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Posts posted by roger101

  1. I am not sure where to post this. So Rimmer please change if you feel the need.

    Last year (on extention of retirement visa) I was asked for the first time for proof of address . I offered a copy of my phone bill (normally used for 90 day) and was told it wasnt good enough. They asked for a copy of my rental agreement which I dont have as its a private agreement between me and my ex wife and I live there rent free ( she by the way lives in the UK). It was my 7th extention and had never been asked before. Eventually they settled for a copy of my Driving Licence.

    Which I though was strange considering that the basis for the address on the licence comes from my telephone bill (via a Certificate of Residence). Any way on to today.

    This afternoon I went to do my 90 day but was told this time I didnt have 90 days only 49 days and when I came in to extentend my Visa on July 2nd I should report to the 90 day desk again afterwards. This has never happened before either.

    Has anybody any ideas about the changes or was I just caught up in 2 officers whims.

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  2. For years I have had regular blood tests. My Creatinine has always been between 1 and 1.2. The last test a month ago was 1.2 this time it was 1.6. Could this be a hiccup.

    Should I go straight to the Doctors or wait a couple of weeks and have another test to see the results. When not going to the hospital I use a private clinic.

    If its any help the tests are because of my blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the drugs I take to control them.

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