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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Life entails compromise and patience while always keeping in mind 'I may be wrong'. MFP has decided in this instance to die for a cause instead of living for it. Of course it may be clever political move, if they assumed that Pita stood no chance of being PM in this constellation no matter what they did then it is better to go down with all flags flying, to rise again later like a virgin birth, "Pure and resolute that we are, we, unlike others, stood by our principles." They may indeed be better at horse trading than I first thought.
  2. Well for cats it's a cloud or a glaring, the latter would fit well. It must have been funny but you had to be there (at a safe distance, out of high heeled shoe range)
  3. Oh come now, what did you expect, a 'love in' with the people? PT is being pragmatic, time to get back on the gravy train. MFP has learnt a valuable lesson, keep radical views under cover until you have the power to implement them. MFP is a party for the young to 40 year old's, Thailand is starting to get top heavy with the older more traditionalists section of the population, it's a waiting game, wait for natures cull and you too will have your gravy. Human nature being what it is I don't expect the idealism to last once the robes of power drape the shoulders of 'the peoples choice'. Politicians aren't noticed for their honesty, ethics gets in the way of business.
  4. I'm more annoyed by all these intrusive adverts on 'Asean Now', as soon as you get rid of one another one pops up. I don't understand it, I never buy online. 'That Expat Health insurance' one really gets on my goat, it's even half covered over by another ad, like they're lining up and can't wait to annoy.
  5. That might elicit the reply, '' Oh, are you as confused as me'', to which you could reply, ''Y'all knows ah wus jus jokin.
  6. Yes, there are many ways to mutilate a language, some endearing, others not so much. The American southern drawl I find just as obnoxious as the London accent of my home city, it took me years to get rid of it.
  7. He'll only come if PTP is in power and a watertight deal is in place otherwise the establishment would have to help him escape again, perhaps an important football match in China he has to see.
  8. In America one could just say y'all and grin stupidly.
  9. I think there would only be a problem if Prawit took the reigns but the media could always talk one up, whatever, the uncertainty is doing wonders for the Baht, its going from strength to strength.
  10. 5 prime ministers in 6 years, I don't think the UK should be used as an example.
  11. The world has moved on Sunshine, America isn't such a great place to live and hasn't been for 20 years or so, sensible policies, reality of expectations, and less arrogance has made Europe a far better place to live, certainly the likes of a bullying lying Trump would have long been tried and imprisoned for his criminal antics in Europe but inequality is Americas hallmark, whether Democrats or GOP rule only the wealthy have a chance, the rest can barely pay their medical bills.
  12. Trump is only interested in Trump, values? the man is a rapist, a cheat, a criminal and probably a traitor. A forgotten generation ? A generation who have lived on debt, way beyond their means, the 36 trillion debt is coming home to roost, they shouldn't whine with pathos, the American dream is dead, it is as it is, welcome to reality.
  13. You could call the others collateral damage, it's something the US excels in.
  14. Fact is that massive character defects in Trump have been exposed, he even rips off his own supporters, even his sanity has been questioned. His ignorance in trade matters has certainly been shown when he increased the trade Tarifs with China and declared to all and sundry that China was paying the Tarifs, of course the opposite was true, the American importer was paying the increase which was passed on to the American public. He questions Nato, global warming, COVID. He doesn't pay his contractors or his lawyers, he cheats banks and the IRS with false information. The man is a train wreck.
  15. Five people died either shortly before, during, or following the event: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes. Many people were injured, including 138 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months.
  16. No, he is just too old for the job in my opinion but he isn't a rapist, a thief, a conman or a traitor.
  17. They certainly thought they were, let us not forget people died and were injured in this 'harmless' riot. The real danger was the polarization and hatred that this brought about, doubt from the magas about an unbiased justice system, doubt from America's allies about the stability of Americas political system, ridicule even, America's reputation dropped to the level of a banana republic. Trump is undoubtedly the most decisive, and ignorant president America has ever had, in any European country he would have retired in shame.
  18. Every country gets the leaders they deserve, through inaction or ignorance, unfortunately America deserves Trump although not through inaction. I should think that most civilized countries would act with distaste towards him if he won the election, he is a danger to the free world and democracy. Biden should gracefully retire and let a younger dynamic person contest the election. Really, is this the best the USA has to offer, Biden or Trump ?
  19. Well police, firemen, nurses, doctors, airline staff, armed services, hotel staff, restaurant and bar staff apart you are correct, normally there should be no need if a company is well organized. I've worked in the office on Saturdays sometimes if an emergency arose and even offered to do a Sunday but even my boss would balk at Sundays, as he himself once said, "We aren't Japanese, there has to be time for the beer garden." You're right on the maths as well, a pensioner has 7 days holiday a week, that can cause confusion when considering the working population, which I rarely do.
  20. That's only 3 weeks plus public holidays, in Germany I got 6 weeks plus public holidays. Standards vary according to where you live.
  21. Politicians don't have souls and Thaksin is the placebo for the masses, riots aren't in the play book and yes they will get away with it (I hope I am wrong)
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