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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Thailand is counting on it becoming yesterdays news on Saturday....and they are probably right.
  2. Gibber link was designed by humans so presumably the messages could be translated into English by a man made program.
  3. They are capable aircraft and cheaper than American fighters both in price and maintenance, these days nobody wants to rely on America, besides which... who is going to attack Thailand, it's another waste of money like the submarine.
  4. It really is a wonder anybody invests in crypto these days, not a day goes by without some scam being reported.
  5. I agree and all of those places have few or no well paying jobs for ordinary people.
  6. Perhaps they aren't allowed to go anywhere else.
  7. I was born in London but have lived in many towns, mainly outside the UK so I don't identify with anywhere.
  8. I agree, both over expensive rip off cities with problems of violence and homelessness.
  9. Of all the places in the world why would anybody want to go to NYC
  10. Strong walls make for good neighbours, the Atlantic ocean is a strong wall and America isn't even a good neighbour at the moment.
  11. Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
  12. It's been a miserable boring country for decades.
  13. The first tourist and he ends up dead in a cave.
  14. You think that's easy? That was a revolutionary idea, stepping out of the box so to speak, making a wheel and axle was another difficult step to master. wheeled vehicles are no use without rudimentary roads, they aren't much use in jungles.
  15. but who would want to?
  16. That's what Shaka Zulu thought as well
  17. Well just look at the Americans with their silly flags on every house.
  18. Corruption is everywhere, it's just better hidden in the West because there are consequences (unless you are the mayor of NYC protected by a corrupt president)
  19. I'll probably be dead
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