  19. Curiosity has the better of me. Why are you using PPR pipe?
  20. A friend of mine has recently left SRNE and tells me he is now working for Bluetti who do portable solar power supplies. I don't know if they are any good but here's a link: https://shopee.co.th/product/526381432/14906974417?gclid=CjwKCAjwoIqhBhAGEiwArXT7K2VT2jW_OixwxH7jbi20l2uEGlbnou_eF81e4pA-N9M_n6ExqHuqjhoCKW8QAvD_BwE
  21. Ha Ha Trust you to think of white line cameras.
  22. Yeah! Same here. Our nearest electric post was 1Km away and our builder threaded the 25mm² cable amongst the roadside trees. Until PEA installed the meter local to our house we had only construction supply tariff. That's where my solar installation quickly paid for itself. Same with water but with a variation that I supplied the pipe and the local government workers came along and did the installation and connection free. That was two weeks ago. We used a surface water well and a horrible bore hole. We still use the well since it's good for nine months of the year but the bore hole is now decommissioned.
  23. Payback time depends on cost of PEA power which industrial users may get at a different rate from domestic consumers but broadly speaking it should work out the same as home solar payback. A big factory would run into the thousands of Baht per day I would imagine. If so then that is what they are saving by going solar. Here is a list of PEA tariffs which should tell you what the costs might be. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.pea.co.th/Portals/1/Knowledge%20PEA/Electricity%20Tariffs%20JAN66%20Unofficial%20Translation.pdf?ver=2023-01-27-133655-423
  24. Agreed but good though PERCs are the differences are only about 6% tops but the costs are almost double. If you want to talk better efficiency then you would be looking at 30% efficient perovskite cells which are; A. Not readily available and B. Would cost a lot more.
  25. There are only two types of readily available solar panels. Mono and poly crystalline. The most efficient in Watts/M² are the mono crystalline ones. The numbers I used are for Mono so I'm looking at this from the optimistic view. I wonder if Falken got a good discount for all those panels.

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