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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Have you been eating woke for breakfast? What gives you the right to demand that others use your preferred terms of reference?
  2. If you want to be pedantic about it they are called 'katoeys', Ladyboys is just the westernized version, Whatever term you use they are still transgender.
  3. but the brown envelopes have arrived at their destination, they can often reveal a prior misunderstanding regarding the military's needs.
  4. It's open at that time of night to serve long distance travelers and pi$$ heads.
  5. curiouser, and curiouser, his pistol had a head wound. It would seem that the author of this journalistic masterpiece had shared a bottle with the now widowed police officer.
  6. cos she's Russian and nothing better has come along yet. Luckily the cork was a good fit otherwise she would have lost her luggage as well
  7. Discretion seems to be a forgotten art these days, especially in the LGBT community, personal relationships are a private matter, no need to bore a disinterested public.
  8. From what one can gather from the story she must have had a level of control, she had no trouble getting him out of the room for instance, she wasn't physically hurt, this could be a case of post coital regret preceded by a misunderstanding. There are grounds for failed communication, American English, Chinese English coupled with Thai English during the police interrogation, certainly careful consideration is needed before locking someone up for many years.
  9. Bill Burr is the best, he even beats Rick Gervais, he just tells it like it is and makes it funny.
  10. I've no idea what all this means, why is it relevant and who cares anyway. A rusty bike fell over in China today but I don't know who it belonged to.
  11. It is are not raining here also. No,Thais are not very demonstrative in the family Nobody says good morning or good night or asks how your day was Sometimes something will happen in the family and you will find out by coincidence. I have seen family members return after a two year absence with no emotions shown, just a 'hello'
  12. Mirrors the Chinese-American diplomatic tensions at the moment.
  13. Yes, this is also happening in the West as well
  14. They aren't going to investigate the police, ministers, school directors and the military are they?
  15. Yes this is absolutely disgusting, without doubt I would have jumped in to help' I remember once while driving with my wife and MIL we saw the aftermath of a motorbike accident with a man lying in the road and a couple of bystanders around him, I slowed down to stop and both the wife and MIL screamed at me, "Don't stop! drive on!" I did as they said and asked why. "Afterwards you could be blamed, it was your fault, pay up, you're not a doctor, you can't help and an ambulance is definitely on its way, as a falang you should stay away from such situations, they can be turned against you". That shut my protests down. Several years ago a homeless man in Germany had died of cold on the street during the night, in the morning people were taking selfies next to the dead man before the police could arrive, disgusting behaviour seems to be universal. I also remember an incident where a young woman was sexually molested on a train in the UK and the other passengers looked away despite her cries of help. A tip from a psychologist who gave advice due to this incident, don't just cry for help in general, look someone in the eye and ask for help, he will respond and his actions will cause others to help.
  16. Surin province, we've had some decent rain this year and expect a decent harvest. At the moment the cold season is in the air, not cold yet but fairly cool, very comfortable.
  17. Nobody sings in a karaoke bar, they get drunk and croak, screech and howl.
  18. The most boring time of my life was living in the UK, I left 50 years ago, first to Germany and then after retirement to Thailand, I've never been back. I live in a rural village here, something that the average falang would describe as boring but to me it's wonderful.. My treat is an hours walk at 4:30 am then to sit in meditation at the lake side and listen to the monks chanting in the nearby temple as the sun starts to rise over the rice fields and floods the ornate temple buildings with light, after 19 years here it is still an exotic experience.
  19. Kind of funny but you had to be there. No sympathy for this idiot.
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