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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It's what's put in it that counts but the best looking man in town couldn't make his attire elegant.
  2. Too late, your tourists are struggling to make ends meet at home, wait a few years. From several economic programs it is speculated that the US and several other major economies are trying inflation as a means to reduce deficits, the general consensus is high rates for longer, a balancing act, just enough rate rise to cut away the fat but not enough to ruin industry. Cheap money, low inflation and low interest rates are a thing of the past. Wait until the real economic damage in China becomes apparent, everyone will have to hunker down.
  3. Send her one last message. You are going to report her to the police for attempted extortion and for deformation of character. Then block her. She can't do anything to you, no proof, if you had done all the things she said she wouldn't be writing to you, she would be at the police station. You have nothing to worry about.
  4. You are funny without being obscene, rare these days but it's probably due to your nationality and culture.
  5. That is obviously a huge problem that is destroying your quality of life. Thais know that most farang don't speak Thai and most Thais have, if at all, only a rudimentary grasp of English so mister would seem quite appropriate, better than "Hey you" which is sometimes used. Incidentally 'ajarn' would only be appropriate if you were a professor.
  6. I had my father/son relationship legalized by the court in Surin when he was just 3 months old.
  7. Stop assuming this is a law coming into affect 01 2024, and don't do anything to encourage the tax man like applying for a tax number. It is only half baked at the moment and probably nothing will happen, Thailand, like most other countries, is feeling the financial pinch and searching around in desperation for income to fill the coffers. European countries are either in recession or teetering on the brink of one, in America there is a credit crunch and fear of recession, China is a basket case and its downfall will affect not only the nations on its periphery but also big institutions in the west, the Russian/Ukraine war is adding to the negative equation. Typical boom and bust cycle, unfortunately the bust cycle that we are in seems to be getting deeper and longer this time. We are fortunate not to have to suffer the freezing winter in the Northern hemisphere so let us be grateful for that at least.
  8. Whatever, as long as the tax office in both countries think it's ok for me not to pay tax I'm happy.
  9. I think the fears of taxation on pensions of foreigners is overblown. Thailand has always had the right to tax our pensions but has never done so. I have correspondence from my German tax office from 19 years ago saying that they aren't taxing my pension because this is the right of the Thai tax authorities alone as I live in Thailand and due to the double tax agreement the German tax office relinquishes any right to tax me as I have no income besides my pension being generated in Germany. I have read in 'Bangkok news' that the new tax laws are purposely ambiguous and target those with businesses with a tax number generating income abroad. I don't have a tax number and haven't paid tax anywhere for 19 years nor have I been asked to. Before I got a letter confirming that I wouldn't be taxed in Germany as this was a matter for the Thai tax people I had to have a form filled out by the Thai tax office for the German tax office confirming that I had no other income except for my pension, they refused to do so because I didn't have a Thai tax number, they just weren't interested in my untaxed pension.
  10. I get a good German pension that is not taxed in Germany, that has always intrigued me until I looked at old correspondence from the German tax office, they state that they won't tax me because I live in Thailand and due to the double taxation treaty it is the alone right of the Thai tax office to tax me. I am assuming that they can only tax that part of my pension that I transfer to Thailand, the rest stays in my German account.
  11. If all else fails there are the defamation laws, casting aspersions on the honesty of the doctors diagnosis and on Mr T himself is not a good place to be.
  12. How about doing something drastic like not making waves then you won't get arrested. Anybody living in China know that they are living in a dictatorship, an individual isn't going to change that so why stick your neck out? Even in a dictatorship like China there are hundreds of millions of people who live a good life without being harassed. In the past in Eastern Europe the communists repressed Christians who went to church, the alternative of course was to pray at home, read your bible with your family but some chose to undergo arrest and deprivation, that's also a choice. As a devout, peaceful coward I say knuckle under and grow in the shade, sunshine can burn.
  13. Yeah, of course he did Some small minded people would think the news comes out of the TOT office.
  14. This will eventually affect America negatively according to many financial analysts on Youtube and could push the US into a recession. Europe is already tightrope walking with a recession so I don't see where all these tourists will be coming from. A worldwide financial turn down, inflation, broken trade links, and political tension is going to affect Thailand just as much, if not more, than the major economies.
  15. How many more civil servants are they going to have to employ to check all this, it's a quagmire but maybe the revenue department is attempting to build an Empire, the bigger the department the more important it is.
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