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Posts posted by roger101

  1. I was watching the ladies golf last night (ilikehd) and at midnight it stopped. I know CTH closed at midnight but what happened to Fox Sports. Surely they (or ilikehd) knew it was going to happen and would have made other arrangements. Nothing is more annoying than watching hours of golf and then missing out on the last hole.

  2. On the Visa application form to the UK it says any children (Thai wife going to UK for holiday with me). Her only son is 18 married and has a daughter, does he have to be mentioned on the visa form. It doesn't say dependent children.

    I know this sounds like a stupid question but my first wife (25 years ago) had her first visa turned down for something stupid on the form. and I don't want any problems this time.

  3. Sautee them in a small amount of olive oil, for awhile, they will start to lose some of their liquid and get less slimy. I add some tomato paste, onions, maybe a little beef. It's not half bad.

    Max Valu and Foodland have the half Kojac/ half tofu - they are a better texture, when cooked are quite a bit like pasta. But I stopped eating them becasue the next day I would feel like something was stuck in my throat. Don't know what that was about.

    I was in Foodland today but couldn't work out what was Konjac noodles and what was egg noodles, any suggestions.

  4. It's a tool.

    You can use it or abuse it.

    I think I will try these to check out their mouth feel.

    Well did you try them. and what was the result. Also did you buy the 'wet' version or the 'dry' and where did you buy them.

    I am looking for a low cal/low carb filler. I do my own cooking and can always think of sauces or curries to go with it.


    Still waiting for somebody to tell me where to buy them.

  5. It's a tool.

    You can use it or abuse it.

    I think I will try these to check out their mouth feel.

    Well did you try them. and what was the result. Also did you buy the 'wet' version or the 'dry' and where did you buy them.

    I am looking for a low cal/low carb filler. I do my own cooking and can always think of sauces or curries to go with it.


  6. The "cheap clinic' is what it does. It takes your blood and when you go back it gives you the results. No Doctor, no advice just straight forward results and its up to you what you make of them.

  7. I went to see my heart specialist at ( cannot say hospital) on Monday. Had a blood test 3600 Baht. A couple of weeks ago I had (for my own peace of mind ) a blood test at Lifecare just of 3rd road. A much more comprehensive test which cost me 500 Baht.

    I know hospitals have greater costs etc than a clinic but 7 times the price seems to me excessive. I already pay 190 Baht to walk into the Heart Center ( where they take your blood pressure and temperature) and 600 Baht to see the Doctor.

    I saw once a detailed bill of charges where they charge for using a plaster for covering the wound caused by a blood test (3baht).

    Anybody have a better hospital to go to. I am happy with my doctor but just don't like getting ripped of.

  8. My step son is thinking of buying a mini van (Toyota top of the range, one year old) to do private hire (golf trips, airport runs etc) He reckons that he has enough contacts for it to pay.

    What number plate should it have (colour) and what insurance on top of the compulsory one that you must have for say a car or motorbike. And is there anything else that he should be aware of.

  9. OP not directly to your question however. You mention you don't recall much about visas as been long time ago.

    You mention your here on RETIREMENT. Just for interest what visa or extension are you on to live in thailand.

    Just sorted out my old passport. It was an 'O' visa. issued on the 19June 2006 at Hull. I had already produced Police Report and proof of earnings (savings) back in the UK. Arrived here on the 3rd July (stamp valid for 3 months). Went to Pattaya Imm before it ran out.

    My visa was dated at Pattaya Imm to run to the 2nd July 2007 and is stamped Retirement.

    When you fill the application form for your extension to stay you are asked the reason for staying and you put retirement.

    Hope this helps.

  10. you have to make a report to local immigration office on the 90th day of stay in Thailand, and then every 90 day following that, if an exit from Thailand is made the clock/ day count stops, and the 90days have a fresh start on re-entry which is day one.

    each entry made to Thailand during the validity period will give a fresh 1 year permission to stay stamp ( as posted in post #3 )

    Sorry about my ignorance, does this mean that if he goes and comes on a regular basis the visa will stay currant for years if he comes back every year. IE He wont have to change to a Retirement visa until he is good and ready.

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