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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I'm reminded of an incident over 50 years ago in England, I was waiting in a long queue at a bus stop in winter, it was very cold. A motorbike flipped over just as it was level with the bus stop, the engine was still roaring as it lay on the road. Everybody rushed over to the rider who wasn't badly hurt and helped him away from the road to the bus stop except for one man who stayed with the motorbike, he picked it up from its prone position, sat on the bike and rode away. I collapsed with laughter at such audacity.
  2. I agree, the British government, no matter which party, has never overly concerned themselves much with the people they are supposed to represent, any progress made since the industrial revolution has been due to some very brave men and women who fought for basic rights under the threat of imprisonment or worse. British pensions are not a right, they are classed as a benefit. Luckily I spent most of my working life in Germany and get a good (tax free) state pension and company pension with increases paid every year no matter where I live in the world after retiring at the age of 58. I do get a British pension of 37 pounds a week. I haven't been to the UK for 54 years, they can keep their 'island home'.
  3. Actually it was California, Florida insurance is merely getting prohibitively expensive 2x-3x the amount normally paid. I don't live there so I don't care, just something I saw on Youtube.
  4. Pecker's testimony is more damning, anyway the hush money in itself isn't on trial instead the book keeping and falsifying records, paying campaign money for 'catch and kill', Pecker, Cohen and Trump.
  5. Sorry it's California but Florida home insurance is doubling and tripling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBHbUsttwa8
  6. In Florida many house insurances are not being renewed, a big problem if you have mortgage, no insurance, no mortgage.
  7. up till then they were paying for privacy. The Big Joke case made everybody nervous, time to shut it down.
  8. A vulva infection, where was the laser pointing? Try using a razor next time.
  9. Ah, keep the humming wheels of industry rolling. Nato probably inadvertently caused the war, 'keep poking the bear and see what happens' but I doubt they could have stopped it, wars are easy to start but not so easy to stop.
  10. London likes them.....if they buy expensive properties.
  11. What else would he say, "it's all above board but don't check my bank account"?
  12. It really doesn't matter if you're dead, a live appeaser or a dead hero....that's a tough one, I'll need my thinking cap.
  13. I thought the headline meant the taxi driver averted a disaster by leaving his cab, wrong again.
  14. I haven't got the air con on and I've been reading Winnie the Pooh in Thai to my step grandchildren, it gives one some strange ideas.
  15. I don't do anything like that, it would upset the dogs and I've always regarded the movements as a little ridiculous, especially if the wife starts moving as well.
  16. We would like to think so but perhaps May is having second thoughts about appearing when it's too hot, which is why it's called May, it may arrive or it may not, it may show up for a bit and then disappear giving April some extra days, it's what Mays do.....how like them!
  17. I think I feel colder at 3 am because that is when the body is at its weakest, many natural deaths and heart attacks occur around this time.
  18. I read that every one degree below 25C increases the electricity use by 10%. 24C is OK, in fact I wake up at 3 in the morning because I feel too cold and turn the air con off.
  19. That's why God gave us air con, in my bedroom it was 24C last night, even my dogs sleep with us, they howl until I let them in the room.
  20. He is farting in everybody's general direction, it's too scary for elderly supporters.
  21. Why is this news? It's like saying today will be hot......Let me see now, suspended pending a thorough investigation by their peers where it will be found it was all a misunderstanding and the lady will be sued for bringing the good name of the police into ill repute.
  22. more fool them, that's one way to ruin a holiday......"what did you see in Thailand"? "A jail cell"
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