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Posts posted by roger101

  1. My step son is thinking of buying a mini van (Toyota top of the range, one year old) to do private hire (golf trips, airport runs etc) He reckons that he has enough contacts for it to pay.

    What number plate should it have (colour) and what insurance on top of the compulsory one that you must have for say a car or motorbike. And is there anything else that he should be aware of.

  2. OP not directly to your question however. You mention you don't recall much about visas as been long time ago.

    You mention your here on RETIREMENT. Just for interest what visa or extension are you on to live in thailand.

    Just sorted out my old passport. It was an 'O' visa. issued on the 19June 2006 at Hull. I had already produced Police Report and proof of earnings (savings) back in the UK. Arrived here on the 3rd July (stamp valid for 3 months). Went to Pattaya Imm before it ran out.

    My visa was dated at Pattaya Imm to run to the 2nd July 2007 and is stamped Retirement.

    When you fill the application form for your extension to stay you are asked the reason for staying and you put retirement.

    Hope this helps.

  3. you have to make a report to local immigration office on the 90th day of stay in Thailand, and then every 90 day following that, if an exit from Thailand is made the clock/ day count stops, and the 90days have a fresh start on re-entry which is day one.

    each entry made to Thailand during the validity period will give a fresh 1 year permission to stay stamp ( as posted in post #3 )

    Sorry about my ignorance, does this mean that if he goes and comes on a regular basis the visa will stay currant for years if he comes back every year. IE He wont have to change to a Retirement visa until he is good and ready.

  4. I've been wearing an aid for about 10 years and have a profound hearing loss. Only in one ear as the other ear is about dead. Overall it sucks big time but I'm deaf without.

    My aids are provided by the US Veterans Admin so I'm very lucky in that respect.

    I have 3 right ear aids worn behind the ear and prefer the Bernafon for the sound quality but here in Thailand, sweating is a problem. They are not very water resistant and so every few months I have to send them in to be fixed because the sweat has rusted the internals. Sometimes I remember to switch to the Phonak brand aid when I expect to be sweating as it is unaffected (so far) from sweat.

    I mention this because if you're shopping for hearing aids you may want to take that into consideration.

    How do you find the Phonak HA and what was the model and what cost. I am going to have to replace my hearing aids (Widex basic 50,000 baht the pair). They are just not powerful enough now.. The first one I had were Widex (2800 Pounds the pair in 1999) which my company paid for. Since retireing here my next ones were much more basic. So I am now having to replace them but I wont to make sure I buy the right ones. Any information would be helpful.


    PS I used to know a girl years ago who sold HA, she gave up after a few months as the lying was too much for her. One of the reasons I am trying to get as much info as possible.

  5. I want to buy a cheap wood panel to place behind my kitchen worksurface . The idea is when it gets splatterd with fats etc over the years i can lust replace it with another one.

    Anyone got an idea about the best place to look and the price.

  6. It is because of the "Me first" attitude that is bread into the Thais.The same reason that on a eight lane divided road with those stupid u-turns built into them,Thais will get into the right lane even though there is a u-turn coming up because this is the "big boy's lane" then coming up on the u-turn disrupt traffic to go back into the next lane.Traffic is continually slowed by these IDIOTS. Re member it is the ME FIRST attitude here.

    I dont think its as much 'me first' as losing face.

  7. Why is it so B----y difficult to find information in Pattaya. What time do the fireworks start on the 28th. What route does the 1/2 marathon take etc. Some times you do get the info you need but only on the day or the day before so its too late to plan.

    When there is an event coming up a map, a schedule, a couple of weeks before would be very help full. Buffolo Roundup in Chonburi, where in Chonburi. Its all very well giving the Thai address but its almost impossible for a falang to work out where that is. Even Thais cant work it out , what chance do we have..

  8. I live in my ex wifes condo (no rent, no contract) . The last time she was here (she lives in the UK) she did a TM30 for me which I keep in my passport (first one, after 9 years). If I leave the country (on holiday) when I come back my departure card will be different to the one on the form. Will this invalidate my TM30 and if so can I do my own TM30 as possessor as my ex wife wont be here..

    As you're not changing the address that immigration have you registered at I wouldn't worry about doing it again. I was told by immigration that, technically, a new entry/stay requires a new TM30, but if re-entering with a re-entry permit it isn't required.

    Yes you are the possessor so you could complete the TM30 yourself.

    Thanks for that elviajero very helpfull.

  9. I live in my ex wifes condo (no rent, no contract) . The last time she was here (she lives in the UK) she did a TM30 for me which I keep in my passport (first one, after 9 years). If I leave the country (on holiday) when I come back my departure card will be different to the one on the form. Will this invalidate my TM30 and if so can I do my own TM30 as possessor as my ex wife wont be here..

  10. I have an old laptop and when I went to use it the other day (after 2 years) it told me to insert the windows me disk (which I cannot remember every having), Anyway does anybody have a Windows ME start up disk in their attic or basement or anywhere. I dont really want to throw away the laptop (although.its 15 years old) but if I cant get it to start I might as well.

    Heres hoping that that there is someone out there like me who doesnt throw anything away.


  11. If your getting an extention by the pension and money in bank route, the money can be put in the bank the day before it doesnt have to be there for 3 months. The pension letter has to be certified as true by your embassy.. This is to stop people setting up there own uncertified scheme. So if your pension was 60,000 Baht a month you would need 80,000 Baht in the bank.

  12. my liking would be every immigration in THailand works with the same rules.Now im 52 and dont have the patience anymore 15years ago..Also I didn't go there for attitude adjustment for my daughter.One day I will be gone and I know daughter will have problems the way(westernstyle) she is.I taught her to speak up if she thinks something wrong

    It should be obvious to you and everyone else on this forum that the combination of a pension and money in the bank should be exactly as they said i.e. the money in the bank should be there for three months. If not then anybody could set up a simple pension with a bank or broker paying as little as 5000 baht per month giving a total of 60,000 Bt a year and then put 740,000 in the bank for a few days days( by borrowing it from a friend perhaps) and then expect to get a yearly retirement Visa extension.

    It is true that some immigration officers are very easy-going and don't apply the rules very strictly and some do. You are at fault and my experiences that you should have everything strictly covered and it is quite clear what is needed for any type of visa. You should also know that in Thailand whatever happens you should keep your cool be very polite and nice whatever happens and you will never have any trouble.

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