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Posts posted by roger101

  1. 3 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    It's moved to just the other side of Sukumvit, very close to the Highway 7 exit.


    Not actually visible in this street view photo which was taken before they moved, but it's the vacant shop between "Luxus" and the tourist information place.




    It now has parking which is a big improvement.


    A photo that shows it:



    Thanks for that. I will be driving down that bit of Sukumvit on Friday so it wont even be out of my way.

  2. Anybody know where the LG Service Centre has moved to. If its not in Pattaya anymore (which wouldn't surprise me) where could I order  a replacement tray for my fridge.

  3. 13 hours ago, notamember said:

    Theres one on the estate where i live

    Chokchai Garden Home 2,

    Soi 2 , opposite the swimming pool

    sorry do not know how to do google maps but its on there

    nice little shop, friendly staff, good selection of recent books and categorized

    went there the other day


    JK books 21/153 Chokchai Garden Home 2, Pattaya, Nongphuer, BANGLAMUNG, Chon Buri 20150



    Can you tell me what road your on (khoa noi or new plup warn). Sorry if the spellings wrong.

  4. After nearly a month I take it that Canterbury Tales is the only secondhand book shop in Pattaya.

    It wouldn't be so bad if the level of lighting was higher and they got rid of surplus books. The other day I counted 13 copies of James Patterson 'Sail'. They are never going to sell that many copies so why don't they dump them (or sell at a much reduced price to get rid of them) to leave space for other books and make searching for them much easier to find.

  5. Now that we have lost over the last couple of years ( Thai4life, Secondhand Books and now Star Books) does anybody know of any other bookshops that are still operating. I know about Canterbury Tales but I find it a nightmare trying to find a book with there almost nonexistent cataloging system.

  6. On 3/16/2017 at 7:22 PM, oldgent said:

    you can take that as a yes , not sure if you have driven on the Thai roads

    but if not then you can not comment on this

    I don't drive that much over here, apart from in-town on my bike. But I did drive the best part of a million kilometers in the UK. I always found that when driving on bendy hilly roads it was batterer to slow down when approaching a blind bend.

  7. On 3/13/2017 at 4:19 PM, oldgent said:

    not sure if the van driver was speeding but it certainly would contribute to the accident

    these trailer trucks are a menace on the roads they travel at a ridiciously low speed

    even if the van was doing normal speed the driver would have been caught out

    So in a country that has very slow moving trucks coming up to one would be a surprise.

  8. On 3/13/2017 at 10:44 PM, Grubster said:

    I sent some stuff here for me to my girlfriend, the post office sent her to the local customs office, they told her 3,000 baht, she said I only have 200 look here in my purse, they said ok 200.

    Many years ago at Don Muang I was bringing through a hedge trimmer for a friend.  The Customs guy said with a receipt 1,000 Baht without a receipt 500 Baht.

  9. On 3/13/2017 at 11:57 AM, NoBrainer said:

    As long as they are not Nuclear, I don't see any problem with them. The fiasco will start when Somchai spills his SomTam on the controls, and in the ensuing panic, the thing bottoms out on a sunken freighter.


    How much will it cost to bring in the foreign experts to rescue the crew and recover the wreck.


    On another note, I haven't seen any of those new busses roaming the streets of Bangkok yet.



    I saw 5 or 6 of them on the hard shoulder on Highway 7 on Tuesday.

  10. On 7/4/2016 at 0:48 PM, joskeshake said:

    when a farang have a win, its better not to go in person for having youre money,for example, i won 2000 baht and went to some office for my win, and they gave me 1840 baht, saying ,have to pay taxes, months later have win again 2000 baht and my lady went same office and returnes with 1960 baht, suprise suprise,what would it be when winning 5 milj ? ha ha

    Which ever way you were conned. 0.5% tax  is 10 Baht.

  11. On 3/12/2017 at 8:57 PM, elviajero said:

    I agree that the use of 'income' and 'earnings' are often interchanged. We could argue semantics all day long, but I am here to help people and give the best advice I can.


    I do not think it is right for OJAS or ubonjoe to claim immigration are asking for gross income when they have nothing to back up that claim/opinion.


    I was basically suggesting that applicants do not include the words gross or net so that, in the event that immigration mean net, they don't fall foul.


    When they ask for 800K in the bank they mean an actual amount of 800K. Common sense would suggest that when they ask for an income of 65K they want someone to be in receipt of that amount. The money in the bank/income is supposed to be the money the applicant lives on.


    IMO they expect people not to be working and in receipt of pension/investment income that is usually paid net of tax.


    As it stands all an embassy needs to provide is an amount that the applicant claims as their income.


    My advice is to keep it simple and assume the worst case scenario.

    I have an income (gross) letter from my embassy. At immigration they multiply that by the currant rate of exchange and if its over 800,000 Baht I get my extension.

  12. On 3/13/2017 at 2:09 PM, jikwan said:

    ive got serious plans of going to my bank in the morning and i ll soon

    see whats what


    btw, i wrote an email to the british pp office in england asking for

    a list of accepted thai banks/red flagged banks

    they refused to specify

    said i need to fill out a form and include photos etc

    They will accept payment from any British Bank Card (visa or MasterCard) it doesn't have to be yours. Just get a friend that has a card from a British bank and give him the Thai equivalent over here.

  13. On 3/10/2017 at 10:04 AM, alfieconn said:

    Good yield's,  probably averaging average 4-5 % rental yield p/a and capital appreciation 5-10% p/a over the last 20 year's.(Obviously this can't be a  guarantee  for the future)

    Not if your in the lower tax bracket


    Where has the Op said that all his properties are local.


    Everyone is exposed to exchange rate change unless their investments are in Thai baht, i take it your investments are not in Thai baht ?.


    Easy, OP just has to make sure he has Medical Insurance.



    For Op, be wary of advise from people who have sold up in the UK over the last 20 year's.




    With reference to the medical insurance. If you insure with BUPA before you are 60 they will cover you for ever. Providing you have enough money to pay the premiums.



  14. 1 hour ago, clockman said:

    Until the slander and libel laws are removed. Nothing will change. These were put in place by criminals, to protect criminals.!

    It's not the Slander or Libel laws that are the problem, you cant slander or libel someone if it's true.

    The problem is with the Criminal Defamation Law. Anyone can say they have been defamed and because it is a Criminal offense the Police investigate with no charge (financial) to the accuser. It doesn't matter if its true or false.


    On the size of the fine, when the law was passed (probably many years ago) 10,000 Baht was probably a lot of money but with inflation over the years it has been reduced to virtually nothing for a big hotel.

  15. I receive a private pension and the state pension on which I pay tax. 11,000 Allowance then 20%.

    When I die (not for a long time yet, I hope) my Thai wife will receive 2/3 of my private pension for the rest of her life. My question is, as a Thai living here will she pay tax in the UK and if so how much.


    While alive my pensions are paid into my UK bank and I bring it over as I need it. When I'm dead my pension would be paid direct into her bank account here.

  16. My wife wants to buy our condo. We rent at the moment. The owner at the moment is Thai but before that I think it was a Belgian. How do I tell if its a 'Thai' condo or a 'Farang' condo. If its a Thai condo we will put it in her name, but if a Farang condo it will be better in mine.

    When I die it will be easier for her if its in her name but if we want to sell before that it will be better in mine.


    Any advice on this would be appreciated.

  17. On 1/19/2017 at 11:40 PM, tjansen said:

    Hello, and thanks for all of the input. If this idea is helpful to anyone, here is my plan. In Ratchaburi, the officer said we could apply for the annual extension for retirement one month early. So I plan to go a month early, with my usual documents in hand, and if they say I need something else, hopefully I will have time to get it and make a return trip, on time. If I should miss the time and have to start all over, that is what I'll do. If they charge me any fines, I will smile and pay. A sort of meditation for me and conducive to peace of mind.


    Similar to Lungbing's comment.


    I have always applied early in case of problems. In fact I've only ever had one.  A couple of years ago they (Chonburi/Pattaya) suddenly said that my Telephone Bill wasn't good enough proof of address and I don't pay rent. So no rental agreement.


    After some time they agreed that my Driving License was good enough.  But the stupid thing is that my Driving License is based on my Certificate of Residence which is based on my Telephone Bill.


    Go figure.

  18.  My sister is coming to visit me next month and although she has been before we have never been to Muang Borang. What I need to know is the best way to drive there. Not necessarily the shortest or the quickest  but the easiest way.

    Thank you

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