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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. You could have shortened that to just one word......awful.
  2. Yes, I noticed that but they weren't as large as the AFD, it just replicates the UK and else where, protests for and against immigration. I think in general people are just fed up with useless governments, inflation, financial hardship, falling energy security, high taxation, war and fear that the long held idea of the West's superiority is proving to be an illusion, even the much vaulted unbeatable Industrial might of Germany is faltering. To be fair to today's politicians it's a case of geopolitics rapidly changing, things have started to come apart in our comfortable world, even the Dollar has become suspect. I suspect this started with global warming, realization of poor demographics (what about my pension) and covid shut downs, we haven't recovered and the hope that things will get back to normal is fading.
  3. Not unlike why there are protests in the UK, its all about immigration, the whole of Europe is sick of it and the established political class aren't listening so people will vote for extreme parties who will listen, they have no other reason to be voted in other than to stop illegal immigration.
  4. 55555555 precisely, I couldn't careless where he is, or any of his royal family for that matter.
  5. A father worthy of the name.
  6. Only if he is taken seriously, laughter is the best defense.
  7. Why do some people still take Trump seriously?
  8. Perhaps they are just on a collection patrol.
  9. Well he is certainly a liar full of bluster and insultingly dismissive of anyone who disagrees with him, he also demands absolute loyalty and rejects democracy while showing admiration for dictators. Like Hitler, he likes a big rally full of sycophants.
  10. He presumably has a passport with his name in it, if not, why?
  11. Damsels in distress can get you shot or stabbed, I would take my glasses off and everything becomes a peaceful blur while singing a loud song to drown out the screams, she annoyed the gangster, no need for you to make the same mistake.
  12. Just an example of how large 37 trillion is 37 trillion seconds is 1,172,459 years
  13. Do you really think that a nation that makes new debt of 1 trillion Dollars every 100 days is a viable concern?
  14. Built on debt. The American 'empire' is collapsing, it doesn't matter which party wins, slowly, by stages, the USA is losing it's reserve currency status and therefore its international influence. The Saudis have just signed a 50 billion deal with China, payments will be made in Yuan and Rial not the Dollar. China will no longer buy oil from America, it's no longer buying wheat or soy from the US. The coming Brics currency partially backed by gold stands in stark contrast to America's 35 trillion Dollar debt that it can never repay, it has a fiscal deficit of 2 trillion Dollars which it has to finance with debt (bonds) but its two biggest creditors, China and Japan aren't buying, instead they are selling Dollar denominated debt. America will have to live within its means shortly and this will mean poverty and unrest regardless of a Dem or Rep government.When empires fail the results are catastrophic, in the case of the US it will be felt world wide, not just in the West but Asia's time has come, to the detriment of the USA and Europe, the centers of power are shifting causing new international alignments over which the US has no longer any power to stop.
  15. With Trump everything is rigged if results go against him, he is past seeing reality. Not only has he negatively divided America, he has wrecked the GOP, a party once known for down to earth pragmatism is now floundering between populism and reason. If he loses expect the same desperat court cases leading nowhere and hate filled speeches made to inspire violence.
  16. well then just post less
  17. You mean 'the beautiful wall' that the Mexicans would pay for or the Tarifs on Chinese goods that he thought the Chinese would pay instead of the American importer? those sort of things? Supporting dictators, dividing America, lying about election results and bringing democracy into question, making speeches that made America a laughing stock, threatening to disband Nato, a basis for peace, let's not talk about rape or porn stars, the old fool is an embarrassment for America and the Western world
  18. I have several Thai male friends in my village, an Abbot, building workers foreman, farmers, and an owner of a construction company. They are not likely to come round for a drink on a Friday night but when we meet they are genuinely pleased to see me and have told me that they regard me as a friend, indeed they have proved this by going out of their way to help me when I needed it. Younger Thai males seem to be reticent, reserved and sometimes surly although the young Thai women are more open and willing to exchange pleasantries.
  19. It's apparent that you are copying Trump's style of discussion.
  20. Now I've seen it all, a Trump supporter reading a book.
  21. Yes, times have changed, the era of coups has gone, the government / army has shafted the electorate efficiently as befits a powerful elite making coups obsolete. They are also wary now of international opinion, they went out on a limb banning MFP and got away with it but a coup would be the last straw. It will be interesting to see how they can reign in PP now, they'll not get away with a second banning and Thaksin with his politically honed instincts may yet throw in his lot with the PP at the next elections, that would be the death knell for the old guard, many of whom may not be alive to witness it. No system lasts forever and a new tide will sweep away the dregs; I think even the elites are resigned to that.
  22. The demure facial expressions trying to hide the fact that their pussies contain more cultures than a penicillin factory.
  23. Lot of Karens out there exercising their right to be outraged. If they couldn't do it online they would have to find a dry leaf to write down their anger for posterity.
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