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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. When you try to solve a problem by making such moves as trying to shut down her business, you might solve one problem but you plant the seeds of others. My suggestion would be just make it clear to her that neither you nor your family is interested in her and her business. Therefore you do not tolerate one more ridiculous offer like the previous one that your wife could work for her or anything like that. Let her know in a respectful way about the same thing that you were always reminded of when in Thailand: you do not belong here, you are just a guest so act accordingly.. show some respect and leave your wannabe queen bee attitude at home.

    Regarding to business, let nature take care of it. Its her business not yours.

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  2. Unless you know what you are doing and have experience with it..your question clearly shows that you dont. I wouldn't suggest you to do it as it is a complex and difficult thing and you can end up losing a lot of money. Everything that is imported has to be approved by the FDA, not to mention customs who will do their very best to make money out of you.

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  3. If he wants his embassy to help him because that's what he said then why not go to the embassy instead of sitting on the road? That won't help much.

    But anyway, these stealing ass thai girlfriends are such cuties when they think they can do such things. I would bring the whole corrupt system down on them if I was played by one of them. Only out of respect because I am in their country so I need to follow their rules.

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  4. Gently ask her to spend her precious time with counting her brain cells instead of playing with the phone. Especially because the number of hours spent by playing with any kind of smart device and the number of brain cells are not in direct proportion with each other. The more you play the less you happen to have.

    No offense towards your girl. It is just the way it is.

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  5. How on earth are you going to meet up with other members.....


    You live in Nakon Nowhere.

    i live in Roiet we have a twice daily flight to the big smoke and I have 2 rather large motorbikes and a car or 2 ...or I can hire a buffalo to transport me from this back water ,,,I really don't want to sound sarcastic ,,but come on mate?

    One is told that he lives in Nakhon Nowhere, the other hires buffalos to transport him.

    That's why I read TV.

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  6. Thanks for the info. Ive been to that shop on Chiang Moi, didnt have any brands that I recognized from North America.

    Im looking for optimum nutirition whey, they always have it at GNC.

    Will try to find that other shop you mentioned by the coffee shop.



    Those GNC stores are still open however I dont recommend them if you are after supplements..there are much better and cheaper options. There are two big online stores, both ship to Cm for free. Or if you dont like ordering but prefer going to the shops, there is a thai girl who has two shops in Cm. One on the left side of the moat when you come from Saturday market. There is a coffee shop there, called Born2sleep. The supplement store is right next to it. The other shop is if you know where Mike's burger is..on the corner there you need to take a left. I forgot the name of the road. And as you drive down the road, this shop will be on the right side. She has a wide variety of supplements. Imported brands. Good luck Why I cannot like my own comment? Sent from one of my devices using the internet

    All the shops I have mentioned have Optimum whey.


  7. By killing that poor woman he ain't going to get his money back.

    So i am thinking maybe he just wanted to set an example. Failed with that too because people will not stop borrowing money from douches like this. And often they are not going to be able to pay it back.

    I will never understand how the brain of a douche works.

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  8. If you spend half of the year here, I would definitely recommend buying one instead of renting it. Especially if you decide to get a nicer bigger one instead of a scooter. In your case it's worth it more than renting. Then when you are back, your bike is going to be here waiting for you. And later, if you decide to, you can still sell it at a good price because a good bike always keeps its value.

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  9. Those GNC stores are still open however I dont recommend them if you are after supplements..there are much better and cheaper options.

    There are two big online stores, both ship to Cm for free. Or if you dont like ordering but prefer going to the shops, there is a thai girl who has two shops in Cm. One on the left side of the moat when you come from Saturday market. There is a coffee shop there, called Born2sleep. The supplement store is right next to it.

    The other shop is if you know where Mike's burger is..on the corner there you need to take a left. I forgot the name of the road. And as you drive down the road, this shop will be on the right side. She has a wide variety of supplements. Imported brands.

    Good luck

    Why I cannot like my own comment?

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  10. I dont understand these comments about this being a myth.

    These things happen on a regular basis all over the world. It appears in the media as well over and over again. Bodies are found with missing organs. People get convicted and are in prison for being involved.

    But despite all the evidence people still doubt the obvious. Funny stuff.

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