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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Even if you were right and it was not your fault, she would have still blamed you. I remember last time I got into an accident in Thailand, the woman got out of the car after hitting my motorbike and started to educate me on how I should do this and that next time while riding so I would not get into an accident again. She was quick to make it clear that it was not her fault. I was about to put her into the trunk so she could shut up but the cops arrived. No matter what the case is, the first thing they do is make a statement: ahhh I have nothing to do with it.


    and the cops did what?

    Accepted the bribe.



    Anyone has an opinion about the Ford Fiesta, 2011-2012 model?

    Or does anybody own it and able to provide me with some insight? 


    Thank you



    I am in exactly the same position as you, I have just applied for finance on a Ford Fiesta 1.6S ......albeit with a 50% deposit....looks a nice car.....still in two minds whether to buy it even if finance is agreed.


    Still considering waiting and buying 2nd hand and pay cash for around 400k-500k and save a few quid. Also, factor in what is going on in the Thai car market and makes me a bit hesitant to buy new at the moment.


    The way I see it is that if I have the money to buy something, in this case a car then I dont hesitate and I buy it. If I need financing and I cannot pay by cash that simply means I cannot afford it so there is no way I am going to buy it as I would never buy something I cannot afford. When you do so, you become a slave of one of the financial institutions. Just look at thais. The government embraces them to get financing, get loans, get credit and end up in depts. They dont seem to be smart enough to see clearly and most of them are waist deep in depts. They drive brand new cars but half year later the bank takes it back. They have the newest iphone but they didn't pay for it because they can't even afford it. They pay monthly. And the list is endless.

    In my opinion only think about spending the money that is yours. Forget the bank's money. It's not yours. Yes it is there for the taking and they let you borrow it because it's big business for them. For them, not for you. But it's just my two cents.

    Whatever car you buy, I wish the best and good luck.



    I understand what you are saying, but I don't know why this statement crops up so often in Thailand.

    In the west the majority by far, buy their cars through finance companies or the bank.

    In my opinion it comes up as often as it does in the West. It's just that the vast majority of people tend to ignore it.

  3. Hi me and the wife move to chaing mai

    In November looking for a second hand pick up space cab which are the best ones for repairs and servicing as in the uk I have all ford cars and vans

    In terms of repairs and service the best brands are Toyota and Isuzu.

    • Like 1
  4. One of the above posts that suggests dollars might sound a bit sarcastic but make no mistake. Man's got a point. All that common stuff like chocolate and perfume etc doesn't turn them on. But a few crispy bucks will do the trick. I mean don't you know thais?

    • Like 1
  5. Anyone has an opinion about the Ford Fiesta, 2011-2012 model?

    Or does anybody own it and able to provide me with some insight? 


    Thank you



    I am in exactly the same position as you, I have just applied for finance on a Ford Fiesta 1.6S ......albeit with a 50% deposit....looks a nice car.....still in two minds whether to buy it even if finance is agreed.


    Still considering waiting and buying 2nd hand and pay cash for around 400k-500k and save a few quid. Also, factor in what is going on in the Thai car market and makes me a bit hesitant to buy new at the moment.

    The way I see it is that if I have the money to buy something, in this case a car then I dont hesitate and I buy it. If I need financing and I cannot pay by cash that simply means I cannot afford it so there is no way I am going to buy it as I would never buy something I cannot afford. When you do so, you become a slave of one of the financial institutions. Just look at thais. The government embraces them to get financing, get loans, get credit and end up in depts. They dont seem to be smart enough to see clearly and most of them are waist deep in depts. They drive brand new cars but half year later the bank takes it back. They have the newest iphone but they didn't pay for it because they can't even afford it. They pay monthly. And the list is endless.

    In my opinion only think about spending the money that is yours. Forget the bank's money. It's not yours. Yes it is there for the taking and they let you borrow it because it's big business for them. For them, not for you. But it's just my two cents.

    Whatever car you buy, I wish the best and good luck.

    • Like 1
  6. How high the bribe is, always depends on the popo and your negotiation skills. In my opinion one should never complain when stopped for a good reason. Be happy to be able to pay your way out of it as it could end in a worse way as well..again depending on the copper. Of course I am not supporting corruption. Corruption is disgusting and its against my religion. But sometimes such things need to be done in the name of God.

    • Like 2
  7. Even if you were right and it was not your fault, she would have still blamed you. I remember last time I got into an accident in Thailand, the woman got out of the car after hitting my motorbike and started to educate me on how I should do this and that next time while riding so I would not get into an accident again. She was quick to make it clear that it was not her fault. I was about to put her into the trunk so she could shut up but the cops arrived.

    No matter what the case is, the first thing they do is make a statement: ahhh I have nothing to do with it.

  8. Soi maas dont have owners. That's why it's called street dog. Maybe it has never had an owner. Maybe it grew up on the street. Maybe they bark because that's how they communicate.
    Looking forward to be there next time you hit a dog.

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