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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Yes, the lack of discretionary money is a problem which isn't recognized by the TOT, the days of the free spending tourists are gone, high rents and mortgages, maxed out credit cards and high interest rates are the order of the day. We are in what the Scots ominously call, 'interesting times', lucky the man who has a strong door to close behind him.
  2. Both good sons of the leafy lanes of Surrey no doubt, one rich and well educated, the other a poor fool destined for the confines of an overcrowded cell, causality writes its story without an author but all stories end eventually and so nothing really happened.
  3. The pub closed and she was seeing double so it's only logical to rely on GPS. was she tested?
  4. I can't understand why anybody would want to delve into this subject deeply unless they are emotionally involved. Transgenders aren't really the problem because I don't come into contact with them, however what is annoying is that people are supposed to conform to 'tranny speach' or risk retribution, eg. the teacher who was sacked because he refused to use 'they' and 'them' to a boy? in his class instead of the normal pronouns, then there is the teacher at an all girls school who was rebuked for greeting his class with 'good morning girls', I believe one of them identified as a cat although they may have been trolling which shows how ridiculous this has all become. The backlash is on the boil and I am part of it, it has simply gone to far. If I identify as a lord and use this title I can be prosecuted for false use of a title and yet a man can call himself Mrs and we are supposed to agree with his disillusion. A man who has fully transitioned into a so called woman is just a man who has cut off his dick. Could a man who has sexual relations with a tranny woman thinking 'she' was a real woman sue for misrepresentation or even sexual assault? That would only be fair and would blow the hypocrisy apart.
  5. That's just the farang women, the men are still in bed.
  6. You get robbed, mugged or scammed in the West as well, especially these days, trying times. It made the news because they were Katoeys, who knows maybe it happened in his room, more likely than carrying 60k around with him but that doesn't look good on a police report.
  7. The ancients knew what they were talking about.
  8. I was referring to society in general, predominantly western society. Wokeness is destructive, the cancel culture is an abomination, it's like having a voluntary police state...."Oh you can't say that" why not, it's my opinion, deal with it or ignore it. If you say anything against Israel you are an anti-Semite, if you support Palestine you agree with terrorism, if you speak against illegal immigration you are a racist, if you don't like transgenders you are homophobic (who cares). The middle way has been lost, as soon as labels have been stuck all discussion has been ruled out, incidentally, regarding transgenders, for the vast majority there is no need for discussion, the gut feeling is against it and most will never come into contact with the small minority of transgenders anyway, their way, their path, was cut by causality, unfortunate but they have to deal with it, nobody can demand I bleed for the whole world nor do I wish to. I read about hard working families being homeless, old age pensioners freezing and hungry, that is important to me, not some mentally afflicted fairies in dresses, it's their path, deal with it or like that brave man Quintin Crisp turn it into a style instead of weeping, 'woe is me, nobody understands me". No I don't, I don't give a $hit, do your thing but stay away from me. Society has become weak, the people let wokeness put tapes over their mouths.... in a so called free society. They speak of tolerance for all things (which only undermines societal values, whatever they are) and pi$$ on the sleeping homeless in shop door ways. What about pedophiles, why not break a lance for them while you are about it, they have psychological issues which cause their perverse ideas.... oh no, too hot an iron for the snowflakes. There are real men and women out there working for society, it's hard enough, do we have to have the perverts around or neck as well? I fear the Gods have started to make us mad already.
  9. Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad
  10. He's just giving back to society.....and making a little profit on the side
  11. He can take comfort in knowing that he has made someone very happy,
  12. Whatever, nice of you to go to the trouble to provide URL's but I really can't be bothered, it doesn't affect me, I live in the countryside where there are men and women and the odd homosexual. I don't know any katoeys personally although I have spoken with a few in the past (never a westerner) and I have no intention of making an acquaintance of one, to me it's a fad in keeping with the general increase in mental illness these days, especially in the west, it seems everybody needs a therapist these days, it's quite alarming that people can't accept 'what is' in their personal lives, somebody else is to blame for this or that when really it is only causality, how one deals with life is of course also causal but it seems to me it was dealt with better in the past, more acceptance, more resilience. Meister Eckhart, a German Christian mystic in the 14th century once said, "He who carries his cross willingly will find in the end it is his cross that carry's him". I have opinions, maybe I'm an ar$ehole, it's what I do but I'm good with that.
  13. Now, now, control yourself. A homosexual's brain is wired differently, that doesn't make them uncomfortable with their gender, it just means they are attracted to their own gender. Trying to change ones gender is a whole new ball game, it just isn't possible, just because the exterior genitals can be remodeled doesn't make you a different gender, there are lots internally still missing, the skeletal construction is also different, my opinion is that it is a mental problem coupled with homosexual wiring of the brain. Anyone who has witnessed Katoeys in a bar situation can see that they don't act like women, they are just too extreme but that's OK, they don't consider themselves to be women, they are a third gender in 'Thai speak'. Western Transgender people want to really be the opposite sex and that is a problem for them because no matter how the 'new age' hypocritical forms of speech towards them is used, nobody really takes them seriously which is why they are so aggressively outspoken (male to female specifically) they want to force a gender recognition which most of us don't want to accept. So yes, a perversion due to mental illness which Separates them from homosexual people. Just my opinion, you will have your own of course.
  14. Actually there is a difference, katoeys refer to themselves as just that, not as women, they know they aren't although among themselves they use the 'she' pronoun. They have at least intellectual honesty regarding their chosen lifestyle.
  15. 75 with a wealth of live experience having worked and lived in many different countries, I have 3 children in 3 different countries and speak 3 languages, how about you ?
  16. At least I am honest and unlike you I don't patronize, you have your opinions and I have mine. I rather think that mine are organic whereas yours are possibly due to 'new age' indoctrination, whatever it doesn't concern me. Incidentally how far does your 'respect' go regarding pedophiles?
  17. Don't be such a snowflake. Respect is the wrong word usage here, politeness would be more fitting but politeness brushes cheeks with hypocrisy. Respect concerns admiration for certain qualities or achievements in a person. I respect my gay cousin who has been in a gay relationship for 40 years but that isn't why I respect him. He is a caring empathetic man who in his teens volunteered all his school holidays to help helpless, horrifically wounded men from both world wars who were permanently cared for in nursing homes, today in his old age he works with severely autistic children, he turned down a professorship at Oxford university in order to work in the social services, A real man of character in my eyes. Now why should I respect a man trying to convince himself and others that he is a woman? Of course I could be and am polite in the few times I have a conversation with them but I treat them as men and don't encourage them in their fantasies by changing pronouns or using 'they and them'. These afflicted men have the right to consider themselves women and to desecrate their bodies but I also have the right to remain in the real world and regard them as mentally disturbed men without saying it to their face of course (polite ). They, like the LGBT+, are a vociferous group who represent a small fraction of society and yet there are companies and organizations who bend over backwards for them, in talk shows it is insisted that false pronouns be used and grovelling apologies are used if that is forgotten, pure hypocrisy. We are on a slippery slope downwards with hypocrisy in general, one can't say the truth anymore because someone may burst into tears. Many years ago while shopping for dresses with my girlfriend in Germany I noticed a section marked up as 'voll (full) figure' instead of large, the shop assistant explained it to me; You mean fat, I said, the shop assistant actually blushed. In Thailand my dentist was expounding the benefits of implants as opposed to dentures, when I said that for the few years of life I had left the cost wasn't worth it she became most uncomfortable and her assistant stood with open mouth while my wife apologized on my behalf.....for telling the truth! I support Al Bundy (the TV series 'married with children') when he said, "Stop asking me if that dress makes you look fat, it's the fat that makes you look fat".
  18. Theft from a bar girl, makes a change, if ever there was a sign of a second coming this is it.
  19. Gorgeous or ugly they are just cocks in frocks as far as I'm concerned.
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