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Posts posted by roger101

  1. 1 minute ago, OJAS said:

    Depends on which Thai bank you hold your account here with. If Bangkok Bank (like mine is) it will be recorded as a foreign transfer in your passbook (coded FTT) since they are TransferWise's agency bank in Thailand. But rather less clear-cut in the case of other banks, it would appear.

    Thanks for that. I normally use my TMB Bank but I have an account with Bangkok Bank as well.

  2. As the previous topic was archived has anybody up to date news on a supply in Thailand. I know theoretically their not expensive.

    MDIndia quotes 22baht for 10. I did go into a small Fascino in Pattaya and ask for Mecobalamin 500mg but they couldn't find it.  I haven't tried the main shop on Pattaya North Road.

  3. I haven't tried the wall socket yet but I thought while I'm out I will buy a new one. On Lazada they look quite cheap. Does anybody know where in Pattaya that stocks them. I tried TUK Com this morning but nobody seems to have one or even knows what I'm talking about when I ask for a coaxial wall socket.

  4. On 12/25/2018 at 4:00 PM, KittenKong said:

    I'm surprised that Sophon didnt want to help: they are usually pretty good.


    Yes, I suspect that there is a bad connection in your wall socket, or possibly at the other end of the co-ax wherever it joins the common supply in the corridor (there will be some sort of splitter there). It could also be a break or kink in the actual cable in the wall, but that's quite unlikely.


    My money is on the wall socket. When I still used cable in my condo I also had to cut the wall cable back a little and remake the wall socket connection to get a decent signal.


  5. 5 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Will your condo allow a private sat dish?  Do you have view?  Believe True allows free access for basic Thai channels on DTH (with hope you will upgrade) so you would just have to buy antenna/box.  But I am not current on policy as have fiber system here in Bangkok and use C-band antenna to feed 6 other TV's in house using PSI/GMM box's.  

    I use to have satellite with ILIKEHD so the cabling is still there to the roof (and the old ILIKEHD dish) i think. When they packed up the signal (for Thai TV) still came through. It wasn't costing me anything and the local bars (50 Yards from the front door of the condo) showed the football so i was quite happy. Girlfriend when she was here had her Thai and I went out to watch the sports (especially when Spurs were playing).

    When that stopped I went to HDPrime for my sports and the condo cable feed for the wife and its that condo feed that we now have the problem with.


  6. 6 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Probably a good idea to wait


    Image result for drunk santa

    I must admit I haven't been like that for years.


    Just changing slightly if nothing else works does anybody know what the Basic (cheapest) True Package is (satellite). I've looked on their website but although they tell you about the top of the range they don't say anything about the bottom.

  7. 1 hour ago, KittenKong said:

    If everyone else's is OK and yours isn't then there is something wrong with the cabling between the corridor and your TV. Management and/or the cable TV company should fix it for you.

    I've replaced the cable between the TV and the wall socket and that hasn't made any difference. The signal still comes and goes. I suspect you are right about the cabling between the corridor and my wall socket. How to persuade the management to replace their cable is another matter.

    Would replacing the wall socket (which is old) help.

    I did pop into Sophon and they were not helpful at all.

  8. The TV feed in my condo is useless. I have complained to the management but they say its not their problem as nobody else is complaining. My 50 inch Sony is two years old and works fine. I only need Thai TV (for the wife ) but it means using my computer feed which means that I cannot watch my sports or even a DVD (I have a 27" monitor which is quite big enough for me when she is watching her soap operas).

    I don't want to go to True just for Thai TV ( I use 3bb as my Internet provider and HDPrime for my sports)  If my wife is visiting her family I have no problem I just switch from monitor to TV its when she comes back I have the the problem. I did think of an indoor Ariel but not sure if this would work enough. I live in Jomtien but I live on the opposite side of the building to Pattaya Hill.

    Any suggestions would be helpful. I pay the condo 300 Baht a month for the Cable feed (which I'm cancelling next month) if that's any help.

    Looking forward to all the replies. And a Merry Christmas to one and all. Or if your an American Happy Holidays.


  9. A couple of years ago I did notice a bottle in Friendship. I cant remember if it was called Low Calorie Tonic Water or Diet Tonic Water. I do remember it was a large glass bottle. As I don't drink gin I only noticed it because as I was looking for something else.

  10. After reading these posts I went to Big C Extra (Pattaya) to have a look Low and behold Smoked Peppered Mackerel (165Baht for 150g). They didn't have normal smoked. When in the UK I used to have Smoked Mackerel for breakfast.

    So this morning Smoked Peppered Mackerel. The tastiest breakfast I had in a long time.

    As I'm on a diet (Keto) I weighed the contents there were 195g in the package. (Casino French firm).

    • Like 2
  11. 11 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Is there a reason why you drink decaf?


    I have been drinking a lot of almond milk in Canada and can often find Almond breeze 1L milk for about 50 baht equivalent. It got me wondering, so I started reading about this particular brand (Blue Diamond) and it's pretty much confirmed that it has no nutritional value whatsoever. You may as well drink water.

    I'm on a Keto Diet (20carbs a day). So changing my Almond Breeze milk to ordinary milk would use almost half of my daily carbs. Been on it 2 months lost 8 kilos.

    The reason for decaf in the evenings is pretty obvious.

  12. I drink  a fair amount of coffee.  Moccana Espresso in the morning and Moccana Decaffeinated Gold in the evening. Just recently finding any Decaf Coffee has been difficult. I bought the last 2 on the shelf at Foodmart (not somewhere I normally shop). All my normal shops (Friendship, Foodland, Best, Fresh Foods  and Tops etc)) seem to have stopped stocking it. Whereas shops seem to stock a  large range of ordinary coffee they only seemed to stock one type of Decaf. Anybody know where I can definitely buy Decaf.


    As a PostScript to this any body know why Almond Breeze Milk (1 litre) has disappeared of the shelves, I can only find it in Villa now. The only reason I can think of is that the other Almond Milk brands are nearly twice the price.

  13. If by some miracle I manage to get my hands on 800,000 Baht (highly unlikely but you never know)  what would be the best bank to place the money.  I already have an account with TMB and Bangkok Bank but they are just normal accounts. TMB to receive my money from the UK (transferwise) and Bangkok Bank to pay my BUPA Insurance monthly (Direct Debit).

    I would be looking for a one year fixed deposit with instant access (to satisfy immigration) and I wouldn't be bothered about loosing the interest if I had to make a withdrawal.

    Suggestions please.

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