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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I am sure these police guys in Pattaya are fed up with all the low life foreigners visiting. Just imagine dealing with dudes like that on a daily basis: one got robbed by a girl who happens to have a dick. The other ran away without paying his 90thb bill. Then a group of drunks got into a fight with some soi dogs.

  2. I have both Windows and Linux installed just in case so if I cannot run something on Linux then I can do it on Windows. So it depends on what you do on the computer. Some people still need Windows, some don't. It depends on your needs. The newest Linux versions pretty much run everything, and recognize and handle most hardware..printers, camera etc. On your Thinkpad it is possible to create and use a dual boot system, you need to decide if you need it or not. For Linux I suggest Linux mint 15 cinnamon.

  3. On a phone you mean? It is only possible if you are logged in and the phone is connected to the internet. There is an option somewhere in the phone depending on the model..automatic syncing. You need to switch that on so the mobile will automatically sync all data received to your email account. But that is like I said only if you are logged in to your account on the phone. It can be done with as many accounts as you need.

  4. I would need some advice regarding to what is the best place to go here in Cm for aftermarket parts and accessories for a cbr250r.

    Also, I am looking for a camera, that can be installed on the bike. Not helmet camera but those that can be mounted onto different parts of the bike.

    Thank you

  5. I believe those girls laugh because deep inside they know that about themselves that they are nothing else but a big joke. Besides the simple reason, many men do it and support them from overseas is because they are dumb, ignorant and desperate to find someone who loves them, without understanding the point that these things(dont deserve the title: women) are only after their money.



    no misogyny issues here, move along.


    she must have really hurt you mate, how could you have been so stupid.


    well you have my pity, thank you for demonstrating how badly damaged you are.


    you are in good company though, there are many before you who have believed others less than human based on race or gender.


    have you considered growing a moustache?

    None of what you ve written holds any truth or makes any sense.

    I have no problem with females, I actually love them and have a lot of respect for them. But I have no sympathy for people who try to advance by taking away from others..regardless of gender.

    But your smart comment was greatly appreciated.

  6. The owner clearly doesn't want to deal with the police. So tell him that either he reports it or you dont pay. Then of course he has your pport and he will say that he is not going to give it back to you. That's good..tell him that if he doesn't give it back you are going to go to the police station so he will need to deal with them anyway. So either he tells you the truth now or you are going to report that he doesn't give it back and he tries to scam you.

  7. Eventually you are going to be forced to use a program to dload videos as the downloading is illegal and those tricks like typing ss are going to disappear after a while. But they cannot do much against softwares created for downloading.

  8. so why and how is it 'fun'? we have lived in bkk for 7 years and it's much more relaxing to get a taxi anywhere than drive.

    Driving in Bkk is not fun at all, it is indeed fuarking annoying.

    But driving is a lot of fun otherwise. Either driving a car or riding a motorbike is fun and is full of joy. But if the question occurs to someone, why is it fun then I strongly doubt he will ever get it why it is so much fun. No disrespect intended but it's either you are someone who loves it or someone who just looks at vehicles as necessity and as a result you are not going to understand why they are so much more than that.

    Besides the Vios unfortunately does not fit into the car category. That is something that has been created to sell cheap so they can supply the masses that otherwise would not have the money the own a car. As a result every single piece of it is a cheap, soon to be not working piece which made the entire vehicle obsolete before it was manufactured.

    I used to have a Vios, finally I just got fed up with it and fed it to the pigs.

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    What the hell these people always do in the moat?


    probably trying to avoid a tourist as usual.


    sometimes i feel like grabbing one of these Chinese tourist on scooters, throw them against a wall, slap them back and forth and tell them to switch lanes slowly instead of just cutting over all of a sudden.


    the ones on bikes are worse,but the most annoying are them that just walk in the middle of the road ,and are impudent to the traffic.have to bite my tonque.jai yen yen.

    I dont find them annoying but I do feel for them as being impudent can result in getting run over.

  10. For what its worth I read an article the other day that said in the last 5 years Thai Household debt had risen 45 %.My Bank Manager recently  inferred the same trend. Thais seem to want new houses ,not second hand, and the lure of a new car seems a very powerful force. Students buy a new motor bike on a ridiculously small deposit and so it goes on. "Second hand" seems a cultural no-no here.

    That's true.

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