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Posts posted by roger101

  1. stupid stupid 1000 baht fine it's had to be 10000 baht and police take the driving licence for good cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    The problem with fines here is that they were worked out many years ago when 1,000 Baht was a lot of money. This is why you see reports of eg A 500 Baht fine or 5 years in prison.. It seems to us that there is no logic in the difference, but if you go back 20 or 30 years a 500 Baht fine would have ben enourmous.

  2. My GF has been diagnodes with an underactive throid caused by a enlarged thyriod, She has been give a drug called Flunarizine which when I looked on the net bears no resembalance to any treatment for thyroid that I can find. Does any body have any ideas.

  3. I live in a condo that has Sophon cable but the picture is crap. I also have CTH which I use most of the time but there are some things on Sophon that I want to watch (eurosport etc) but with such a poor picture its not worth it. I was wondering if anybody here uses a signal booster for Sophon and if they do where did they buy it and how much.


  4. I am taking Xarelto (20mg) for Atrial Fibrillation. It costs just under 6,000 Baht for a months supply (from Fascino). Does any body know of a cheaper supplier. I looked online but the cheapest suppliers dont deliver to Thailand (or at least the ones I found). By the way I'm in Pattaya.

  5. I go there on a regular basis but havent been for about 3 weeks. I went yesterday, the place is empty (being repainted) and no information outside. The website is also finished.

    Anybody have any information, has it closed, moved? What happened to the 20,000 books? Any info would be appreciated.


  6. I was under the impression that originally the road was going to be a Toll Road (motorway) so motorbikes were forbidden. After it was finished it was realised that a Toll Road there would not work so the idea was scrapped. The signs were already in place and nobody has ever bothered to take them down. Coming from Pattaya Nua to the 7 also has a sign forbidding mtorbikes and this cant have anything to to do with a bridge or a sharp turn.

  7. I checked Lazada but their batteries are 2950 Baht. I found another site at 1390 baht but most of it was in Thai so that was out. One site I did find at 690 Baht but the shipping time was between 15 and 60 days (free shipping). So I thought if I could find it here it would be easier as long as its in the right price range.

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